《》Odd Dreams


I saw a huge castle in the distance it is absolutely magnificent and beautiful. The place screamed power and wealth however the castle in front of me lay's in ruins. It always has been like this everytime I dream I looked around the surrounding areas.

It always makes my heart ache, the land that I imagine was very lush and dense in greenery now lies empty and dry. That is accompanied by dead trees the scene I see right now looks like a scene from a horror movie. I tried to get closer to the castle but the scene immediately faded.

Then I was transported into a dark basement. There in front of me stood a massive sphere of glass surrounded by some wierd circle with words and symbols that I can't understand. However the thing the made me horrified is that there was someone inside of the sphere.

I ran over to it and I saw a naked man and he had the most beautiful piercing eyes that shines like the stars. Though oddly enogh he was looking directly at me...it's as if he could actually see me. I don't know why it breaks my heart that he was like this as if he was someone that is close to me. But this is the first time that I saw him.

"Hello? Can you see me?" The man nodded and I smiled.

"Then can you tell me where you are? So that I can help you." He looked at me with widened eyes as if the word help was foreign to him.

"I'm in a mansion here in Britain." I nodded and took note of it in my head.

"Who owns the mansion?" I asked

"It is owned by-"

Before he could finish his sentence the scene was starting to distort and slowly disappear. I was panicking and looked at the man.


"A name, please give me the name of the person who owns this place." I pleaded to him.

"Alex Bu-"

The scene disappeared and I immediately woked up. I took a minute and multiple deep breaths to calm myself. I got out of bed and went over to my laptop to search an Alex that owns a mansion in Britain. I know that this might take me a while since I only know the first name of the guy.

Add to the fact that there are so many Alex's in Britain that might also own a mansion. However I do have a clue of what his last name could be since it starts with 'Bu'. It might not be much but that is a start, thank heaven that I took my 8 months worth of vacation from work.

Otherwise this whole rescue mission could have taken me a long time to do before I could actually save the star eyed man from his imprisonment. Now I know that what I am doing right now is legit crazy. That I actually believe in everything that I've seen and heard in my dreams.

However I have been dreaming of this man and that ruined castle since I was at the tender age of ten. At first I also thought that it was just illusions created by my mind. However the longer that they kept appearing the firmer my belief became. That these dreams weren't just what my head conjured up, that it was a vision of someone thag is in need of help.

I do not know who or what that man is however I know in my gut that he is not evil but I would not say that he is good either. I feel that as long as you do not cross him he will leave you be. Make him an enemy and he will be your worst nightmare.


After a month of searching and multiple trips to starbucks for coffee I think I finally found the place and the owner that I am looking for. His name is Alex Burgess he owns a mansion in the countryside that has belonged to his family for generations.

Though what convinced me that he is the one that I was looking for are the rumours that his place is haunted. More specifically his basement, which where the sounds supposedly came from. I tried to find any pictures of the house's layout but nothing came up.

I guess this just means that I have to go there and somehow convince the guy to let me stay there let say... 3 days or a week at best. That would also mean that I need a cover story as to why I'm there. I brainstormed my head for a somewhat believable reason as to why I'm there and why I also need to stay there.

After hours of searching I finally had a euraka moment. For my cover story I am a student at Cambridge University and I am trying to become a historian that focuses on medieval infrastructure. That our professor gave us a project that focuses on the history of these structures and that we need to go to an actual medieval building in order to do it.

With my story intact it was just now a matter of getting an I.D. luckily I actually studied at Cambridge for my degree in English Literature as well as in Business. I grabbed my I.D. from the back of my closet and inspected it.

There weren't any major changes from how I look before and now so I won't be suspected there. I booked a flight to Britain for tomorrow it wasn't cheap but it didn't matter since I had the money anyway. I packed everything that I needed and plopped down to my bed.

"Just wait for me a little longer. I will definitely save you." I whispered to myself.

Right I forgot to introduce myself. The names Alice White I'm a book author and maybe in the future a soon to be owner of a small cafe. I'm 28 years old, single and have no plans in ever having a boyfriend. My mom is living with me and has been my biggest supporter into everything that I do.

My dad has never been in the picture but my mom told me that it was for the best since he was a douche bag and a useless son of a bitch. I am a nice and loving person but can become an absolute bitch of you mess with me. And right now I am about to do something that is so CRAZY that this might in danger my life. So uhhhh....wish me luck....I guess.


Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my fanfiction of the sandman series from netflix. I hoped you all enjoyed reading it and a quick reminder that this story will not be following the plot from the series. That's it and have a good day.

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