《[OLD] ice ice baby - toshiro hitsugaya》Chapter 5❄️


"Ichigo... thank g-god..."


Ichigo's POV

Orihime and I were coming to visit everyone since I've recovered. But as I walked down the hall, I heard grunts and curses coming from one of the rooms. I grabbed Orihime's arm and quickly but silently paced over to the door where the noise was coming from. Through the keyhole of the door I saw quite a sight.

There was fresh blood on the floor, and standing before the blood was (Y/N), the Captain of Squad 9. She had a sword to her throat, and blood was dripping from her mouth and the gaping wound in her stomach.

"SHIRO HELP!" She yelled.

"One more time, (y/n), and I'll slit your throat." The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't pin down the person's name. I'd done enough watching though.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

At that, I stepped into the room. When I saw the guilty party's face, it clicked. She was the girl who worked under Aizen. Hinamori.

I swiftly nudged Orihime to get help. As she ran out, Hinamori began to cackle and (y/n) began coughing up more blood. "You know I could kill the Captain in under a second and yet you still chose to send that girl to get help?". I pointed my sword at her and her eyes widened. "Yes, you're absolutely right. But just know if you do kill her, I won't hesitate to slice you to pieces." Her balance was a little off and her arms were shaking at my threat. I knew I wouldn't be able to kill her, though, I didn't have the cold blood to do it. And thats when she smiled. When she looked up at me, my heart stopped. There was a spark in her abnormally large eyes. "Do you think I care if I die? Right now all that matters is that (y/n) is dead. IF I CAN'T HAVE TOSHIRO THEN NO ONE CAN."


(Y/n)'s POV

Hearing her talk gave me such a headache to the extent that I regained consciousness. "You're annoying." I growled as a shifted my head back, slamming right into hers. She let go of me while yelling in pain as I fell to the floor. I tried to stand, but I had no energy. Ichigo just stood there, staring, wondering if he should attack right now.

"Snap, Tobiume!"

Two prongs sprung out from her sword and lit on fire.


If she could get a little closer, I could manipulate her fire to heal myself. However, when I saw her swinging her sword around I knew there was no time. Before I knew it, she stood right in front of me, my back against the wall. If I was going to die now, I'm glad I at least saw Toshiro one more time.

"HEY" Ichigo charged at Hinamori, but he wasn't fast enough. She dodged his attack with ease, and screamed. "Bakudo 63, Sajo Sabaku!". Glowing yellow chains came forth and wrapped around Ichigo and kept him grounded. Giving him one last glare, Momo turned her fiery gaze back to me and raised her flaming sword. "Rest in peace, (y/n)." As she swung her arm back, I shut my eyes, ready to embrace death. Strangely, it never came. Instead, I heard metal clashing, and sharp movements in the air. When I opened my eyes, I saw a flash of black and white in front of me, deflecting Momo's sword with their own. I saw their shoulder-length black hair and I instantly knew who it was.


I could hear Momo groan in front of him, however before she could attack again, 3 more shadows flashed around her. When all the movement stopped, I quietly gasped to myself. There were 4 new swords, pointed at Momo; one at her throat, and three at her torso.


The sword at her throat was in shikai, shaped to look like a single stinger, which fit perfectly on the wielder's finger. The Captain of Squad 2, Soi Fon, had arrived.

The first sword at Hinamori's torso wasn't in shikai, but there was only one Soul Reaper who had a crimson colored hilt on their Zanpakuto. Sajin Komomura, the Captain of Squad 7, had arrived.

The twin swords and pink kimono gave it all away. Wearing a straw hat and a smirk on his face was Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of Squad 8.

Everyone's heads turned when we heard multiple people running in the hallway. Bursting through the door came Orihime, along with my lieutenant, Shuhei Hisagi, and my brother, Renji. When I saw my older brother, tears formed in my eyes. My instincts acted on their own and my arms outstretched. Renji ran to me and wrapped his warm arms around me. "Somebody get me some water!" He said in a panic. No one heard him, they were all busy keeping Momo at bay.

"Momo Hinamori, you are under arrest for attempting to murder a Captain of the Gotei 13." Soi Fon spat out.

"Bakudo 61, Rikujokoro!" Byakuya exclaimed. Six rods of light formed around Hinamori and binded her limbs together. As Orihime came over to heal me, Renji held my hand, trying to calm himself down.

It was all for nothing, though. Seconds later the silence in the room was broken when Hinamori broke out in laughter. "Its funny, even though she isn't dead, I'm satisfied enough seeing her like this." She continued to snicker.

I heard footsteps, along with a loud clap, and realized I was no longer holding my brother's hand.

I guess slapping people ran in the family. When I looked at him, standing before Hinamori, his eyes flashed red, which was something I hadn't seen or done in years.

He stuck his finger in her face and snarled at her. "You're going to rot in hell for hurting my little sister. I swear if you somehow find a way out of your sentencing and hurt her again, I will hunt you down and burn you alive. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" His eyes stopped flashing and just stayed red, and his teeth were beginning to get sharper, turning into fangs. He was going too far.

"Renji." I loudly snapped at him. He turned to face me, bearing his demonic eyes and teeth at me. It didn't scare me, and my glare continued to burn through him. His face reverted back to normal as he looked down in shame. "I'm sorry."

"Captain Abarai! Dont speak!" Orihime scolded me as I felt more blood dribbling down my chin. I grinned apologetically and spotted my idiot brother again. I guess he was having a hard time seeing me like this. His arms were shaking and he looked like he was about to cry. I chuckled and sighed. "Someone get my brother out of here before he throws a tantrum—!" I started coughing and more and more blood stained my clothes.

Just when Renji was about to have another fit, Shuhei and Ichigo grabbed his shoulders and attempted to escort him out of the room. My lieutenant glanced at me as they walked out. "It was nice seeing you Captain, make sure—"


I smiled as I watched them walk out, but seconds after, we all froze at the sound of glass breaking.

At the door, I saw a terrified Toshiro, with a broken glass of water, and a broken bowl of hot soup at his feet.

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