《Die For You ( VegasPete )》seventeen


With my eyes dizzy, I force myself to wake up, only to see the bright light met my sight.

"Vegas?" I called in almost a whisper.

"Pete? Pete it's me, Porsche." I heard a familiar voice followed by his touches to my cheeks.

"Where am I?" I asked in a low voice.

"You're in the clinic, Pete." Porsche said.

"What happened? Where's Vegas?" I asked still hoping to hear that familiar voice together with his familiar scent.

"I want to talk to you earlier but I don't have a chance so I came back here, I pass by Vegas who is... I think he's crying? And there I saw you about to lost your consciousness" Porsche said.

It's Porsche who helped me and not Vegas, why would I even think that he's coming back to help me when he made his decision by turning his back one when I needed him the most.

"What really happened? Are you ok?" Porsche asked again still with his worried face.

"I don't know either, maybe I'm just hungry—" I massage my temple and fix my position.

"You're not just hungry Pete, you're more than that" Porsche and I turn to look at the newcomer.

It was a doctor who is holding a paper, I assume that, that is the findings on me.

"What do you mean doc?" Porsche asked.

"Pete don't you know it?" The doctor looks at me and I just frown.

"The what, doc?" I asked frowning.

"Let me ask you something, tell me if you feel these symptoms" The doctor said flipping the paper.

Porsche and I looked at each other still confused.

"Always complaining about the smell, craving for something but you can't specify it, dizziness, and sudden mood swings?" The doctor asked and I can only my mouth just opened in confusion.

"Pete?" Porsche asked.

I slowly nodded and bit my lower lip.

"Doc, is these symptoms of pregnancy?" Porsche asked.

"Yes it is, and I also made some findings on you and the ultrasound shows the gestational sac, the yolk sac, the early shape of your baby, and his/her super-fast heartbeat." The doctor cheerfully said "And yes Pete, you're 2 months pregnant" The doctor added closing the paper he's holding.

"Pete! Oh my god that's a good news! Venice will be very happy hearing this! Porsche widely smile at me clasping his hands.

I can only hold my breath, pursed my lips, and my chest begins to tighten.

"Why are you not seems to be happy?" Porsche asked staring directly to my eyes.

"Porsche... Porsche 2 months, in that two months Venice and I didn't do such a thing" I bow my head followed by a low sob.

I felt Porsche's sudden silent, I can't tilt my head in embarrassment.

"Pete, earlier I saw you and Vegas holding hands... that was nothing right?" Porsche asked convincing himself it was nothing.

I can only shook my head, I can't lie anymore. I can't lie to my best friend either.

"Pete! If how can he possibly be the father— Pete you've only been together for two weeks, how come?" Porsche asked hysterically "unless..." Porsche voice dropped.

"Yes Porsche, yes we did it before Venice's accident and before the proposal" I confess still bow my head down.

"What?! Pete— I don't know what to say anymore" Porsche stand up with a face palm.


"Porsche it was accident, I didn't know he wasn't Venice— I don't— Porsche... believe me..." I try to explain but I can't even find the exact word to say, I can only gulp down my saliva followed by sobs.

Porsche come closer to me and pulled me hug, he caress my back while I just sob.

"Shhh, don't think so much for now... it will affect the baby" Porsche said still caressing my back.

I don't know how I will explain this to Venice, how I will face this alone. Vegas already leave me without knowing I am carrying his child.

Vegas I need you, please show your frickin stupid face.


Six days after, but still I don't have any contact to Vegas. I've been calling him but he's not answering it.

I didn't tell Venice yet about my pregnancy, even the whole main family doesn't have an idea except for Porsche.

Porsche was the only one who is aware of my situation, he's also helping me by buying some medicine and vitamins I need for my pregnancy.

Six days and Venice's doctor already let him out of the hospital, we already brought him back to minor family's house so we can easily take care of him without traveling from house to hospital.

Right now, I am staying at the minor family's house since Venice want me to stay beside him, and also Macau have to study and Khun Kan needs to run their business while venice is not yet there.

Venice is still bedridden and can't even move his body except for his arms, his legs are healing especially the right leg wherein the doctor find some broke on it and eventually attached a metal to connect the bones.

Venice's ribs are going back to its original position that's why he don't need pain killers.

As for my pregnancy, as the day go by the symptoms are getting worse than before. I want to whine about everything and throw some tantrums but I can't because I don't have any reason to. Unlike when I'm with Vegas, seeing his face and when he smile, I can go scold him and yell at him without any reason.

But I can't do it with Venice, he is still weak and I don't have a guts to annoy him. He needs me more to take care of him, I'm the one feeding him, wiping his body with warm water, changing his clothes and putting him to sleep.

It's quite tiring and exhausted but seeing Venice's smile can only put me in relief that he is thankful and grateful that I'm here.

There are times that I want to go out and find Vegas, I want to ask help to Khun Prim, but I can't because the only time I can leave Venice is when he's sleeping which is the time I can rest my body too.

I want to complain that my back and abdomen hurts, but I can't tell that to Venice cause knowing him. He will eventually analyse that, he is smart.

"Goodnight, Venice" I whisper to his left ear and was about to turn around.

"I love you, Pete" I heard him whisper too, but I stop and hold my breath not knowing what to say.

