《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 18❄️


"Y/n may not have much time left to be saved."


"Wait— so she was kidnapped?" Toshiro asked with a shaky breath.

We raced to the center of Karakura Town. The frosty haired captain ran on the empty streets in his gigai, alongside Mr. Urahara and I, who were running on the rooftops.

"I don't know. But we can't take the risk, in case she was. We're not too far, just a few more streets!" The blond shop owner had a look of frustration fixed onto his face.

This was really bad. From stories I've been told, Mr. Urahara almost always had a solution, and never fretted over anything. The man was a said genius! From the pit of my stomach, I knew his reaction meant this situation was more complicated than it seemed. Captain Hitsugaya picked up on it too.

"Kisuke, tell me what's on your mind." He looked up, a display of panic on his face. "Toshiro, I've been in the world of the living long enough to know what goes on. Gang activity, abduction, rape, you name it. Rarely anyone gets away with these things here, you know, with the police on top of everyone. Except for one man."

A lump made its way down his throat as he gulped. "His name is Itachi. He's always slipping away from the city's grasp. And the things he does..." After that, he stayed silent for a while, until Captain Hitsugaya barked at him. "Well, what does he do?!"

Mr. Urahara glanced down and saw the Captain nearly drenched in sweat, clearly letting his nerves get the best of him. He reluctantly replied.

"He makes them his sex slaves. Then when he gets tired of them, he kills them." A string of curses left Captain Hitsugaya's mouth as he ran faster. "That's not all, Toshiro. Itachi...he's a necrophiliac."


The captain was silent. We turned a corner, and kept running.

"Damnit, how long are we going to keep running?!"

Mr. Urahara ignored him and stopped running, I did the same right behind him.

"We're here."


-Possible Trigger Warning-

"Please don't do this." I whimpered.

"Ah, you must've forgotten, kitten, but I make the rules here. Now open wide."

His cold slender fingers hooked around my chin, getting a good grasp on my jaw. He harshly tugged down, forcing my mouth open.

His other hand was already working on the fly of his pants. From the corners of my watery eyes, I saw his member spring upwards.

My heart beated out of my chest, in the worst way possible, and hot tears streamed down the sides of my faced. A sickly musty scent from his member filled the air around us,

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed and thrashed around, my head breaking free of Sasuke's grip. My kidnapper's face went pale, and glanced back at the covered window.

"Shit." He muttered.

I looked up to see him walking towards me angrily, sending shiver down my spine. In one moment I blinked, and in the next, my head was turned to my right, and a burning sensation was felt on my left cheek.

"Listen you little swine." He growled at me, right before kicking me in the stomach, hard. "You need to learn to bite your tongue." He slapped my and kicked me over and over until he felt satisfied.

"You're lucky I didn't decide to shoot your brains out." He stood over me, his lips, once again, curled up into a wicked grin. "Besides, I haven't even gotten to play with you yet~" He grabbed me by my neck.

"Come now, let's go have some fun."




Mr Urahara froze and turned to Captain Hitsugaya and I. "That was—!"

"Damn right it was!" The captain ran around frantically, running to where the muffled scream had come from.

We found ourselves in front of an isolated housing unit. It looked the same as the first time, except I hadn't noticed the unusual amount of locks on the door.

"Stand back." The captain swung his arm back, most likely preparing to break the window. "Stop, Toshiro. If he hears us coming in he'll either kill her, us, or run. We need to get in silently." Mr Urahara warned him.

"And how do you suggest we do that? For all we know they might not be here or even worse—" He looked down.

"Don't say that Captain! I think I can get the window open for us." I pulled out a small blade from my pouch and twisted the bolts. They came unscrewed within seconds and were no longer connected to the wall.

Mr Urahara slowly lifted the window and placed it on the ground. "Good work." Captain Hitsugaya muttered before hopping through the open gap.

We followed behind him, walking swiftly but silently. "You two go upstairs, I'll check down here." Mr Urahara whispered before walking off.

The Captain and I peeked around the stairs, listening for any noises. We immediately turned to each other when we heard muffled whimpers and cries. "Its her!" The Captain yelled running up the stairs, blowing our cover.

The screams got louder and louder, and Mr Urahara appeared right behind us as we ran down the hall to a room with the door ajar.

"Y/N!" Captain Hitsugaya swung the door open. The room was empty. Dried blood was splattered all over the walls. We ran back into the hall, staying frozen to listen for Captain Abarai's screams.


This time it wasn't muffled, but loud and clear. We ran to the other end of the hall. Not wasting anymore time, Mr Urahara broke the door down, to find ourselves in the same room as before.

"What the— but we were just—" I was out of breath, and confused.

Our breaths hitched at the dreaded noise from the other end of the hall.


The sound of a gun loading.

"Shit— one of you stay here!" Captain Hitsugaya's voice wavered. I ran behind him to the other end once again, but it was too late.


The screaming stopped, and the house was filled with ear piercing silence.

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