《》Rose Walker


As Alice had guessed the morning after her little rendezvous with the King of Dreams and Nightmares. The whole mansion was thrown into chaos of course Alice pretended to be confused, shocked and worried to what was going on. The butler told her that she could not continue her 'project' here since the owner has caught the sleepy sickness.

She gave her condolences to the butler since no one apart from a woman named Unity Kinkaid has been able to wake up to this particular sickness. With all of that said she grabbed her things and left the place. When she was safely flying on the plane she laughed so hard and so loud that everyone looked at her liked she was going mad.

She apologized to the passengers and gave a breath of relief since she knows that the dream or the vision that she had when she was 10 was no longer going to appear since she already saved Dream. She was still in shock that she saved a divine being, she read in a mythology book that Dream or Morpheus is a powerful being and is one of the Endless. More specifically he was the 3rd oldest among his siblings the oldest being Destiny, Death, 4th Destruction then Desire, Despair and lastly Delirium.

When she got home she told her mom everything that happened and she was shocked and down right ready to have a heart attack. It wasn't a shock to them that many powerful beings exist since their family can claim their descent to Zeus. Honestly she wasn't surprise since the God was a fucking man-whore. There is also another divine being where she can claim her descent from and it is from Hera the wife of Zeus.

This shocked Alice when she first learned of this since it was so fucking rare for the two of them to have a child together since most of the time Zeus' eyes strays to many women immortal or not. It was pretty cool and amazing and I always pray and give offerings to the two and to my amazement they respond. It was either by a rumbling of thunder up in the sky or Alice can feel a motherly touch on her face.


What made her mother want to have a heart attack since essentially the dream king owes her now and that has never happened before and that worried the older woman.

"Dear are you sure that when the dream king left he wasn't angry or seething?" Alice shook her head and her mother sighed in relief.

"That's good and sweetie please use your favor responsibly, we don't want to make him angry." The older woman warned her daughter.

"Yes ma, I promise I will only use this life debt when I am in extreme danger." Alice promised her mother.

"Oh...that's right, Alice your friend came over and she was looking for you." Alice was confused for a minute until she remembered she only had 1 friend in this fucking state.

"Rose? Why? Does she need anything from me?" Her mother shrugged so Alice grabbed her phone and dialed her friends number.

"Hello?" A woman asked in the other line

"Rose hi, mom told me you visited the house is something the matter?" Alice asked worried that her friend might be in trouble.

"Oh no, no I'm fine and nothing is wrong I just wanted to invite for coffee and to catch up with you it has been a while you know." Alice laughed at Rose' admission.

"Really? Well ok text me the place and I'll be over there in a minute." She could feel her friends wide grin on the other side and that made her happy.

"Ok see you then Alice."

"See you later Rose." Alice hung up after that and went upstairs to change her clothes.

She opted to wear a semi casual attire and grabbed her mini bag told her mom where she was going to be and left on her car. She arrived at Starbucks she parked her car, got out and entered the establishment. Alice looked around to see where Rose was. Finally the woman spotted the 21 year old who was frantically waving at her.


She went over to Rose and gave her a tight hug. Rose also held on to Alice like a koala hugging a tree.

"Aunt Ava told me that you were in Britain last week. What were you even doing there?" Alice looked at her and was not sure whether she should lie or not.

"I decided to visit the country and go sight seeing it is my vacation right now you know. I was able to visit and stay at an old manor there. It was very beautiful and very vintage." Alice told her friend a half truth.

"That's nice, knowing you you need this little rest and relaxation since you are a certified workaholic." Alice snorted at her friends comment since she really can't deny that.

Heck she would not even sleep for a week just to finish all of the documents that needs her attention. She wouldn't even be surprised that even if every bone of her body breaks she would ignore it and just continue working.

"Well...you're not wrong there, speaking of me being workaholic do you still remember the first time we met?" Rose burst into a fit of laughter and fell off her chair.

Alice looked at her with a frown and clicked her tongue. Freaking hell did she really need to over react to her questions. When Rose showed no sign of stopping Alice kicked her friend on the butt and that prompted her to sit back down.

"What the hell is so funny huh?" Alice asked in an irritated tone.

"It's just that we met at this exact café and at the time you looked like an undead zombie." Alice just frowned however her face was bright red and that just made rose laugh even further.

"Oh shut up, I was still new to the company at the time and I had a hard time adjusting." Alice told her friend and that just made Rose laugh.

"Anyway, how's your progress on finding Jed?" Rose' face fell when she heard Alice' question

"Still nothing I'm planning on going to the foster care that Jed stayed before he was fostered to a family." Alice agreed since it was going to be hard to look for him without information.

"That's a good start I guess why don't I come with you maybe I can be of help." Rose smiled and gripped Alice' hand tightly.

"That would be wonderful...oh yeah I have to tell you I just got an invitation to go to Britain next month it's about a program my mother entered before she died. I'm going there as proxy can you...also come with me there?" Alice just smiled and nodded

The two stayed there and just continued to chat about everything and anything. From complaining about co-workers to talking about their plans to writing a new book. Not knowing that a pair of eyes were looking at them.

"I finally found you Rose Walker."

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