《Die For You ( VegasPete )》twenty


Vegas is too stress about Pete's pregnancy, he thought choosing to live far from the main and minor family's house is good because they're far from the noise polution.

But now it looks like he's going to explode in stressed when he don't know what to do anymore, he's roaming around from there to here to find the things Pete wants.

He's been like this for five months, Pete's pregnancy is quite dangerous since Pete went through a lot of stressful situations and unhealthy pregnancy in the first three months.

Vegas is now getting back at Pete by taking care of him while Pete is pregnant with their child.

Pete is so different from who he was before his pregnancy, just like the other day. Pete asked Vegas to buy him a lot of fruits including those fruits who he can find rare in their country.

Vegas even ordered a lot of durian and Philippine mango from Philippines, and when all the fruits are in the house. Pete wanted Vegas to eat those infront of him.

Vegas tried to refuse because he is no fan of fruits and vegetables but then Vegas is Vegas who is UNDERstanding towards Pete. He doesn't have any choice but to eat those fruits and finish almost half of it and he just wanted to puke.

The next cravings of Pete is so frickin weird that even the other dad would definitely frown in confusion, Pete just wanted Vegas to get a macaroni salad.

And it's not just a simple macaroni salad, he wants the macaroni salad from the refrigerator of their neighbor.

Like how and why? Is this even normal? But Vegas just love Pete so much that he can even refuse a single order of Pete.

Vegas know how hard it is to be in Pete's situation, Vegas is aware that carrying a child in nine months is not easy and so hard that he's like carrying their world.

Vegas is really ready to be a responsible dad and husband for Pete and their child.

Vegas with his back and waist hurts, he was about to sit down and rest a bit, but he immediately flinch and jump out of the bed when he heard that scream.

"Vegas! I need water!" The loud shout of Pete from the room.

Vegas panics to run and bring his ass to Pete, still chasing his breath, Vegas reached their room where Pete is laying down with his big bumpy tummy.

Vegas can only smile whenever he's going to see that tummy where he knows his baby is.

"Where's my water?!" Vegas came back to his senses when Pete yell again.

"Water, yes your water where's the water—" In panic, Vegas don't know what to do anymore.

He just kept roaming around looking for something he doesn't know how to find.

"Vegas the water is in the kitchen!" Pete yell on the top of his lungs.

"Yes! I'm going to get it now!" Vegas can only jump out of fear that Pete might go throw him things he just grabbed.

Just like the other month, Vegas forgot to buy Pete a green curry and he go back with empty handed.

And Pete goes rampage that he just throw anything he can grab near him, from pillows to perfume. Vegas got a slice on his arm, and Pete eventually apologize.

"Shia!" Vegas scream in curse when he fell off the stairs that cause him an ankle sprain.

"Vegas?! What happened?" Pete ask in worried tone.

"No, I'm ok... Just wait for your water, baby ok?" Vegas answer trying not to show his pain.


"Hurry up, I'm going to drink my medicine" Pete said but with a normal tone cause he seems to feel that something happen to Vegas.

Vegas forced himself to stand up even though his ankle almost like a jelly that he can't step on the ground. With his one leg, he slowly step towards the kitchen hiding the pain in his ankle.

Vegas open the refrigerator and get some glass of water, he then slowly walk upstairs carrying the glass of water.

Unlike earlier, he come downstairs easily but now it took him almost twenty minutes to reach the room without dropping the glass of water.

"Why are you so—" Pete was about to yell again but he notice that Vegas is walking differently.

"Here is your water, love" Vegas handed Pete the glass with a force smile in his lips.

"What happen to you?" Pete frown accepting the glass of water.

"It's not serious, nothing to worry about" Vegas gave Pete a reassuring smile.

Pete drink the water together with the medicine and was about to ignore Vegas, but he just can observe Vegas' sudden change of expression.

Pete think that Vegas is hiding something from him.

"Are you hiding something from me?" Pete ask raising an eyebrow.

"Huh? Love no!" Vegas defend and immediately shook his head.

"What happen to your ankle, why is that getting red?" Pete said pointing Vegas' right ankle.

Vegas can only sigh in defeat. The thing he tried to hide so Pete won't be worried about him that can only add to his pain.

"I... I fell off the stairs and I think I got a ankle sprain" Vegas confess scratching the back of his head.

"What?! You idiot come here, sit down let me see" Pete frown and let Vegas sat beside him.

"I'm ok Pete, don't worry about me... It will heal later" Vegas tried to smile but he just can't hide the fact that his ankle is just hurt.

"Stop being a hero, sit down and let me see that" Pete ordered Vegas with his blank lazy expression.

Vegas can only pout and sat down in the bed, right next to Pete. Vegas slowly raise his leg on Pete's lap, Pete slowly caress Vegas' ankle.

"Is it hurt?" Pete ask still with his worried face.

"Mhmm" Vegas slowly nodded.

"I already told you to be careful at all cost..." Pete said slowly massaging Vegas in a way he think is right.

"I just don't want to let you wait" Vegas said pursing his lips.

Pete looks directly to Vegas' eyes.

"I'm sorry..." Pete said.


