《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 7❄️


It's been a few days since Toshiro professed his love for me. Since that transformative day, my relationship with my best friend intensified. When he was around, my heart raced uncontrollably, and a smile always made it's way onto my face. Shiro kissed me a lot, and could barely go a day without it, but that was no issue, we were always together.

But today, I was going to spend some time with my brother. I hadn't seen him since Hinamori was arrested, and besides, I missed him.

The soul society is really boring, so where do us soul reapers go to have some fun? The answer is simple; the human world. I loved it there, it was my go-to place for shopping, vacations, and hanging out with my friends. Renji had made plans to hang out at a cafe in New York, my favorite place in the world.

Looking around in my closet, I found the perfect outfit. It was a short grey dress that reached my mid-thighs. It was a slightly tight fit, but it hugged my body right around my curves perfectly. On my feet were my black suede boots, with heels that gave me an extra inch in height.

Thanks to my flat iron, my long (h/c) hair was silkily flowing down past my shoulders, ending right at the small of my back. I thought I was all ready to go, but sadly, I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror.

The black markings on my forehead stood out too much. Renji always left his out in the open, but they matched his character. Bold, annoying, and badass. I dug through my drawer until I found a black bandana. It'll look fine, as long as I tie it underneath my locks.



You know that irritating feeling when you've tried to make your hair look nice but it keeps getting messed up? And how you tear up and stomp your feet when you've had enough? That's how I feel right now. Whenever I tied my bandana, the hair by my neck kept getting tangled in the knot. I threw the bandana down onto my vanity and just decided to do my makeup first.


Glowing skin? Check.

Blinding highlight? Check.

Long dark eyelashes? Check.

Pink plump lips? Check.

Now all that was left... was that damn bandana. Before I could reach for that cursed piece of clothing, I heard a knock on my door. Quickly walking to the door, I popped my head out from behind the door, slightly irritated.

"I'm very busy so if you could make it quick—"

"Well excuse me.."

I looked up to see Toshiro, standing in front of me with a sly smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks heat up in embrassment, but I still tried to play it cool. "Shiro-kun!" I exclaimed, exaggerating the kun, pardoning myself for my prior attitude. I opened the door completely, and jumped into his arms. "Hello my beautiful (y/n)!" His long branches for arms found their way around my waist as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead. And then... he looked down. Seeing my outfit, he raised a brow.

"Are we going somewhere today?" Shiro licking his bottom lip, wearing a grin. I shook my head, and his expression dropped. "I'm going to that cafe in New York with Renji." "..Oh okay.." He tried to give me his puppy eyes, but I just giggled. "We can go out together next time, I promise. Now help me and hold my hair up."

His cold fingers grazed over my sensitive neck. It gave me a tingly feeling, and a whimper left my pink lips. "What's wrong (y/n)?" "N-nothing." I heard a chuckle, and following that was his long slender fingers running along my neck from front to back. "Why so tense?" He rubbed my stiffened shoulders. When I failed to respond, he nuzzled into my neck from behind and spoke against my flesh teasingly. "(Y/n)?... Hmm..." The moment his tongue made contact with my neck, I saw stars. He continued to drag his tongue along the side of my neck. "Shiro.. stop..." I whispered. "No." I nearly jumped out my clothes when he sunk his teeth into my lower neck, and began sucking on it. I squirmed around in pain, but let out an exhale of relief when he let go. He swiftly tied my bandana for me and playfully hit my rear. "I think that dress is a bit too short babe, but have fun~" And the cloud of white hair was gone.


I don't know what that was about, but at least I was ready to go. Well, at least until I looked over at my mirror again. Shiro, I'm going to kill you.

Where is my foundation? I looked all over my vanity but couldn't find it. Thats when it clicked. "TOSHIRO YOU DICKBAG I'M SO GOING TO KILL YOU." I knew he couldn't hear me though. The only thing I could do now is pull the neck of my dress up to cover the hickey.


"What's up doofus?"

"Shut up (y/n)."

My brother and I sat across from each other at the large, modern cafe, both with our favorite coffee in hand.

"How are you feeling?" He gave me a worried glance. "I feel good as new. Just a few scars on my stomach." Renji nodded, cleary glad to see that I was doing okay. His eyes darkened, and I knew what he was going to talk about next. "Hinamori's been sentenced to life. Captain Soi Fon's stealth officers discovered that there was communication between her and Aizen." I nodded in response. I've had the feeling that Aizen had a role in this.

As I readjusted my position in my seat, my dress began to hike up my thighs, so naturally, I tugged it back down.

"(Y/n) Abarai what is that on your neck?"

Oops. I ran a hand over my bruised skin and smiled innocently. "Renji, it was just my hair straightener. Calm your titties." His tattood arms crossed over each other, and a bead of sweat ran down my face. I'm in trouble.

"I know a hickey when I see one (y/n)." There were red flames in his eyes. I always appreciated when Renji was protective over me, but now I was getting annoyed.

"Of course you'd know Renji. Why else would Rukia's robes be tied so tight." I smirked, recalling seeing the same marks peak out from under Rukia's collar yesterday. I watched in amusement as my brothers face turned as red as his hair.

"Touché, but seriously, who gave it to you?"

"Who do you think, Renji?" I retorted sarcastically. My brother's face twitched in confusion before his eyes widened. "You got back with Izuru Kira??" He leaned in and whisper-yelled.

It had been made clear to me that Renji was officially brain dead.

"It was Shiro.." I mumbled under my breath.

"WHAT?" Renji stood up and yelled, gaining the attention of everyone else in the cafe. I covered my face, embarassed. I heard him apologize and sit back down. "What?" He whisper-yelled again. "You heard me Renji." I sighed.

"So you two are dating now?"

"Well... um..." I didn't know the answer to that question.

"(Y/n), he asked you out, right?"

Now that I think about it, no. Toshiro never asked me out, or at least even mentioned a romantic relationship. Looking up at Renji, I shook my head in shame.


"Remember (y/n), you can't kiss anyone unless you're dating them or you're married to them. It's wrong, and plus I'll kick their butt. Got it?"

"Yes onii-san!"


That conversation from 10 years ago replayed in my head. It was wrong. Why did I have to be so stupid?

Renji's burning glare didn't make me feel any better. "I'm disappointed in you sis. You better fix this soon before he messes you up."

"No commitment leads to unfaithfulness, remember that."

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