《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 6❄️


At the door, I saw a terrified Toshiro, with a broken glass of water, and a broken bowl of hot soup at his feet.


Taking in his surroundings with an icy glare, he saw my bloody, frail body, and a restrained Hinamori, captains standing all around her.

"What...what happened?" His voice was shaky, and his fists curled up in rage.

"We don't know for sure, Hitsugaya. But I would assume the Squad 5 lieutenant had something against Abarai." Captain Komomura blatantly replied.

Shiro looked back down at me, his cold stare sending chills down my back. He then faced Momo, and took slow steps towards her.

"Hinamori, I don't know why you did this, and how this would make anything better, but I don't want to see your face ever again. Get out of my sight." He faced Soi Fon. In one swift movement, two stealth force officers appeared and disappeared, taking Hinamori and her scrunched up face with them.

All the captains who came to save my sorry butt began to clear out. Byakuya and Sajin let themselves out, each giving me a worried glance. Shunsui let out a sigh. "Take care of yourselves." Then he vanished.

Shiro walked over to me, his eyes softening at my weak state. He stayed silent, and sat beside me as Orihime continued healing me. When she finished, I thanked her and escorted her out. Shiro was waiting behind me as I walked back into the empty barracks. "You still haven't had a drink. Come with me." He grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen. Sitting me down in a soft leather seat, he moved around the kitchen swiftly, and before I could even speak, he was in front of me with a cup of tea. "Here, I made it extra sweet, just how you like it."

I didn't hesitate to take the tea and chug it, completely ignoring the fact it was boiling hot. "Ow shit!" I whined, feeling my tongue and my upper lip slowly go numb. It was worth it though, his gloomy faced had sprouted a tiny smile.


"You dummy, drink it slowly." My best friend chuckled as he wiped away drops of tea from the corners of my mouth. I think now was my chance to talk to him.

"Hey Shiro, I just—?"

"I'm sorry (y/n)."

I heard sniffles, and when I looked up at him, his head hung low. Standing up, I slowly paced toward him and placed a hand on his broad shoulder. With my other hand, I moved his silver locks away from his face, only to see my best friend in tears.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him softly.

"I'm useless."

His words broke my heart. I could see more tears welling up in his eyes as he continued on. "Even when we were younger, all I did was put you at risk, always getting you injured in some way..." A small and barely audible whimper fell from his lips. "I just want to protect you for once, but why can't I do that?" Hot tears streamed down his cheeks as I stood there, not knowing what to say.

I've known Toshiro for years, but I've never seen him like this before. My mind went blank, and I just stood there and stared at him, feeling tears forming in my eyes as well. Scrunching my sleeves up into my palm, I reached forward to wipe his face clean. However, once my arm was a mere few inches from his face, he grabbed my outstretched arm, using it to pull my body into his.

My head landed against his chest, and his arms wrapped around my shoulders. He was a lot taller than I was, so when I hugged him back my arms were right around his slim waist. He buried his head in the crook of my neck.

"(Y/n)?" His soft lips moved against the skin of my neck, and I shivered.

"Yes Shiro?"

"I love you."

A small giggle left my mouth. This wasn't new to me, we always said we loved each other. I just find it really cute when he says it. "I love you too Shiro-kun." I hugged him tightly and smiled.


"No." His grip around me tightened. "(Y/n), I love you as a woman. I-I love you so much." I knew exactly what he meant by that, it just felt too good to be true. I pulled away and looked into his desperate turquoise orbs. "How do I know this isn't a dream? Shiro this is a joke right...?" The words just slipped out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. He flinched, obviously hurt from my stupid, senseless words. Yet, he said nothing, and just looked down at his feet, embarrassed.

By now my heart was beating out of my chest. I've had a crush on him for the longest time, and I'd just swatted his confession away like a fly. I tried to think of a way to lighten the mood and fix this up. Ding! A lightbulb went off in my head. It was kinda bold... no, it was absolutely, . But I wasn't going to back down, this will probably be the only time I have the balls to do it. "I don't think it's a big joke. I just need to make sure, okay Shiro?"

A ray of hope shone across his face. "Really?! How—?" His question was cut short when I stood up on my toes and pressed my lips against his harshly. It wasn't the golden first kissed I'd expected.

It was so much better than that.

My lips locked perfectly with his, like puzzle pieces. I took in his minty aroma, a comforting scent that brought me euphoria. I could feel my body melting on the spot, and soon enough I was so into it I lost my balance.

Toshiro's POV

Holy shit, she's kissing me.

Her full, pink lips are on mine.

My heart has turned into a ticking time bomb, ready to explode because of her.

I can feel myself drowning in her sweet, rosey aura.

But I love it.

I instantly returned her kiss, running one of my hands through her hair and holding her waist with the other. Is this what ecstasy feels like? Because I might just get addicted.

I could feel her deepening the kiss, and I loved every second of it. At least until everything came crashing down. Literally. (Y/n) started stumbling forward, and before I could keep her standing straight, I fell back, taking her with me.

(Y/n)'s POV

I landed on something soft, breaking my fall. I opened my eyes and looked up to see myself on top of Shiro, who was groaning in pain. "Oh my gosh Shiro I'm so sorry!" I cried in a panic. Placing my palms flat on the floor I attempted to push myself up off him, but he stopped me.

"No, stay here." He chuckled awkwardly as both our cheeks glowed bright red. This was embarassing, first I attack him like a hound with my lips and then I fall on top of him? I'm so stupid...

Not bearing to look him in the eye, I looked to the wall with my head down, obviously flushed. I felt his warm hand on my cheek. "Look at me, (y/n)." I turned my head back towards him, and could feel more blood rushing up to my cheeks. I couldn't speak anymore, my throat went dry again. He sat up and smiled at me with rosey cheeks. "Come here." I dove into his outstretched arms, feeling pure bliss as he babied me, nuzzling into my neck. I smiled to myself, knowing this was only the beginning of a new relationship.


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