《》Meeting Alex Burgess


"Are you sure about this sweetheart. You can still back out you know, what you are about to do is dangerous." A woman told Alice through the phone voicing her worries.

"I know ma but my concious would not be at peace if I leave that man in this stupid mansion." Alice said to her mother. "I have been having these visions for a reason and this is that reason. So please trust me and know this I WILL come back."

"Very well sweetie I will trust you on this but please...promise me that you will come back out of this unscathed?" Her mother asked in a pleading tone.

"Of course ma I promise." Alice told her with confidence and finality.

With that Alice ended the call and looked at the mansion in front of her. It was an old whimsical manor and it is obvious that it was very well maintained. When Alice was in front of the door she plucked up her courage and knocked on the door.

The door opened and a butler stood in front of Alice and looked at her in a bewildered manner.

"May I help you ma'am?" Alice smiled and presented her 'I.D.' to the butler.

"Hi my name's Ella Johnson and I'm a student of Cambridge University. I'm here for a project." The butler looked at the I.D. while listening to Alice talk.

"It focuses on the history of old medieval infrastructures. So I picked the Burgess mansion for my project." The butler's eyes widened at Alice's statement.

"Oh my...it has been a while since a history student came here for these kind of assignments. Please come in I will lead you to Mr. Burgess' office." Alice nodded in gratitude and followed the butler inside.


She memorized every turn and directions of the hallways that she walked pass by. So that if she somehow was able to save the man in the glass cage she knows how to get him out of this place. When they arrived at the office the butler knocked on the door.

"Enter" A raspy and weak voice could be heard from the other side of the door.

When they entered Alice saw a frail, weak and paralyzed man in front of her. He was sitting on a wheel chair and was looking outside the window. The butler coughed to grab the man's attention.

"Mr. Burgess there is a student who majors in history here to see you." The man looked at the butler then turned his attention to Alice.

"Ahhh it is nice to see one of you students again to grace my home with your curious minds and questions." Alice pretended to chuckle and shook the man's hand.

"The name is Ella Johnson I hope to see more of your home and learn it's rich history as well as the people who lived in it." Alice gave the man a smile and he reciprocated it with his own.

"A pleasure to have you here Ms. Johnson. The name is Alex Burgess the owner of this mansion. I would love to tour you around here personally but..." Alex looked down on his legs and Alice understood what he mean't.

"It's no problem Mr. Burgess I'm sure the butler over here can give me the tour of this place while I will come to you for my many questions." The old man just laughed and nodded.

"Please follow me miss, I will lead you to your room." Alice agreed and they both walked out of the office.


The butler lead her to a flight of stairs and to a long ass corridor. They stopped at a door at the end of the hall.

"This will be your room for the next few days of your stay here with us Ms. Johnson." Alice smiled and gave a thank you to the butler and entered her room.

Her room is breath taking it was beautiful but with a hint of coziness. It was just...perfect she placed her travel bag down and sat down. She gave a smirk and chuckled.

"I have to admit they are a cautious bunch I'll give them that." Alice thought to herself.

Even though they believe her little lie. She knew that they didn't trust her. The biggest clue was that when you turn right at the long ass hallway. You can see the master bedroom. So they placed her where the owner can keep an eye on her.

"What a clever little rat." Alice harshly whispered but this didn't really change her plans, she just needs to be extra careful.

"When night time comes that's where I'll make my move." Alice noted in her head and decided to lay on the bed to get some much needed shut eye.

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