《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 19❄️


The screaming stopped, and the house was filled with ear piercing silence.


My mind went blank when I saw a gaping bullet hole in my left arm. I held my breath as I felt my own warm, thick blood trickling down my arm. He just shot me.

"Y/N!" My boyfriend's scream filled the house, breaking through the static in my head. Tears pricked at my eyes once again. As much as I wanted to scream, Sasuke made it clear that even opening my mouth would get me killed.

I squeezed my eyes shut, hot tears rolling down my face. My raven haired kidnapper sat me between his legs, naked, his gun in his left hand, my thigh in the other. His hands roamed my bare body, as I cried, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Looks like someone's here for you, kitten." He whispered into my neck. I did nothing but silently whimper, more tears streaming down my face. Unfortunately, he heard my cries and I heard a click as he reached for his gun. "Watch that mouth of yours, dear."

My shoulders shook violently as he tongue trailed up my neck. "Or I'll blow it off." He whispered, brushing the tip of the gun against my bottom lip. Shiro's footsteps grew closer, but Sasuke didn't seem to notice.

Instead, he was slipping his hand down my stomach. I could hear his whispers and dirty words, but they were drowned out by the distant thumping of my lover's feet. Just a few more seconds, and he'll be here.

The door burst open, and Toshiro ran in, panic in his eyes. I looked up at him, tears abundantly pouring from my eyes in relief.

"Y/n, where are you?" He yelled, breathless.

I'm sitting right in front of you! Can't you see me? My heart sank. I flinched as I heard Sasuke giggle from behind me. "You forget dear, I'm a criminal mastermind. You'd have to be some to even get a grasp of my practices."


My eyes widened at his remark. What luck. He continued on, setting his gaze on the panicked white haired man in front of us. "I use a little trick on the mind, called genjutsu. I'm not a normal human being, kitten."

He laughed, opening his mouth wide. Wrong move, Sasuke.

I pressed my palms flat on the floor, and pushed my weight upwards, creating a collision with the top of my head and his jaw. His mouth snapped close, causing him to bite his tongue. Hard.



I looked back to where Toshiro stood, and this time he was looking directly at me, trembling.


Toshiro's POV

There she was. Naked and bloody, sitting right in front of me. Her eyes were red, an array of bruises, hickeys, and blood visible all over her body.


I yelled, panicked, unable to move due to the horrid sight in front of me. The two others ran into the room, gasping at y/n's appearance.

She looked up at us, frail and teary eyed. This was the weakest she's ever looked, and it broke my heart. She opened her mouth, but instead of her silky smooth, powerful voice, something of a mere croak emerged.

"Shiro... Kisuke..." Her eyes trailed behind us and her eyes widened.

"...Hanataro..." She smiled weakly.

"C-captain Abarai..." Hanataro Yamada, 7th seat of Squad 4, whimpered. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes. From what I knew, Hanataro was one of y/n's mom's apprentices, and he had grown pretty close to her family.

"Welcome~" The black haired man soothes behind her. Like an idiot, I stepped forward to beat the daylight out of him. "I don't think that's a good idea, prettyboy." I held my breath as he lifted himself and y/n up and raised a shiny black pistol to her head.


My mind was racing. My girlfriend is standing right in front of me, but if I come any closer, she's dead. I turned to face Kisuke and Hanataro, my wide eyes rattling from the distress.

Kisuke stepped forward to me and faced the man. "So, your Itachi, one of the most wanted criminals in the country?"

The man loosened his grip on y/n, giving me the chance to slowly step forward.

"Wrong." A sinister grin spread across his face.

Kisuke let out a confused mumble, but stayed as calm as ever. "I was certain he would be here." The unknown criminal before us just laughed and smiled wider. "Oh he is~"

"I'm sorry but could you elaborate? I hate when people act blunt." Kisuke was now smirking, and a slight wave of relief washed over me. Kisuke must have a plan. But that probably went down the gutter with what the man said next.

"Why don't I show you instead?" He walked to the back of the room, yanking y/n along with him like a dog. He stood in front of a huge, sliding door closet, and slammed the door open.

Our confusion quickly transitioned into horror as a mound of disassembled skeletons came pouring out onto the floor. The man giggled. "Oh my~ what a mess. I'm sure he's one of these." He kept laughing to himself, and y/n stared at the remains of his victims, crying a river.

"What the—!" I yelled before getting cut off.

"Who the hell are you?" Kisuke bellowed.

"It isn't that hard to figure out~" He smiled and gripped y/n tighter. "My name is Sasuke, and Itachi is my older brother. Well, was."

"How could you kill your own brother? Didn't he mean anything to you?" I yelled, thinking of the relationship y/n had with her brother. Those two were peas in a pod, inseparable when they were younger.

"Of course he did." He retorted. "My dear brother, he had a way with words. He always told me that the only way to get what I wanted was to fight for it."

"And I wanted his title, so I killed him." He shrugged.

Y/n delivered a muffled scream of pain as Sasuke gripped her neck, his nails digging into her skin.

I grimaced, angry that I couldn't do anything without putting her life in even deeper risk.

Kisuke finally opened his mouth.

"Huh, I pity you."

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