《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 17❄️


"We're going to have so much fun, dear~"


I woke up feeling sore, in a cream colored room. It looked like nothing more than a normal living room. A TV, couch, and a table, nothing wrong with that. Well, except for the fact that I was chained to the wall surrounded by a bunch of men.

They all stared at me with big eyes, their chapped chalky lips curled upwards into devilish grins. They all looked no older than 25, but that didn't make them any less intimidating. I shifted slightly, and let out the most pitiful whimper when I felt a shocking pain throughout my body.

I turned my restrained neck slightly to see purple bruises on my cuffed wrists and ankles. My eyes flickered when I heard the men chuckling. "Look at our kitten, she must be so scared~" One of the men giggled. Another cut in and scolded him. "Quiet, you fool. She's not ours, she's—"

"She's mine of course~" A deep voice cooed.

I shivered as I saw the same black haired man from before step into the room. "Hello there, dear." He smirked at me, his onyx eyes boring into mine.

"Who are you? And why did you take me here?" I squeaked, intimidated by his tall, built frame. His smirk grew wider as he took slow steps towards me. He purred in my ear. "My name is Sasuke. Don't wear it out now though, you'll be screaming my name quite frequently. At least until I get tired of you, that is."

The men around him laughed, Sasuke joining in, several icy chuckles leaving his lips. "Let me go, please." I begged, feeling terrified and confused.

"Don't say such ridiculous things, kitten." Sasuke muttered. "I'll make sure you're having the time of your life."


Growing up in a noble family, I was always at risk of being kidnapped, but at the same time, I was always under close surveillance. I was never taught what to do in these situations, nor do I know what happens. I slumped on my chains, feeling like the helpless, uneducated child I once was.

Wasn't that Captain Abarai? Those men just knocked her out cold! Who is that man? Why is she even here?

They took her into that building, if I could just...


What are they doing to her?! I need to help the Captain! I can't take all those men on though, there are probably 20 of them! Agh, what do I do? I can't live knowing I could've helped her but didn't!

I know, Kisuke Urahara will know what to do, I'll go to him.

I'll be back, Captain Abarai.

"Are you uncomfortable, dear? Would you prefer to be chained to my bed? Maybe we can even have a little fun~"

More snickers filled the room as the Sasuke and his men teased and shamed me. My arms and legs were numb, the thick steel cuffs being the only thing holding me up. I just glared at him, and watched as he started to smirk again.

"Well? Are you going to talk, kitten?"

Oh yes I was. I was fed up. I had spent all my time until now begging to be let go, and their response was always in the form of degradation or fits of laughter.

"Fuck off." I spat at him, only getting angrier as his smirk turned into a full grin. "Ah, you have quite a dirty mouth, kitten." He hissed. When he stood up and towered over me, I knew I made a big mistake. His whole demeanor changed, and he looked rather annoyed now, and proceeded to turn back to his men.


"Why are you all still here? I'm about to teach this bitch a lesson, so scram." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife, twirling it between his fingers while staring at them. All of them were silent, until a blond guy piped in. "Come on Sasuke, can't we watch the show?"

"Tch, if you want a show go find your own damn bitch!" Sasuke snarled. The knife was no longer in his hand, but on the wall right besides the blond's head. Is Sasuke bipolar or something? The blond swallowed hard and nodded his head. "Sorry boss. We'll leave."

All of the men scurried out of the house, tripping on each other. Once he heard the door lock, he turned back to me and licked his lips. "Now back to your dirty mouth. Let me help you clean it, dear."

"Mr. Urahara! Please open up!"

Finally, the door slid open, and there he was.

"Oh, its you! What brings you here?" He said with a smile.

"Hello sir! Can I talk to you about something? It's really important."

He stepped to the side and gestured to the room behind him. "Why don't you come in?"

Now inside the house, Urahara said "We're about to start making lunch, but we're just waiting for y/n to get back with the missing ingredients."

Captain Hitsugaya appeared in the room, holding a stack of plates and bundles of silverware. He started setting up the table.

"About that sir, I think the captain was kidnapped."

A shatter could be heard, as Captain Hitsugaya dropped a plate, ceramic shards spread across the floor. "That's— that's absurd. Don't talk nonsense."

"Captain Hitsugaya, I'm certain it was her! She had the Abarai family markings on her forehead!"

The captain furrowed his brows and set the plates and silverware down on the table. "Then let's go and see— if it really is her then we have no time to waste!" He slips into his gigai and heads for the door.

"Hitsugaya, not so fast." Urahara stepped in front of him. "If this is true then we need to come up with plan. We'll only put ourselves in danger if we jump in with hot heads. Y/n is just as strong as you are, she can hold her own for a little while longer."

"Move Kisuke, I don't care about that. I know she can hold her own. But the sooner I get to her, the less she'll have to do so. " The captain raised his voice slightly.

"What did the kidnapper look like?" Mr. Urahara asked, ignoring the panicking Hitsugaya.

"He was really tall... forgive me but I didn't see his face. He had black, spiky hair though."

Mr. Urahara's face went dark. "Where did you see the two of them? Do you remember the exact name of the street?"

"I think it was Kamagasaki."

The door slammed open as Mr. Urahara rushed out. "Scrap what I said before. We need to go, now."

He adjusted his hat and started running across the rooftops of the housing units, Captain Hitsugaya running on the street alongside him.

"Y/n may not have much time left to be saved."

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