《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》❄️A/N❄️


Hellur, how is the story so far?

Okay so now that Reader and Toshiro have a new relationship (or do they mwahahaha😉), theres going to be some angst, and probably lots of smut.

I understand some people dont like angst, and I'm sorry I cant really put that aside, but I need it for character development :,).


If there is an "⚠️" next to the chapter name, that means there is upcoming smut. I'll try to break off the chapter where smut scenes start and end so you can choose to skip over it. Here's an example:

Chapter ##

Blah blah blah.


^signifies start of smut scene

(Smut scene)


^end of smut scene

(You can start reading again)

Blah blah blah.


Thats basically it, if you have any suggestions let me know.

I have a few chapters already typed in advance, but I like suspense, so I'll probably update again on wednesday ;). Until then please enjoy these precious beings:

Surprise!! I actually really love Aizen lol.. he's hawt, and he plays a big role at the end of the manga.

Look at these two gr8 boiz💙.


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