《Die For You ( VegasPete )》nineteen


I arrived at the place where I started to realize my love for Vegas, this is the place where I realized that I don't want him to leave me.

This is also the place where I got to know what love really is.

I'm at the warehouse of Jio Teepakorn, the warehouse I burn with Vegas. The place is quite different from the first time we came here, the warehouse is burnt down that I can already see what's the inside which is only wooden container and some empty iron container.

"Vegas! Vegas where are you?" I scream hoping to see him in here.

I roam my eyes as I trying to follow where will my path will take me until I found myself standing infront of the abandoned building, the building where Vegas and I stayed for a night.

I tilt my head looking at the rooftop.

I took a deep breath before entering the building, I hate climbing high building but I need to at least give myself a hope that he's there waiting for me.

With my hand in the pocket of my hoodie, I started to take my step upstairs.

I walk and climb the six stairs alone, it's still the same. Still the same exhausting and tiring steps, but unlike before, I have Vegas to walk together and move with someone to lean on.

I took the deepest sigh I can when I reached the rooftop, with my back hurts, I slowly took a step outside the rooftop only to see an empty space.

I can only smile bitterly as I saw the same set up Vegas and I put, the same tent is here, the chairs and the bag we forgot was still here.

I walk towards the tent and check the inside of it, I saw the pillows and blankets carefully folded inside enough to be a proof that someone did it a while ago.

I get back outside to check the other things, beside the tent, I saw a bottle of water scatter on the floor.

I narrowed my eyes in the middle of the rooftop when I notice an ash, I walk towards only to see the fire that has dried up.

I roam my eyes and turn around to see if he's still here, and I know he's been here and he's still here.

"Vegas!" I shouted calling him.

"Vegas please come back! I know you're here just please can you please... please come back, I need you!" I called him with my eyes start to burn.

In roaming and turning around, my legs lost it balance and I fell of the ground.

"Vegas, love... Please let me see you" I beg in almost a whisper.

I stick my two legs and buried my face on it, still sobbing and I can only bring back those memories I have with him.

I really miss him, I miss him more than I miss Venice when he was gone.

I miss Vegas' rare smile, his scent, his lazy face, and his kisses, hugs, and the warmth of his body.

I miss everything on him, I cannot lie anymore. In that one month taking care of Venice, I did nothing but regret that night where I choose him over Vegas who really needs me the most.

I regret hurting and disappointing him when he did nothing but trust me and risk his life for me.

But I guess all these regrets are useless now that he can't even show himself to me, he doesn't want to see me anymore.


He surely doesn't want to be connected to me, he'll going to forget about me that he will not able to know about our child.

I tilt my head and wiped my tears flowing through my cheeks.

With my small amount of energy, I stood up and slowly started to walk on the edge of the rooftop.

Together with my tears kept flowing around my face, the cold breeze of air touches my presence.


Vegas is laying down on the floor staring at the night sky, a thousand star are sparkling and the moon shines so bright.

Vegas didn't appreciate the beauty of sky ever since he has a chance to.

He is now staying at the abandoned building where he and Pete made a memories in a small amount of time.

Vegas is somehow wanted to see Pete and check if he is fine with Venice after he chooses his brother over him.

He wonder if Pete is happy without Vegas beside him. Vegas wonder if he can now smile without any fear. Still wondering if Pete still thinking about him, is Pete still thinking about the times he promise Vegas to stay beside him.

Vegas is starting to doubt if Pete really loved Vegas, if he really do why didn't he choose him? Why Pete did not look for him after he left them?

Vegas just took a deep sight trying to get off that thoughts on his mind.

Vegas who is laying down frown when he heard a loud scream calling for his name not so far from where he is.

"Vegas! Vegas where are you?!" the familiar voice shouted.

Vegas frown and stand up checking who is it, and it's the person who is just inside his mind awhile ago.

"Pete?" Vegas asked himself.

Pete is roaming around looking in each corner of the place looks like he's looking for something.

"Pete why are you here this late night? Don't tell me you drove from Bangkok to here?" Vegas asked like Pete can hear him which is not.

Vegas bend down when Pete is looking at the rooftop, when Vegas stand up again he didn't see Pete anymore.

Is that my hallucinations? Am I only imagining him because I'm just missing him? Vegas said to himself.

Vegas just sigh and sat down on the floor.

"Yes it was, I just miss you..." Vegas said again in the night sky.

Vegas was about to close his eyes when he heard a few steps near.

"Fck it wasn't!" Vegas curse and quickly find a way to hide.

Vegas hide behind the huge wall, after some time, the door spit out Pete who is looking like a tired man climb along the way.

"Pete, why are you here?" Vegas whisper to himself.

Earlier he just ask himself why Pete didn't even try to find him when he left them, and now that Pete is here, he is now hiding and trying not to be caught by Pete.

Vegas just narrowed his eyes and watch Pete as he search for something, Pete enter the tent and eventually get out and he roam his eyes.

"Vegas!" Pete scream, that scream shouted a beg for Vegas to come.

"Vegas please come back! I know you're here just please can you please... please come back, I need you!" Pete beg and Vegas can only clench his jaw as he saw the love of his life suffered.

