《Die For You ( VegasPete )》eighteen


At some point I forgot my stress because I saw how happy everyone right now.

Leading Khun No who is twerking in the center with the disco music, while Arm and Pol are not his side because the two can't stop Khun No either, but Tem was beside Khun No to look after him.

Macau and Chay are both can't help but cheer Khun No in his craziness, while Khun Time and Tay are in the corner making out with a drink in Khun Time's hand.

I can only look away and smile awkwardly, Khun Kim is in the corner massaging his temple in stress seeing his older brother do such an embarassing thing and his boyfriend going with the flow.

I roam my eyes to look for Porsche, from afar I saw him together with Khun Kinn run inside the mansion. Porsche is pulling Khun Kinn's collar while they are running like they're chasing something and eager to get away from the crowd.

I smile and bang my head together with the music.

After some time, my eyes narrowed as I saw Venice bringing his wheelchair towards Khun No. Venice called Khun No and he whispered something to him, Khun No first frown to Venice but eventually look at my direction and nodded back to Venice.

What did Venice said?

After a moment, Khun No handed the mic to Venice and Venice smiled looking at my direction.

"Listen brats! My favourite cousin have something to tell to his lovely fiance!" Khun clapped his hands getting everyone's attention.

I can only frown upon hearing it.

"Whoo! Go Venice!" Everyone cheered as they saw Venice slowly brought his wheelchair towards me.

I stand up fixing my posture.

"Pete..." Venice called me as he smiled, that smile the same with the time he propose to me.

The feeling I felt that night wasn't the same as it was, I'm not feeling whelmed but nervous.

"Venice..." I called back as I don't know what to answer.

I felt a lot of paired eyes staring at us, their smiles and chuckle.

"Pete I know I already did propose to you and you accept it..." Venice said then held my one hand.

I bow my head looking at our hands.

"Many things happen, and part of it the time I thought I'm going to die without marrying you... But then God gave me another life, another opportunity to ask you to be my partner in life" Venice said smiling, I saw tears condensing inside his eyes.

I pursed my lips gulped down my saliva.

"So Pete... I'm asking you again, will you marry me?" Venice said opening another box.

I bit my lip and close my eyes preventing myself to burst into tears in guilt.

I can't accept this and lie to Venice knowing my feelings are not the same as before Vegas enter my life.

I can't fool Venice and especially myself, I knew I loved Vegas and I want him and not... and not Venice.

"Venice..." I took a deep breath and kneel down to level my sight on him.

"Pete why? what's wrong?" Venice asked when he felt like I am not happy with this.

I also felt everyone started to question their self on what's happening.

"I'm sorry Venice..." I confess holding his hand closing the box.

"Oi Pete why are you apologizing?! Are you going to reject Venice?!" I heard Khun No shouted but I didn't turn my head to him.


I saw Venice smile dropped and he started put his blank face.

"I can't marry you, I can't betray my own feelings" I said before standing up turning my back against them and hurriedly run away with tears in my cheeks.

I don't know where I am heading right now, I just follow where my feet take me.

I ended up kneeling my knee down in the poolside, I kneel down sobbing, moving my shoulder up and down.

I bow my head down with my tears kept flowing through my cheeks.

The guilt swallowing my whole soul right now, I don't know how can I do that to Venice. Hurting him, disappointing him, everyone.

"Vegas! You bastard! Where are you?! I need you..." I shouted and eventually whisper hoping to see Vegas here and dragged me away from here.

Vegas where will you come back? I need you, your child needs you... Please help me.

Please Vegas, love come back...

"Pete... I'm sorry" I heard the familiar voice behind me.

I quickly turn around only to see Venice followed me alone.

"Venice..." I called him still crying.

"Pete I'm sorry... I'm the one who will blame" Venice said with tears flowing through his face.

"What? Why... Venice why are you saying sorry?" I frown and wiped my tears trying to face him.

"Pete it's my fault why are you hurting and suffering like this..." Venice confess followed by sobs.

"Venice why?" I asked again still confused.

"Pete listen to me, let me explain..." Venice said and I held his hand.

I just nodded and wiped my tears.

"Pete, the day I saw you... I know there's something about you, something special that only the few can see that." Venice started.

"You're the type of person who he surely love, knowing my twin... he's that kind of person who will hide in darkness and choose to be alone" Vegas added smiling in the middle of him sobbing.

"What do you mean? Venice, I can't understand" I said still frowning in confusion.

"Pete my only intention on approaching you was knowing you more and help you find your happiness, because for the first time I saw you I already knew you're the person who will choose to happy and do anything to have that happiness... but you only needs someone to share your happiness with." Venice caress my hand.

"Pete in the first place, you're made for Vegas. It was my plan letting you see and meet each other someday... As the time I get to know you, I knew you were really for Vegas... I know that you can be the person who will give light to Vegas' darkness, and Vegas can be the dark who will invade your light... You see Pete, no one survive only in light and the same as darkness. It needs to be balance, dark and light" Venice explain smiling bittersweet.

