《》Mission Impossible


Alice was not that stupid to immediately go looking for the damn basement since she isn't familiar with the entire layout of the mansion. So when night fall arrived she made sure that there weren't any sort of sounds outside of her room before she poked her head out. She observed the long freaking hallway first to see if there were any signs of people walking around.

When she knew that the coast was clear she left her room and went down the stairs. It was currently midnight so it was impossible for someone to be awake at this hour. However it doesn't hurt to be extra vigilant. She explored the first floor from what corridor leads to what room, to opening the unlocked doors to see what's inside of the room. Whether or not it might lead to the fucking basement however luck was not on her side.

Alice internally screamed in her head you could feel her frustration from a mile away. She just quietly sighed and returned back to her room since it was nearly 5 am when she checked her watch. She didn't want to accidentally cross paths with the butler causing for her to be kicked out. Arriving at her room she laid back down on the bed to give her eyes some more rest.

The butler was touring her now around the mansion from the living room, the kitchen, the lounge, the entertainment room as well as the drawing room. However she already knew where these places could be found since she did explored the place in the wee hours of the morning. Though when they reached the very back of the mansion she saw a flight of stairs that was leading downwards.

She wanted to jump for joy or grin however she didn't do either of these things. Instead she opted to have a curious expression on her face as to not alert the butler,


"Mr. Black is it true that a ghost haunts this mansion every night?" The butler looked surprise at her question and barked out a laugh at Alice' statement.

"Miss the mansion isn't being haunted by any ghost and are just rumors made by people since when you look at the mansion at night it looks like a haunted house." The butler told Alice while wiping his eyes. Alice gave a sheepish smile and pretended to be embarrassed.

"Is that so...I'm really sorry about asking that silly question. It just intrigued me that there was a possibility of seeing a ghost here." Mr. Black merely waved his hand and the two continued the tour.

By the time the tour ended it was already lunch time so Mr. Black lead Alice to the dining room where food was already set. Alice' mouth was watering since the food look and smells delicious but she noticed that Mr. Burgess isn't here.

"Mr. Black where is Mr. Burgess did he already eat lunch?" The butler sighed while offering Alice a seat and pushing it in.

"I'm afraid that the lord of the mansion is not feeling well miss so he opted to eating lunch in his chambers." Alice nodded in understanding

"Does that mean that I can't interview him yet?" The butler shook his head and Alice let out a sigh to show her 'disappointment'.

Alice just ate her lunch while the butler was just there waiting in case she needed something. After eating she asked Mr. Black if she could go to the gardens at the back of the mansion. When he gave his consent she went over there and sat down on the fountain. Tonight will be the night that she would save the star eyed man she just prays to Tyche and the Fates that her endeavor will be successful. Unknown to her the goddesses heard her prayers and answered them which is quite rare for the divine to do but it seems that Alice is quite special.


When she saw that the time was 11 in the evening she made her move. She left her room and stealthily walked down the stairs and into the back of the mansion where the stairs could be found. She went down and she saw two security guards sitting there looking at there phones. Alice looked around for anything that she could use to knock them out she saw at the corner a pipe. She grabbed it and stealthily went near the idiots she raised the pipe and hit them bluntly at the head. The two immediately hit the table, unconscious.

She went over to the glass sphere and saw the man and he looked exactly the same as she saw her in her dreams. He was looking at her intently and Alice saw a hint of surprise as if he wasn't expecting her to come at all.

"Nice to see you again star eyed man." The man smiled albeit it was a small one.

"It is also a pleasure to see you again Alice White though I wish the circumstances in which we are meeting right now could be better." Alice just shrugged and looked at the glass and the circle intently.

"Do you know how I can break you out of this thing?" Alice asked since she has no clue where to even start.

"Just destroy the glass prison. Do not worry about the circle it's power has long since waned." Alice nodded she knew that the pipe would not be enough.

So she grabbed one of the guards guns and aimed the weapon at the glass cage. She knew how to use a gun since she took lessons on how to use it. A girl can never be to careful when travelling around NYC. Alice fired the gun 3 times and the glass broke a swirl of white and silver surrounded the man.

She was at awe she never seen something so beautiful however she quickly snapped out of her trance when she remembered she hasn't asked the star eyed man his name yet.

"Before you leave what's your name?" The man smiled while the vortex slowly engulfed him.

"I am Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares. I will not forget this kindness Alice White but for now I bid you farewell." After that the man-no Dream left.

She just chuckled and then laughed, she could not believe it she a mere woman just saved a God well if Dream was God. She returned the gun to where it was before as well as returned the pipe back to it's place and left the basement. Alice can't just eave in the middle of the night since she could be caught so she returned to her room and in the morning chaos would ensue. She can't wait to leave this place and it's horrendous people behind her.

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