《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 8❄️⚠️


Soon enough, Renji and I were making our way out of the cafe. It was warm and sunny out, but I was gloomy and chilled to the bone. It was obvious that I was upset about Toshiro. Renji cleared his throat and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"You'll be fine. If you ever need support you know I'm here. Just don't do that again." I nodded and patted his back. "Thanks onii-san. I think I'll stay around here for a while. I don't feel like going back any time soon."

That's when a huge smile made it's way across Renji's face. "You know, there's a show called Phantom of The Opera on broadway? I heard it's really popular." A smile identical to his spread across my lips. "Let's go."


: 4 hours


"The pHAAAAAaAaAAANTOM of the opera is there..." My shrill, obnoxious singing could be heard from the other side of the world as we walked out of the theatre. I admired my phantom mask, an overly priced souvenir from the play. "PHANTOM JUST WANTED TO BE LOVED WHY DOES NO ONE UNDERSTAND?!" Renji cried out next to me, tears abundantly falling from his eyes.

We continued to obsess over the play until we reached the busiest, most popular area in all of New York. Times Square, otherwise known as 42nd Street. I practically lived here when I wasn't at the Soul Society. But no matter how many times I come here, the city never fails to amaze me.

The bright lights radiating off the colossal billboards lit up the pitch black sky, and the buzz of hundreds of people walking up and down the busy concrete sidewalks never failed to die down. Everywhere you looked, there would be a brand name store, a world famous restaurant, or lively street performances.


If only I could live here.. I wished to myself.



"Okay, prop your leg up on the ledge and look forward." Renji instructed me. I rolled my eyes and did as he said, wondering when this photoshoot would end. "Renji I want to go home already." Click. I heard his phone's camera capture my pose as I sat on the black marble ledge, the white light of the massive screens highlighting my face. "That one's going on my insta." The redhead smirked, looking at his phone. "(Y/n), take one of me for your post." I stomped my foot and whined. "Renji come on."

"It'll just take a second (y/n). We both know I'm just naturally photogenic." Fine, if he wants to be cocky, then I'll play along. "Say 'New York' in 1, 2...3!"

Looking at his photo, I burst into a fit of pterodactyl screeches. He looked like a whole cow, with his mouth wide open in the shape of an 'o'. "You're right Renji, I'm definitely putting this on insta." He smiled at me. "I told you, I'm just divine."




After parting ways with my brother, I walked into my barracks. As I opened the door I felt two arms snake around my waist. "Hello my wonderful (y/n)!"

"...Hi Shiro." His brows furrowed. "I missed you. Is everything okay?" He leaned in to kiss me but I awkwardly moved my head to the side, causing his frown to grow. "I'm all good Shiro, I'm just really tired, so I'm going to go to bed okay?" I gave him a fake smile.

"Oh, okay... goodnight (y/n)." He sighed, confusion evident in his eyes. He paced to the door and stepped outside. He was almost out of sight, until he turned his head one last time and said "I love you~". And with that, he was gone.


Dammit, I can't let him get to me. I thought to myself as I felt my heart ache. I really do love him, and I want to believe that he genuinely feels the same way, but I have to have patience. Don't pressure him, and just wait.

I couldn't stop thinking about him, and I stared into space, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until I was finally asleep.



It was a bright and sunny morning. I strolled down the paved path within the seireitei, with my hair left down, wearing my black bellbottom pants, a tank top, and my white captains vest. I sent warm smiles everywhere as other soul reapers greeted me, and slowly made my way to Toshiro's barracks. I was being too harsh last night, so I planned to apologize, and nothing more.

I quietly stepped into the barracks, hoping to surprise him.

"Ohh Shiro yes~"

Excuse me? I know those words didn't come out of my mouth. As I neared closer, two distinct voices got louder and louder, and I definitely knew who one of them belonged to. Soon enough, I stood next to the open doorway where the noises were coming from.

I almost couldn't bring myself to look, but I knew I had to, in case I was jumping to conclusions. I wish.

There he was. My first crush, my first kiss, my best friend. In bed with another girl.


Thrusting his length into a girl that I'd never seen before. Kissing her and biting her skin, leaving purple marks all over her. Talking dirty to her and playing with her body.

The sound of skin slapping and name calling and dirty talking was too overwhelming.


I tried to say something, but my voice had disappeared. I tried to walk away, but my shaky legs were glued to the floor. Tears began streaming down my face, as I felt my inner demon crawling up my throat.


I woke up, covered in sweat. The feeling of my own warm blood trickling down my lips as I bit them with my now sharpened fangs sent shivers down my spine. It was just a dream. I exhaled, clearly relieved, and slowly sat up to go to the bathroom.

After washing my face and cleaning the blood from my mouth, I went back to my bed, and just laid there. What the hell was that (y/n)? I whispered to myself. I was about to drift off back to sleep when my phone went off, snapping me out of my depressed trance. It was an unknown number, but I decided to pick it up anyways.


"Hi (y/n)..."

"Oh, its you.. what's up?"

"Listen, this may sound weird, but

are you free today?

There's something I

need to talk to you about."

"Yeah, I'll meet

you at the shack

in two hours?"

"Sounds good. See you later."

My head fell into my hands as I shivered.

This can't be happening.

Of all people, why did he call me?

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