Can I even answer that, now that I know that I don't have the feelings towards him as before?

"You should go to sleep, Venice... I'm sleepy too" I said without turning my gaze to him.


"Pete we're still the same, right?" Venice utter another word.

I can only pursed my lips and sigh.

"Hmm yes" I said closing my eyes in guilt.

"Goodnight" Venice said then I just sigh in relief.

After some time, I finally got to close my eyes and proceed to sleep with Venice beside me.


After almost a month, Venice finally can get up and at least sit. Although he can't still stand up and walk by his own, he can atleast move on his own using his electronic wheelchair.

Venice can already notice the sudden change on Pete, from his mood that from happy and joyful person turned into a calm and blank expression.

Pete also change when it comes to him, Pete seems treating Venice more on like a patient than being a boyfriend.

Pete also doesn't talk too much story to Venice, unlike in the past Pete always telling Venice every event he pass by.

Venice also notice that Pete doesn't cling to him anymore, doesn't go to him and act cute, ask for a cuddle and kisses.

And most especially the spark in Pete's eyes whenever he's talking to Venice seems to fade, the excitement whenever they're seeing each other seems to change too.

Venice is convincing himself that maybe it was because of the incident, maybe Pete just forcing himself not to do the things he used to do because it can affect Venice's condition.

Maybe that's why there is no excitement and sparks between them because they are often together and they can see each other without hiding to anyone.

Venice thought that this might change when they finally getting married.

I'll do my best to bring back your happiness Pete. Venice said himself.

While Pete in the other side still tired and stressed out as he notice that his tummy is getting bigger as the weeks past. It's finally forming into a ball, but luckily not visible yet.

Pete is still waiting for Vegas to come out and come back to talk with him. Hoping that one day Vegas will finally realized that he needs Pete.


"Pete, can you stop roaming around and sit for awhile" Porsche grabbed my arms to stop me from walking.

So basically the whole Theerapanyakul family except for the two old man who is busy with their business, and our friends are here for some unknown reason, It's just Khun No who is bored again and want to gather all the family together to celebrate something that we don't know.

And as a 'used to be' head bodyguard of Khun No, of course I need to help organizing the party outside the main family's house.

I am so busy with everything, I need to check if the food are all cooked and if the drinks that ordered from Yok's bar are complete or else Khun No will go throw tantrums again that can add to my stress.

I also need to check Venice from time to time if he's feeling comfortable, I also need to remind him the medicine he needs to drink.

I was so busy that I didn't notice the pain in my stomach and back, the sweats are all flowing through my temple down my cheeks.

I sat down beside Porsche and wiped my sweat, I fanned myself with my palm.

"Did you already drink your vitamin?" Porsche asked in worries, helping to fanned me too.

"I did earlier, oh my goodness it's so hot I think I'm going to pass out" I said grinning and roaming my eyes to everyone.

Venice is with Khun Kinn and Khun Kim. They are having a serious consideration but I can notice their smiles and chuckle from time to time, while Macau is with Chay, they are both gossiping about something that surely about their studies.

Khun No who is the head of this so called party is there fixing his iconic karaoke together with Arm and Pol who is so done with our boss.

In the other side, I saw Khun Time together with Khun Tay, Jom, and Tem beside them. They are in the same table talking about something funny.

But I notice that Tem is not paying attention to what Jom is babbling unlike Khun Time and Khun Tay who is really amaze and paying attention to every word Jom is saying.

Tem is staring somewhere that his eyes are almost sparkling together with his wide smile.

My eyes follow where he is looking at, and I can only narrowed my eyes and frown when I saw that he's staring at Khun No's direction.

Is he staring at Khun No or Arm and Pol?

I turned my gaze to Porsche and about to ask him but he answer first.

"Yeah, Tem is looking at our stupid crazy brother-in-law" Porsche lazily said and shook his head. "He likes Khun No, but I don't know how the hell that happened" Porsche added.

I chuckle and shake my head in disbelief not because of Tem having a crush on Khun No, but the fact that I really suspect Tem as the third party of Khun Time.

I'm sorry Tem.

"Hey, Pete... What about you?" Porsche tapped my hand.

"What?" I asked.

"When will you tell Venice? Your tummy is getting bigger and bigger each day" Porsche said and I quickly smack his hand to let him low his voice.

"Shut up... they might here you!" I said with eyes widened.

"They gonna know, it's just a matter of time..." Porsche said.

"I'm still waiting for the perfect timing" I said pursing my lips.

"For the perfect timing or waiting for a person?" Porsche asked raising his eyebrows.

I took a deep breath and bow my head.

"He'll going to come back, Porsche... I'll wait" I said lowering my voice.

"And what if not? What if it will took him a long years ago?" Porsche said.

"Then I'll face it alone, I'll tell them" I said tilting my head to Porsche.

"Pete they are all here, Venice is fine and in a good condition... I think this is the perfect timing you're waiting for" Porsche held my hands tightly.

"I don't want to ruin this party, Porsche... I don't want to be the center of attention" I said.

"After the party go talk to Venice first and fix the situation with him and then talk on what will you going to do with that" Porsche said pertaining to my child.

I just nodded, I turned my gaze to Venice's direction only to see that he's staring at me first, he smile and waved his hand.

Am I ready to break you?


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