In Serial

Death's Dancer

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Author: Type:Male

Death’s Dancer is the most powerful supervillain in the world. Or at least she will be soon. As the newest graduate of the world’s only academy for supervillains, she has one month to prove her skills by terrorizing the city of Toronto and defeating its resident superhero, Fireball. Should she fail, the powerful organization that paid for her schooling will make sure she remains ordinary, powerless Delphi Dunn forever. But Delphi is well-armed with a kickass evil ballerina costume, the ability to mentally alter inanimate objects, and a love of the spotlight. It won’t be long before the city is trembling at her feet.

Death’s Dancer’s first day on the job starts with a bank robbery and a narrow escape from Fireball, and it isn’t long before she’s hijacking television broadcasts and blowing up buildings. But when Death’s Dancer’s crimes turn deadly, Delphi finds herself caught between her two identities. With time running out and Fireball hot on her tail, Delphi must decide if she has what it takes to be a supervillain. Hers is not the only deadly secret in the city however, and the choice might already be out of her hands.

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