《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 9❄️


Of all people, why did he call me?


There's no going back at this point. I quickly got up, stripped myself off of my sweaty, wrinkled clothes. The scar on my stomach was still there, and I sighed, running my fingers along the closed wound. The things I get myself into...

I stepped into the bathroom, and prepared myself for the day.

After putting my robes on, I dried my hair off and tied it up into high ponytail. I don't need to dress up all fancy, it's not worth it. Glancing at the clock I saw that I still had an hour to myself. Might as well go for a walk.

I walked down the stone path, this time in real life. It was cloudy out, not a single ray of sunshine in sight. I found my way down the path where all the food shacks and old wooden stores were. I smiled as people greeted me left and right, and eventually bumped into a good friend of mine.

"(Y/n)! How've you been?"

"I've been doing alright. What about you, Rukia?"

"There've been so many hallows in the world of the living, and I keep getting sent out to deal with them. It's tiring, but I'm surviving."

"Let me know next time you go. I'll make sure Renji goes with you. Speaking of which, how's my idiot brother treating you?"

"Once an idiot, always an idiot, (y/n). But it's okay, he's my idiot. How're you and Captain Hitsugaya?"

I choked on my own saliva when I heard that. "W-what do you mean?"

"Oh please, Renji told me everything. Did you talk to him about it?" She chuckled. "No, I think it's best to wait for him to bring it up himself. I don't want to force a relationship on him." I sighed. I looked up at Rukia, and her face was nearly unreadable, but it looked as though she was slightly disappointed in me. "I see. Don't let him lead you on though. He could be playing around with you." As much as I wanted to tell her she was wrong, she had a valid point.


Someone in the distance called Rukia's name, and with a quick hug she left, waving at me until she was out of view. It was nice to see her, I smiled to myself. Glancing at my phone, I realized I only had a few minutes before I needed to be at the shack. I quickly made a right turn and headed down the road to a large mahogany cabin.

The shack held old memories, and seeing it for the first time after quite a while made me feel nostalgic. Bittersweet memories of warm translucent tea, meaningful, emotional conversations, and sweet nothings...

It's too soon for this, especially after everything that happened last night. At this point I'm considering turning around and going back.

No. I know I'm going to have to talk to him sooner or later, so I might as well get over with now.

After my fit of indecisiveness, I grasped the faded gold handle and swung the door open. Instantaneously, the strong smell of black tea travelled up my nostrils, giving my body a warm, peaceful feeling.

As my eyes scanned the room, I spotted the person I was looking for. They clearly spotted me too and sent me a kind smile, beckoning me to go to where they were. As I neared closer to the table, I was caught in an embrace by the very person I thought I'd never hug again.

"Captain Abarai! How are you?"

"You know you don't have to call me that, Izuru."

Izuru Kira, my first boyfriend, as well as my first ex-boyfriend. We ended on decent terms, but that didn't make the situation any less awkward. A smug smile appeared on his face.

"Right, right. Sorry (y/n). It's just been three years since we've actually spoken, I wasn't too sure if it was being too friendly."

Still as sweet as ever, I noted. Just a shame it's only temporary.


"Don't worry about it. It's nice to see you again, I hope you've been doing well." I tried sounding as genuine as I could.

I could see a hint of sadness in his eyes as he smiled at me. "(Y/n), you've definitely changed since we've dated. You're even more charming than before, if that's possible." What? Is he seriously trying to flirt with me? "Izuru, flattery will get you nowhere. I don't mean to be rude, but can we cut to the chase? Why did you call me all of a sudden? How did you even get my number?"

A loud fit of laughter escaped his mouth. "You realize your lieutenant is my best friend, right?"

Shuhei. He's going to die today.

Despite the blood boiling in my veins, I sighed and said "Of course he gave it to you. But seriously, answer my question." His adam's apple bobbed up as he gulped. This can't be good.

"Alright so listen, I've been thinking about our past recently.. and I wanted to know if we could maybe.. I don't know... try again?" His large hand slowly slid on top of mine, and my brain immediately went numb.

Bzzt bzzt. The static noise in my head tuned out anything else Izuru said, and my eyes stayed fixed on his hand over mine. Feeling a pair of eyes on me, my eyes trailed over to the window on my right. Standing in the middle of the path was a tall man, with sunkissed skin. His deep turquoise eyes bore into mine, occasionally glancing at the guy sitting across from me. Then, he saw my hand under Izuru's, and his eyes suddenly turned a whole shade darker. He stormed in my direction, and I couldn't help but worry about what was going to happen when he made it inside.

"(Y/n)? Earth to (y/n)!" Izuru shook my hand, pulling me out of my trance. "Wh-what? I'm so sorry." He grinned.

"I'm asking you if you want to try dating one more time. After all this time, I haven't gotten over you (y/n)."

"But I have." I slowly pulled my hand away, as the gleam in his eyes faded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it (y/n), it's alright, really! Haha.." He scratched the back of his head and chuckled. I was too harsh again, wasn't I...

Before I could open my mouth to apologize, a sharp pain pierced through my wrist, followed by a tug. When I looked up I saw Toshiro, giving me his icy glare yet again. "We're leaving." He barked.

Even a slight turn of my wrist sent shocks through my body, and not the good kind. I was no match to a upset Toshiro. As I was dragged away from Izuru, I mouthed to him, I'm sorry. Yet he said nothing, nor did he move muscle. He just stared.

I'm sorry Izuru, I hope you find someone who loves you.


A/N- Hellurrr are you guys liking the story?? I personally think this story will have 30-40 chapters but we'll see how far I feel like going. I'm going to start working on another series of stories, based off of the anime Death Parade, and tie it in with BTS, so y'all should read them when theyre out (ps-you wont have to be a bts fan to understand it)


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