《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Article On You Two


"Morning, o/b," you yawn. "Anything good in the gossip pages today?"

"I wouldn't know," o/b mumbles through his newspaper. "But the sports section has some interesting stuff."

You grab a folded section of newspaper and wave it in the air. "You know, I'd believe you, but the sports section is over here."

O/b flushes and grabs it from you. "I was just looking for the crossword! They always move it around."

"Mm-hm." Your brother is completely addicted to gossip columns, but he never admits it because he thinks it's not good for his image. "You know, you can let your inner gossip out every once in a while. Your secret is safe with me."

O/b rolls up his newspaper and swats you with it. "Scram, y/n."

You throw your hands up and head for the kitchen. "Okay! Sheesh!"

You're searching through cupboards for something to eat when you hear a strangled noise from the dining room. You sprint back in and find both of your brothers staring at the newspaper.

"What?" you demand, leaning over y/b's shoulder. O/b points to a column next to a picture of you and Jay kissing at prom.

After a recent heartbreak, most would have assumed that the Ninja of Lightning would never love again. However, this writer's sources say otherwise. He was spotted at the (name of high school) prom with none other than y/n l/n, a senior and this year's Prom Queen. Only time will tell if this relationship proves to be a true spark or just another minor fizzle.

Your jaw drops at the same moment that the phone rings. You reach over and pick it up.

The person on the other end starts talking before you can say anything. "Hello, I'm Diana Grace from Faces of Ninjago, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to appear on tonight's show—"


You slam the phone back down onto the hook, where it promptly begins ringing again. "How the heck did they get our number?"

Your cell phone rings and you pull it out of your pocket. "Hello?"

"Have you read the gossip pages today?" Jay screams into your ear.

"Ow! And yes," you reply.

"What are we gonna do, y/n?!" Jay panics.

"Ignore it," you say. "And for Ninjago's sake, Jay, quiet down!"

Jay takes several deep breaths. "Okay, I'm calm. Man, I couldn't believe it when I read that—I mean, Kai showed it to me. Kai read it first, not me! Have I told you I love you today, y/n?"

"Jay," you laugh. "You're a dork. You're an adorable dork, but you're a dork."

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