《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 12❄️


Oh boy... I sighed as Unohana held up a thin piece of lace. "Captain Unohana, I can't wear that! I might as well just go naked." I shrieked, clearly flustered as she held out the lingerie towards me.

"Well then why don't you, Captain?" Rangiku winked at me, and I suddenly regretted even showing up today. "I want to look nice, but I don't think those kinds of things suit me." I exhaled.

After what seemed like hours of walking around the same store, I felt someone tug on my arm. "Captain, I think I found something you might like." A familiar voice whispered to me. I turned to see Isane holding up what I thought was perfect for me.

It was a sheer baby blue brassiere, which had a thin veil of blue silk flowing down from the bottom of the bra, made to cover the bottom half of one's torso. Also on the hanger, a matching blue silk pair of underwear. It was very plain, but I liked it that way.

I stared at the lingerie with big eyes, admiring how good it would look on me. "Isane, it's perfect!" I giggled and took the silk from her.

"I knew you'd like it, I also got one for myself." She blushed, holding up a lavender version of the same silk. It matched the pastel shade of her short hair, making it the most suitable for her.

After about another hour, we had all finished shopping, and headed to the Squad 4 barracks to show off what we bought. "Y/n!" Rangiku sang out as we sat in a circle. She reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of black lace. The weird thing is, the bra size it was in was way too small for her massive melons. That could only mean one thing.


"Look what I got you! I know you said you didn't like things like this, but at least try it. I couldn't help but think how nice it would frame you!" She giggled. I trust Rangiku and her fashion sense, so with a heavy sigh, I gave in.

"Fine, but just because I'm trying it on now doesn't mean I'll wear it for the event." I warned her, trying not to let a smile slip. Just as she was about to jump on me out of joy, Rukia peeked in.

"Guys... I don't know about this anymore." She whispered, hiding her body behind the door. "Show us!" We all encouraged her.

She shyly stepped out, wearing a plum colored leather bodice, pink tints painted across her cheeks.

"Rukia, you look amazing!" I cheered as the other girls agreed. She came over and whispered to me. "Do you think Renji's going to like it?"

I laughed. "He would be a fool not to like it, that's for sure."

Eventually, the girls singled me out and shooed me into the bathroom to get changed. "Make sure you try on mine first!" Rangiku hollered through the door.

I stepped in the room and stared at the black corset in front of me. Exhaling, I quickly slipped it on, and looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad. My brows raised in shock. Rangiku was right, it did frame my body nicely.

I ran out, excited to tell Rangiku. "It's not as uncomfortable as I thought!" I exclaimed. As I entered back into the room, I heard many oohs and ahhs. I smiled around the room as I received praise from my friends. "Alright, now try on the one we agreed on, Captain!" Isane handed me the blue lingerie.


Easily slipping it on inside the bathroom, I was back outside in a matter of seconds, modeling for all the girls to admire. I knew I would regret this later, but might as well let the excitement rush to my head while it can.

"Hmm, you actually do have fashion sense y/n.." Rangiku mumbled, gaining a few giggles from the others. I pouted and crossed my arms, eventually breaking and joining in on the snickers. "I really like them both Captain, but the final decision is up to you. Which one would Captain Hitsugaya like more?" Nanao chimed in.

I blushed, thinking of Shiro's reaction when he sees me nearly naked. He would honestly be happy with either one. "I think I'll wear this blue one. It's my first time, so I think it might be over the top to wear the black one anytime soon." I squeaked, still flushed over how he could possibly react.


Timeskip: 3 days


. I was extremely nervous to interact with Toshiro like this, but I'd spent days preparing myself for this. There were times where I almost backed out of the whole event altogether, but thanks to late night chats with Rangiku and Rukia, I never actually did.

I was still at my barracks getting ready. I still had lots of time, so I planned to relax in the hot springs with the girls before my thrilling night. I'm almost ready to leave when I hear my phone going off, and look over to see a picture from Shiro. He sent a picture of him in a white button down shirt and black slacks. Is this okay? His text read from under the photo. I smiled at my phone as I responded back: it's perfect. I'll see you in a while >3<

Before I could walk away, my phone went off again. This time it was an incoming call from Rangiku.

"Hey Captain, you ready for tonight?"

I let out a shaky breath. "Yep. I'm about to leave in a few."

"Alright. Remember, you look beautiful tonight, okay?"

"You haven't even seen me yet." I whined.

I heard her chuckle on the other end of the line. "I don't need to. I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay, see you." And with that, I slid my phone into my sweater pocket and left.


Timeskip: 15 minutes


I was greeted by some middle aged staff as I entered the hot springs. Everyone was already undressing in the girls' locker room, so I joined them. "Ah, I'm feeling so jittery." I shivered.

"Then it's a good thing we're at the hot springs. It'll help you relax before the main event." Rukia comforted me.

We all enjoyed our time in the hot spring, making jokes and sharing tips for later. Rukia was right, I really was able to calm my nerves in the bath. But time ticked way too fast for my liking.

Before I knew it, we were all back in the locker room, with 1 hour before the boys arrived.


A/N- Here's an early update to celebrate 1k reads!! I cannot express how happy and how grateful I am for you readers :) I can't believe I only started publishing a month ago!


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