《Ninjago Perfect Match Boyfriend Scenarios--Jay》Prom {Part II}


"G/n," you say, trying to sound civil. "Why aren't you dragging my old boyfriend around?"

G/n snorts. "That loser? He was a waste of my time. We broke up months ago. I'm currently-" she gives Jay a flirtatious smile "-available. Why don't you just step aside and go back where you belong—with the losers?"

"Let's get one thing straight, g/n," you snap. "Jay is my date. We're a very happy couple, and you can't break us up, no matter how hard you try."

"You don't deserve him, y/n," g/n laughs. "Do yourself a favor and let him go before you get hurt. You're just a nobody." People are starting to notice what's going on. A small crowd starts to gather around you, Jay, and g/n.

Jay starts forward, but you put up a hand to stop him. "I can handle this." A few months ago, g/n's words would have reduced you to tears, and you would have believed that they were true. But not anymore. Why did you ever let this girl bully you?

You take a step toward g/n, and she backs off a pace. "You know what? I'm not scared of you. You're just a bully who thinks hurting others is funny." The smirk is gone from g/n's face. Instead, she looks...nervous.

"You really are sad, you know that?" you continue. "You don't have any real friends, so you have to hurt others and make them scared of you to get attention. You're pathetic."

You take another step forward, so that you and g/n are face-to-face. "Get lost." Then you push g/n backwards. She stumbles and sits down hard in the puddle of punch she tried to throw at you a few minutes ago.

G/n scrambles to her feet with a large, red stain on her white dress. "You'll pay for this, y/n!" she snarls.


"I doubt it," you reply.

Jay puts his arm around your shoulders. "You heard y/n. Get lost."

G/n glares at you, then turns and shoves her way through the crowd. In a few moments, she's out of sight.

You stare after her. "That felt good."

"That looked pretty good," Jay says with a grin.

You don't get to reply, because at that moment, there's a loud crackle from the speakers and your principal announces, "Students of (name of high school), it's time to announce our winners for Prom King and Prom Queen. Our Prom King is (random male name). Come on up!"

There's clapping and cheers while (random male name) heads up to the stage to be crowned.

"And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, this year's Prom Queen is—by an overwhelming majority—y/n (last name)! Come on up!"

The room explodes with clapping and cheering. "What just happened?" you whisper to Jay.

"You won!" A girl grabs your arm and gives you a gentle push toward the stage. "Get up there, y/n!"

You make your way to the stage in a daze and climb the steps. Jay takes the crown from the principal and places it on your head.

The principal turns to face the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, this years Prom King and Queen!" And the room explodes with applause and cheering.

"B/f/n's never gonna believe this," you whisper to yourself. "I don't even believe it."

Jay picks you up, bridal-style, and kisses you. "Believe it now?"

"I don't know. Kiss me again so I can make sure."

You and Jay both laugh. This has been the best night of your life.

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