"From the very beginning I can imagine you with my brother, knowing you Pete, you love to whined and scold everyone, but you just can't cause you don't have a reason to. I know sometimes you want to be mad at me but you just can't cause you thought I didn't deserve that, because you thought I'm too precious to be scold by you" Venice who is still sobbing can only smirk.

"Do you ever realized that your love language was whining and scolding to someone you love, cause that's where you can express your feelings" When Venice said that, reality only hits me when I remembered how I loved whining and scolding to Vegas.


I remember how I'm so satisfy to see him folded whenever I shout at him looking defeated to me.

"If you really plan that you will meet me with Vegas, then why did you asked me to be your boyfriend? Venice did you—" I don't know what to feel and think right now.

Is Venice used me as his experiment or he just fool me.

"Pete I only do that so that you will realize your feelings towards me, that you're just used to me being soft to you... Didn't you notice that my treat on you doesn't change from when we meet from where we're dating..." Venice said.

"Venice did you love me? Or you just played with my feelings?" I asked then I withdrew my hands on him.

"Pete no! Yes I'll admit that I don't have a plan loving you that seriously... not until I saw that video of you with Vegas" Venice said bowing his head down.

"What do you mean video?" I frown.

"Did you forget that I attached a cctv in your room, Pete?" Venice tilt his head.

I only covered my mouth in shocked.

"Yes Pete I knew what happened that night, and that's the reason that only for a minute I want to change my mind... I don't want to give you to him Pete" Venice bite his lip and shaking his head.

"Why?" I only asked him.

"Maybe I loved you too late Pete... I realizes that knowing you too much only put my heart in danger. Seeing you with Vegas really broke me that I don't want you to meet him anymore, I became selfish that I forgot my purpose" Venice said still bow his head.

I can only sat down in the floor still dumbfounded.

"And that's why you decided to propose to me? To tie me with you?" I asked guessing his attention.

Venice slowly nodded.

"And I'm sorry Pete, I am really sorry for breaking my plan, sorry that I started this mess and didn't know how to end this so I just made bigger mess" Venice said sniffing "And the time when you chose to take care with me than to be with Vegas, I thought you're choosing me because you loved me over him. I thought I can change your mind and make you realize that I'm more deserving for your love... But as time passes, I only say to myself that you've change a lot. Vegas change you a lot, from your smile to your feelings" Venice can only smile in bitterness.

"I became selfish, yes you're right... I only use and play with your feelings towards me not knowing that this will be so serious" Venice apologize continuingly. "And Pete I want to say to you that I'm not the Venice who you think the most perfect man, I'm not the Venice you is the kindest and bestest among the rest. Pete I'm the most dumbest and stupidest man in your life, I'm the worse for invading your feelings and messing with your life" Venice sob.

I don't know if I'll see Venice as the same as before after this, I can't believe he can be this cruel but I can't even blame him because once he was my whole life. Once he make me happy and once I felt loved who I thought a genuine.

"I can't hate you Venice, but can I ask you a favor?" I asked still in blank face.

Venice looked at me directly to my eyes and nodded.

"Can you let me go? Because you're right, you loved me too late cause I know that I don't feel the same thing anymore right now." I genuinely said.

Venice can only pursed his lips clench his fist in pain.

"I'm not giving you a choice Venice, I'm asking you" I said.

"Yes Pete... I don't have the right to decide with your feelings after what I've done to you and to Vegas" Venice said.

"Thank you for letting me realized my feelings" I stand up and bend down a little to kiss his forehead for the last time.

"No Pete thank you, thank you for loving me, thank you for trusting me and to be able to loved by the person like you, I'm always grateful to have you once, Pete" Venice said then held my hands.

"We're both grateful to have each other, Venice... You see there's nothing to be regret, but something is waiting for me too... We need to end this here cause I need to move forward and same to you" I smiled caressing his hand.

"I know Pete, you can go now... I'm letting you go and find your true home and final destination"

I nodded and smiled before turning my back against him.

But before I can even run away from him, I turned my head back and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, my child will get your name" I said then turn around to run away.

As I run outside, I pass by our friends outside still worried and waiting for us. One by one was so confused and wants to know what happened, but I don't have any energy to explain everything.

I run pass by them ignoring all of them, I just run and run until I reached the parking lot, using the car Khun No brought me. I drove it away from the main family's house.

I drove it to the place where Vegas bring me for the first time. In the warehouse where he is staying while he is the country.

I just hope he's there.


I arrived at the warehouse only to see it close and dark, I tried to knock the huge door and kept shouting for Vegas' name.

No one's answered and even his motorbike is not here.

I only brush my hair in frustration, I sat down on the cold dust floor.

I grabbed my phone trying to contact Vegas again, hoping that after a hundreds and thousands of missed calls he will answer it in annoyance.

But no, nothing happens. No one answered and the number he's using is cannot be reach anymore.

I bow down my head and took a deep breath, I want to reassure myself that we will meet again, that I'll see him again and be able to tell him the news.

But I can't help but sob in frustration that he is not here.

I was about to lose hope when I remember one thing, one more place that I might see him.

I'll be there, Vegas.


A/N: two more chapter plus the epilogue which is Vegas' point of view and adding some scene with their child.

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