《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 11❄️


"Shiro, I'm not ready."

My heart raced inhumanly as I felt two cold fingers on either side of my hips, tugging at my black pants.

"Still?" The white haired male in front of me whined.

It's been 4 months since we've started dating. Since that emotional day at his barracks months ago, our relationship has climbed up the ladder just a bit more.

But Toshiro thinks we're already at the top. He's been hinting at me to have sex for a while, but I always shunned the idea. I'm not ready to lose my virginity, even when I feel extremely needy.

"Sorry..." I whimpered, worried that he would finally snap at me. But instead, I felt his warm hand on my cheek, and his lips on my forehead.

"Don't worry about it babe," He kissed my head.

"I'll wait for you for as long as you need."

To show my appreciation, I leaned in and pressed my lips on his. It was supposed to be an innocent peck, but when his cold, slender fingers ghosted down my neck, I lost control.

I instantly snaked my tongue into his mouth, and felt his slide into mine. My chest heaved, trying to keep my breathing at a normal pace. Fireworks appeared from behind my eyelids as his tongue explored my mouth.

Something stiffened by my hips, causing me to open one eye and peek down. A huge bulge was restrained in his pants, poking at me. I tensed up, nervous about this situation escalating. Shiro felt my muscles tighted uner his skin and let out a chuckle.

"You just had to be a tease didn't you?" He smiled at me, gleams of dissatisfaction in his eyes. "I'll be back in a bit." And with that, he walked off to the bathroom, limping subtly.




I spent the rest of my day feeling down in the dumps. I need to grow up and take whats coming for me (lol dirty jokes).

All things aside, I had a meeting at the squad 13 barracks today. As I stepped inside, I was greeted by a small flash of pink. "Y/n-nie!" A small squeaky voice shrieked.

"Hi there, Yachiru!" I crouched down to give the small girl a hug.

"Captain Abarai!"

I found my head between two large lumps of flesh. "H-hey Rangiku!" I laughed.

Fully entering the room, I let my eyes wander around all the familiar faces. Soi Fon, Nanao, and Unohana were three of the very few members of the Women's Association of the Soul Society.

Here, we never did anything serious. It was just a place for the handful of female soul reapers to hang out and relax. Captain Unohana was standing at the front of the room.

"I'm glad you could all make it! Please have a seat and we'll talk about upcoming events."

I took a seat next to Yachiru and Nanao, and anticipated the Captain's speech. "As you all know, next week is valentines day-"

Both groaning and giggles erupted across the room. I just stared at the floor, not knowing what to feel. Valentine's Day is a special day to be intimate with your lover. And by intimate, I meant sexual intercourse intimate (IF YOU'RE 18+ AND GIVE CONSENT OF COURSE).

"Yes yes, I know this is a sad time of year for some of you, but there are still plenty of people who celebrate it in this room." Everyone was caught off guard when Unohana started blushing. Usually she hides everything behind a semi-warm smile.

"Captain, is there someone you're hiding from us?" Rangiku raised her brow teasingly. Unohana shook her head furiously. "N-no of course not! Now let's continue, please."


All the girls in the room glanced at each other, smirked plastered on all of our faces. We were definitely getting to the bottom of this.

"Moving on." She continued, her calm and gentle voice returning. "I've organized a romantic night for all of us at that hotspring resort we went to for Soi Fon's birthday! We all have our own rooms, specifically, rooms for two." A giggle escaped her lips.

I could feel my breath shallowing as I thought about being with Shiro, in the same bed, surrounded by candles and rose petals, half naked and sucking face—

Get your head out of the gutter y/n, I scolded myself. There is no way im going to lose my virginity that soon.

"Make sure to bring your significant others for a night full of fun! That's all for today, thank you all for coming, and come to me for room keys!" Unohana walked away and starts to converse with some attendees.

"Bye y/n-nie!" Yachiru cheered as she walked out. Clearly this meeting wasn't for her.



"So, who are you ladies bringing?" Rukia jeered.

"Well you know I'm bringing Shuhei!" Rangiku squealed.

"Ugh, please Rangiku, I don't want to hear you talking about my lieutenant like that." I joked.

"Come on y/n, we all know you're bringing my captain but do you hear me complaining?" The busty ginger pouted. She got me there.

I felt the blood rising to my face as I blushed hard. My friends laughed at my flustered state, and I couldn't help but grin.

"Guys, I don't have to have intercourse with him yet, right?" I asked shyly, hoping for some consolation.

"Whaaat? Of course not y/n. There are plenty of other things you could do instead, like, you know..." Yoruichi sent me a wink.

I knew exactly what she meant, and it was a good idea. Sure, I didn't want vaginal sex, but that opened the door to dozens of other options. And I knew which one I was choosing.

"Alright... but how do I set the mood? I've never really done this before." I shuffled my feet.

"Leave that to us! I know just the outfit that'll leave Captain Hitsugaya, or any man for that matter, drooling like a hound for you." Rangiku elbowed me playfully.

"Stop ruining her innocence guys." Nanao sighed.

"I'll have you know I'm turning 20 soon." I huffed at her. I get that I'm one of the youngest girls at the soul society, but I'm not a middle schooler.

"Right right, I'm sorry. I keep thinking you're still 15." She pinched the bridge of her nose, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay girls, we have a week to prepare for the event. Shopping this weekend?" Rangiku asked.

"I'm in." I grinned, excited and nervous for what was to come. "I could go for some shopping too." Rukia chimed in. "I'll join too, if thats alright." Isane Kotetsu— lieutenant of Squad 4–added.

I have one week to prepare myself. With Rangiku's help, I know I'll look great, but will my actions be able to keep the mood in check?



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