《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Graduation


"High school is done, b/f/n! It's over! Isn't it great?" you ask.

"I know! I know! It's awesome!" b/f/n agrees, jumping up and down.

"Don't trip over all that excitement," Jay jokes, poking your shoulder.

You poke him back. "No, that's your job."

Jay raises his eyebrows and starts tickling you. "You want a piece of me, y/n?"

"Hey," you laugh. "HEY! Stop! I know—Hahaha!—ninja moves!"

"She says to the highly trained and capable ninja," Jay teases. "I—Haha!—Hey! No fair! Hahaha!"

"You started it!" you retort while tickling him. "It's your own darn fault!"

B/f/n is trying—and failing—to not laugh at the two of you. "You realize that y/n has to march across the stage any minute now, right?"

"What?" you ask between peals of laughter. "I can't hear you! Jay's tickling me!"

B/f/n giggles. "Fine. Dogpile!" she jumps onto you and Jay and knocks you to the floor in a heap. Within seconds, the three of you are all laughing like maniacs and trying to tickle each other without being tickled yourselves.

"HEY!" someone yells. "Earth to y/n l/n! You're up next!"

You, Jay, and b/f/n gradually stop tickling each other and extricate yourselves from the tickling heap. "Y/b," you complain. "You ruin all the fun!"

"You're up right now!" y/b insists. "Come on, go, go, go!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going!" you say. You quickly straighten your graduation cap and gown and finger-comb your hair on your way up to the stage.

"And, eventually, we have y/n l/n," the principal announces. A ripple of laughter runs through the crowd, and you blush, feeling suddenly conscious of your disheveled hair and wrinkled gown.

The principal shakes your hand and gives you your diploma. "Is there anything you'd like to say to your fellow graduates?"


"Well, one thing." You lean over and speak into the microphone. "High school was fun, but now I'm out of here!" You hop off of the stage and start sprinting toward the door, leaving the principal with a flabbergasted look on his face. There's a moment of stunned silence, then a round of clapping from your fellow students.

"Miss l/n! No running in the building!" the principal says into the microphone.

You stop, cup your hands around your mouth, and shout back, "I'm not running in the building! I'm running out of the building!" Then you take off your hat, throw it into the air, and skip through the doors.

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