Vegas don't want to risk again, he don't want to pull himself just because Pete wanted him to come back. Vegas doesn't want to be unfair to himself. He doesn't want to to be unfair to his heart who just kept broking.


"Vegas, love... Please let me see you" those words of Pete is like a knife that being stabbed to Vegas' heart, it's like the word that will bring him to death if he continue to ignore.

After a long silence of Pete, Vegas saw Pete stand up and walked towards the edge of the rooftop.

Vegas started to panic as he doesn't know what Pete is pulling now. Pete started to remove his hoodie and turned around.


I removed my hoodie only left with my plain white shirt, I open my arms widely to embrace the air that touches my skin.

I turned around still opening my arms widely.

You saved me many times ago, I wonder if you will still do the same.

Without any hesitation I let to lose my balance ready to free fall.

But my lips draw a smirk when I felt an arm pulling me forward.

Everything happens so fast, the next thing I knew we were both laying down on the floor.

The time I open my eyes, the first thing that met my eyes was the face I waited for a long time.

That fierce face with worried eyes, it's always my favorite expression.

It's always been Vegas' face.

"Vegas..." I called him and touches his cheeks to see if he's real, if everything is real.

"Pete! What are you thinking a while ago?!" Vegas pulled himself to stand up.

I get up and sat down, Vegas brushes his hair in frustration.

I can only pursed my lips in happiness seeing him again like this, it was really him.

"Vegas, I knew it you will come to save me" I said smiling.

"And what if I did not?!" Vegas asked hysterically.

"I just knew you will" I said shrugged off acting like I did not almost die in my craziness.

"Pete why did you do that? What if I'm not here..." Vegas started to calm down and kneel down to level his head on mine.

I just looked at his sparkling eyes, Vegas caress my cheeks.

"Then let me fall and die" I simply said. "You're not coming back so what's the purpose on living in this world without you?" I asked Vegas.

"I thought you chose Venice" Vegas asked.

"I thought too, but no... it was you all along Vegas" I said pulling his head towards me that causing our foreheads to collide.

"Pete, I'm sorry... I'm sorry for turning my back on you that night" Vegas apologize with a tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Vegas for not giving you the clear answers" I said back.

"I'm sorry for not letting you to explain your feelings towards me" Vegas closes his eyes.

"I'm sorry for letting you stuck from my love" I said with a tears started to flow again.

"Pete I love you" Vegas said.

"And I love you too, this time Vegas I'm sure about it, I'm sure about my feelings and I'm sure that I love you" I explained truthfully.

Vegas smile and pulled me into kisses, these kisses that I missed the most. His soft lips that I longer.

"Vegas can you please promise me you'll not going to leave me again?" I beg holding his both hands.

"I will not, I will never... I'll stay beside you whether you like it or not" Vegas said smiling and still with tears.

"I would always like it, we will" I said pertaining to our child.

"We?" Vegas asked in confusion.

"Yes we, it's just not me who you will take care of, you love, and you will be stress off..." I said slowly, excited to reveal him and waiting for his reaction.

"Wait... Pete can you be at least clear this time? I can't..." Vegas who is still confuse just grin and scratch his neck.

"There will be another Pete in your life... or maybe a new Vegas?" I said pretending to think deeply just to tease him.

"No way Pete... You're not! Oh my holy God haha— shia!" Vegas shook his head covering his smiley face.

"Hmmm" I only nodded and smile.

"You're pregnant, aren't you?" Vegas asked slowly and as the time I nodded, he just go jump from there to here and screams in happiness enough to make my heart warm.

"Whoooo! Y'all I am going to be a father you all cannot touch my babies!!!" Vegas kept jumping and screaming to no one.

I can only shook my head in disbelief. So this is how Vegas is when he is happy.

Vegas cutely giggles as he excitedly jumps towards me and bend down a bit.

"You sure that's mine?" Vegas asked but still smiling from ear to ear.

"What if I kick your ass and push you down there so your brain will function normally, stupid!" I yell trying to kick him.

"Yes it's mine! Of course that's mine!" Vegas said and sat down infront of me.

He just stare at me smiling and blinking his eyes twice a second.

"What now?" I asked smirking.

"I love you" Vegas said still with that cute face.

"I love you too" I replied and smiled.

"I love you more" Vegas added.

"I love you most..." I also added.

"I love you forever" Vegas.

"I love you infinity" I said narrowing my eyes.

"I love you from beyond!" Vegas said and pulled me into kisses again.

From this exact moment, I don't want anything but Vegas beside me. He is all I needed in this time, his hugs and kisses, his presence is enough to calm my soul.

Vegas is all I needed in my life, he is the I'm always finding. He is the one that complete the other half of me that I thought I found on Venice.

All I thought Vegas is a mistake, a mess in my life. I thought he is the person who gave trouble in my life when the truth is he is the reason why I found the right in my life.

Vegas is the reason why I finally found myself in a right person, because of him I knew about love, pain, and suffering.

Vegas is an equal of love and pain without pain there is no love. Without pain you can't find out what is it to be in love, without pain everything is useless.

And I'm ready to risk and to be in pain just to keep Vegas by my side, I'm ready to be in pain just for Vegas.

Cause if you are the symbol of pain that I am ready to embrace.

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