"For pressuring you, for letting you work from time to time that you can't even rest properly" Pete said and he's staring to broke into sob.

This is also one of the effect of Pete's pregnancy, he's being emotional easily.

"You don't have to be sorry, Pete... It's my duty to take care of you and of our baby, yes it is tiring and exhausting but I am doing this because I love you and I want to see you healthy together with our baby, I know everything will be paid of when this little Vegas here will see the world" Vegas said caressing Pete's bumpy tummy.

"I love you too" Pete answer giving Vegas a forehead kiss.

Vegas can only smile and hug Pete, at least for a second he forgot about his pain in his ankle. With Pete's presence beside him is enough to put him in relax and calm, because Pete and their soon to be child is his rest and escape in a long tiring world.



Vegas who is done washing the dishes go upstairs to check on Pete or if Pete wants anything to eat.

"Love? Do you want anything?" Vegas ask wiping his wet hand and slowly sitting down beside Pete.

"Nothing specific, I just want to rest" Pete answer and smile.

"You sure? Cause I'll go downstairs and clean the house" Vegas said putting a cute smile.

"Ohoi my husband is such a kind, why don't you just sleep and rest your body" Pete said chuckling.

"I'm ok, beside I badly need to clean to house because any time now your cults are coming" Vegas said pertaining to Pete's friends and Vegas' cousins.

"Cult what?!" Pete asked in disbelief.

"Cult lead with Phi Khun" Vegas said chuckling.

They just both shook their heads and after some time they both heard a doorbell.

"Are you expecting something to come?" Vegas asked Pete.

"Not something, someone... someone you call cult" Pete said sarcastically and Vegas got it immediately.

Vegas sigh in shook his head then run towards the main door.

The doorbell kept ringing and Vegas can only stomped his feet in annoyance.

"Can you please wait, you're going to break our doorbell" Vegas said.

"I'll buy you new one, the gold one slap soil" Vegas heard Tankhun's voice.

As the time Vegas open the huge door, his jaw dropped as he saw the whole Theerapanyakul family (except with the two old man who prefer to hang out with their business than to visit their soon to be grandchild) together with their friends.

Tankhun together with Arm and Pol behind him and Tem beside him, Kinn, Porsche and Kim who is lazily staring at him, Macau and Chay who is happily smiling from ear to ear. Time and Tay who is also here carrying a large two paper bags.

"What—" Vegas didn't even got to ask them when they immediately enter the house without Vegas' permission and kept shouting on Pete's name.

Vegas can only chuckle in frustration and move aside so the cult will enter the house peacefully.

Vegas felt someone tapped his shoulder, and it's Macau.

"How are you Phi?" Macau was the only one ask him.

"Tired and stressed but happy with Pete" Vegas replied smiling.

Macau hugs his older brother and Vegas did the same.

After some time they all enter the house and the cult of Tankhun are sitting at the living room, some sitting at the sofa and some sitting at the carpet.

"I'll go fetch Pete" Vegas said while scratching his temple.

"You want help Khun?" Arm ask.

"No thanks, I can handle my wife" Vegas casually said and proceed to go upstairs.

All of them look at each other with a suspicious and grin on his face.

"Jelly Vegas" all of them said in unison.

After some time, Vegas walk outside of the room holding Pete's back and shoulders to guide him downstairs.

"Be careful" Vegas whisper and Pete just nodded as he slowly walk towards the living room.

Vegas and Pete's guest are just casually staring at them silently and waiting for Pete to finally reach the sofa.

All of them sat down on the floor as they give space to Pete to sit down comfortably.

"Pete how are you?" Tankhun.

"Phi Pete you're getting chubby but cute" Macau.

"Oi Pete your tummy is getting bigger than the last time we saw you" Porsche.

"Pete you're so glowing" Tay.

"Pete we miss you" Arm and Pol.

The voices echoes around the house as they ask and greeted Pete at the same time.

Vegas can only grin and look at Pete with questions in his face.

Pete just smiled and nodded signaling Vegas that he's fine. Vegas can only nod and sigh as long as his baby is comfortable.

"I'll go make some drinks and snacks for you" Vegas said lazily.

"I'll help" Kinn said voluntarily and jump out of the area.

"Me too, I can stand the noise in here... We're like in the market" Kim also lazily stand up and walk towards Vegas.

Chay heard it and he throw a pillow to Kim.

The three of them walk towards the kitchen to prepare a drinks and food.

"How's life?" Kinn ask casually.

"He's dying look" Kim sarcastically said pointing Vegas' dark circles.

"Ohoi poor Vegas" Kinn tease Vegas as he mix the orange juice in the pitcher.

"Poor your ass, I'm not poor cause I'm the luckiest man among us... Imagine we're having a baby and you, and you are not" Vegas mock pointing Kinn and Kim.

"Arrogant" Kim said sarcastically.

"Kidding aside, I'm so happy... It's like I don't need anything than Pete beside me taking care and witness the growing up of our baby" Vegas sigh and casually stare at his baby smiling while having conversation with their friends.

"Ohoi! Is that even you Vegas?" Kinn tapped Vegas' shoulder while he's covering his mouth in shock.

