《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 10❄️


Toshiro pulled on my aching wrist for what seemes like an eternity. Soon enough, I realized we were heading to his barracks. As we got closer, I noticed someone rushing out the front door. She looked so vaguely familiar but I couldn't remember where I'd seen her. The woman approached us and bowed.

The minute she opened her mouth, it all clicked.

"Hi Captain Abarai. Hello Toshiro~"

She was the girl in my dream.

I could feel my blood boiling as Toshiro gripped my wrist tighter. "Please refer to me as Captain, 3rd Seat Haruno." The 3rd seat's smile grew larger at the Captain's recognition of her. "Yes sir! I'll see you later!" She sent him a wink and frolicked away. By now, I think I've seen enough.

"Toshiro, let me go. Now."

I attempted to pull away, but when a volt of excruciating pain shot through my arm, I froze. I started to see red blots in front of me. I need to gain control of this situation, before I turn into the unthinkable.

The silver haired man standing in front of me paid no attention to my demand, and continued pulling me into his barracks.



I brought my free hand to my waist and grasped the indigo hilt of my sword, and slowly began to unsheath it. I would never point my sword at Shiro, but this time, for my own safety and for everyone else's around us, I have to do this. "I'll go in with you Toshiro, but you have to let me go now, or you know whats going to happen."

He gulped loudly, knowing how I could be when I was in a fighting spirit. He slowly released his grip, but the pain in my wrist continued to send chills down my spine. Angrily, I shoved past him into his kitchen. I twisted the knob on the front face of his stove, and watched as bright blue flames came to life.


I haven't used fire manipulation in a while, especially not on myself. I turned my wrist in a few circles, instantly regretting it. I cringed, and let out a whimper. I had no idea Shiro was this strong. "(Y/n)-"

"Don't touch me!" I spat out.

What is wrong with me? Why am I being so brash?

"You're hurt.."

I rolled my eyes. Way to state the obvious, Toshiro. Haltingly, I held my good hand above the fire, and concentrated all my energy into my palm. I didn't need to use incantations anymore.

Soon enough, I felt the gentle movement of heat dancing along the skin of my palm. A small flame rested on my hand, flickering every so often. I pressed the flame onto my wrist, flinching at the burning sensation.

After a minute, my arm felt better than ever. I turned to face Toshiro, who was staring straight at me. "Why did you pull me away?" I sighed.

"Well, why were you with him?" He inquired.

"He called me randomly and asked me to meet up with him. I was a little surprised, but it's not like it was a big deal."

Shiro faced the floor, his spiky locks covering his eyes. "What did you talk about?"

"Toshiro, it was nothing. He was just reminiscing on the past-"

"(Y/n), what did he say to you?"

"He... he asked me for a second chance." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"What was your answer?" I could feel his gaze piercing through me. "I didn't even get to answer him, because your rude ass came in and yanked me away." I bickered.

"...What would you have said?"

"Why do you care so much Shiro?" I asked softly.

"Isn't it obvious (y/n)? Because I like you. And I thought we had something.." His eyes glazed over in dejection.

"I thought so too." I exhaled, scared for the words that were about to leave my mouth. "But I guess it was just a thing."


There was an abundant amount of hurt in his widened eyes. "What do you mean?" His voice was shaky.

"I saw the way she looked at you. She even called you by your first name. Toshiro— she came out of your personal barracks. Not the squad 10 barracks, yours."

My eyes burned with unshed tears. "I can't do this right now. I'm leaving."

I walked to the door, and as I stepped out, two arms wrapped their way around my torso, restraining me from moving.

"Stop it." I whispered weakly. He only held me closer and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Didn't you pay attention to what she was holding? I asked her to get my squad reports from my office. I would never, ever do something that low."

Now that he mentioned it, she was holding a stack of papers. But wait. What if this is his alibi?

I doubt it, I know him better than that. Still, he has his secrets.

Taking note of my silence, he spoke again.


"What.." I mumbled, still deep in thought.

"I want you to be mine."

I was at a loss for words. Okay, just stay calm and respond all cutesy and shy.

"How many other girls have you said that to?"

You idiot, I mentally slapped myself. Why can't I stop saying these things? I'm only making this worse.

"How could you say that y/n? After all these years you really see me as that type of person?" The hurt in his voice gradually turned into anger. "I've never once been a relationship with anyone because all I thought about was you! When other people asked me out I rejected them because all I wanted was you."

His grip on me tightened, and I realized he was telling the truth. It's not everyday where your best friend says things that could possibly ruin your relationship with them forever if they didn't mean it.

"...I'm sorry Shiro. I didn't mean to be bitchy." I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest. "I want to be yours. And I want you to be mine, too."

Suddenly he pulled me away, and just stared at me, eyes wide. His hands gripped my shoulders like there was no tomorrow.

"Do you really mean that?!" A hint of desperation was present in his voice as his lips curled upwards into a smile.

With a small nod of my head I reached up and pinched his glowing red cheek. "Of course I do."

Once again, his warm arms wrapped around my waist as he gazed down at me. "You're mine now, (y/n). Mine only."

Where did he learn to talk like this?! I mentally screamed as my face furiously reddened. Not knowing what to say, I lowered my head and stared at the ground.

After a long, awkward moment of silence, I felt his hand cup my cheek, and lift my head to face him.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered. Still unable to find my voice, I nodded.

The first time we kissed, it sent little jolts all over my body.

This time, I felt like I was getting struck by lightning repeatedly while being set on fire.

His tongue flickered across my bottom lip, making my chest ache in excitement. Slowly slipping his tongue in my mouth, I took the initiative to do the same.

This wasn't what I expected at all.

I'm not disappointed though.


A/N- hellurrr sksksk i'm lowkey feeling like discontinuing this asghdjf its so bad and i'm so disappointed cuz this isn't how I wanted it to be aghh we'll see what happens :,)

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