"Seriously we're hearing a word of wisdom from the ex psychopath" Kim said raising his two arms teasingly.

"Who says I'm ex psychopath? I'm not! Cause I can still poke you with this fork" Vegas threaten Kinn and Kim.

They all just chuckle and shook his heads as they go back to the living room carrying the foods.

Vegas frown upon seeing Khun No standing in the middle of the center table, luckily it was wooden and not a glass or else Tankhun the crazy will go home bleeding.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Vegas asked frowning.

"What's the gender of your child?!" Tankhun asked.

"Yes, Pete is eight months old pregnant so you surely knows the gender, right?" Porsche added.

Pete and Vegas looked at each other, their plan is the gender reveal will be next month when they will visit the main family's house.

But since they are all here, they think it's time to tell them the gender.

"Ok listen" Vegas sigh walking infront of them.

All of them looks at Vegas excitedly as he smile a bit.

"Pete and I will having... a prince." Vegas finally annoyance and all of them jump in happiness and joy.

"Wait! Wait! Wait did you guys prepare a name?" Tem asked.

"Yes a name! What is his name?" Tankhun asked.

Pete and Vegas looked at each other like they both forget about something.

The name of their baby.

"Phi don't tell us you didn't prepare a name for your baby?" Chay asked in horror.

"Then let's give the baby a name! C'mon C'mon!" Tankhun said in panic as he sat down above the wooden table, looks like frog.

"Do you guys want to follow Pete's name or your name Vegas?" Tay asked.

"I don't know" Vegas shrugged.

After some time of brain storming of names, someone enter the house and all of their gazes turned to the newcomer.

"Venice?" All of them asked in unison.

"Good afternoon, what are you guys doing?" Venice smiled.

"Preparing for your nephew's name" Kim said.

"Huh? You still thinking about that while Pete already told me I'm having his child's name" Venice said smiling.

"What?!" All of them ask in unison, again.

"Right Pete?" Venice said pointing at Pete.

And Pete can only narrow his eyes to remember that day when he promise Venice the name.

"Really Pete? Why didn't you tell me?" Vegas asked Pete with wide eyes.

Pete can only smile awkwardly and shrugged it off.

"Seriously bro? You get all from me and almost got Pete, and now my son's name?!" Vegas asked frowning and was about to cry.

"Ohoi sounds personal..." Kinn said smiling.

"Fight, fight, fight!" Kim also said cheering a fight between the twins.

Both Porsche and Chay smack their boyfriends. And the two just grin and caress their heads.

Vegas looked at Pete and pout, Pete can only give him a look that he can't do anything cause he already promised Venice.

"Ok fine! But at least give my son a nickname so I can call him properly without remembering your face" Vegas sarcastically said pointing the chuckling Venice.

"Let's give him a nickname! Yes yes!" Tankhun happily jump out of the wooden table and Tem immediately catch his boyfriend.

"What if Peve! Pete and Venice!" Tankhun suggest.

"Insulting me? I'm the father here" Vegas sarcastically said and all of them just chuckle.

"Vepe!" Kinn suggest.

"Peep!" Time also said.

"Vipi" Pol also suggested.

"Viy?" Porsche proudly said.

"Gas!" Venice also entered the suggestion.

"Y'all stop! You're making my son sounds like a Pet and my god Venice! Gas?! Are you planning to make your nephew a chemical" Vegas can only brush his hair in frustration.

While Pete in the other side just shook his head in what he is witnessing.

"What if Viwi!" Chay suggested and all of our gazes turned to him.

"Yeah! Looks like derived from the word Strawberry... berry equal to Viwi..." Macau also come up with the idea.

"Yeah! And Pete is like a strawberry, he's sweet and soft like that fruit" Arm also said smiling.

All of is slowly nodded and smile in unison.

"Yes! It's good! Viwi!" Vegas said smiling and look at Pete.

"I'm good at it, as long as you're all getting along" Pete with his tired face just smile.

"Good! So let's stick with Viwi!" Tankhun announced and they all clapped their hands.

After some time, someone followed Venice inside.

"Hi? Am I late?" Prim who is wearing her blue jumper with his braids hair enter the house smiling and waving shyly.

Venice casually wrapped his arms around Prim's waist and shook his head signalling her that she's not late.

"Khun Prim!" Pete happily called Prim and the girl immediately run towards him.

"Always been late!" Tankhun yelled rolling his eyes.

"Who's talking?" Prim sarcastically said.

"The most gorgeous in this house" Tankhun casually said.

"Oh, Tay did you say something?" Prim asked Tay who is just pursing his lips in chuckling.

"This bitch!" Tankhun shouted angrily as his patient has gone since Prim enter the house.

Everyone just ended up chuckling and cheering for Tankhun and Prim who is chasing back and forth.

Prim who is saving her life from Tankhun's hand, and the Tankhun who is like madman is clenching in annoyance to Prim.

The poor Tem and Venice can only chase their lover.

The whole house covered with laugh and giggles of them.

Vegas and Pete has the same thoughts, that they are surrounded by a people who they call a family that will accept them through the sickness and joy.


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