《Die For You ( VegasPete )》sixteen


A/N: I'll be adding genre for this story for some better plot, expect to encounter mpreg topic starting on this chapter.

TW// slightly angst

"Oi Vegas did you use perfume? The strength of your perfume annoy my nose!" Pete complaint.

"Pete I've been using this since the first time we met" Vegas said lazily.

"I don't care! It's annoying! Stay away from me and go find a seat away from me!" Pete whined kicking Vegas beside him.

Vegas who is tired and exhausted just stood up changing his seat. Vegas can only frown upon confusion about Pete's sudden change of behavior.

He's been complaining about the smell he can smelled, first it's the blood came from their coat yesterday, the next was the smell of food last night, and now he's perfume.

Pete also don't want to eat the food that serve last night, Vegas kept asking him what he wants but Pete can't even specify it that's why they ended up eating nothing.

Vegas narrowed his eyes staring at Pete who is staring out of knower with his lazy blank expression.

"What?" Pete seems to notice that sharp stare so he immediately asked Vegas.

"Are you ok?" Vegas asked.

"I want to eat!" Pete yelled.

"What do you want to eat?" Vegas asked attempting to come closer to Pete but Pete just show him his clenched fist.

Vegas can only sigh in defeat and go back to his seat.

"I want that food that serve last night" Pete's expression was quick to change.

From fierce mad expression turn into soft pouty face.

"You said you don't want it because of smell of the ginger" Vegas said remembering the scene last night where Pete almost wants to break the plate on Vegas' head when he smell the annoying smell of ginger.

"But I want it now" Pete said pouting.

Vegas just rolled his eyes and massage his temple not knowing what to do or how will he find that ramen in the middle of the air cause their technically still inside the plane.

"Pete let's eat it later when we arrive, ok?" Vegas said trying to calm down.

"No! I don't want it anymore, let's eat green curry instead" Pete smile widely and clasp his palm.

Vegas sigh in relief, he can't help look at Pete with admire on his eyes.

"Stop smiling there, you look like a pervert stupid idiot" Pete said rolling his eyes "Come here" Pete called him signalling Vegas to come back to his seat.

"But you said you hate the smell of my perfume?" Vegas said pertaining his not so strong perfume.

"I can endure it, I want hug" Pete cutely said reaching Vegas.

Vegas just shrugged it off and quickly go back to Pete's seat and sat beside him.

Pete was quick to clung into Vegas' shoulder hugging him tightly. Vegas smiled kissing Pete's forehead and rest his head Pete's head too.


With so much nervousness in my chest, Vegas held my hand as we both walk together to Venice's room.

After two weeks this is the first I'll see him awake again, I'm happy and nervous at the same time.

I don't know how to construct my sentence on explaining to Venice all of this, but luckily Vegas is here to help me and stick beside me.

"You ready?" Vegas asked holding a grip on my hand.

I nodded and smiled, we was about to open the door but we looked at each other as we heard a loud voice yelling inside.

Not able to utter a word when the door suddenly open revealing Porsche with his lazy face.


He looks at us frowning next to glance on our hands, I quickly withdrew my hand in panic.

"Pete?" Porsche called me.

"Huh? Pete is there?!" I heard Khun No's voice, missing that voice but I can't help to pursed my lips in panic.

Not a single minute has pass, the door open widely revealing all of them look at me with a smile in their eyes.

"Pete! My precious bodyguard you're back! Ohoi I'm so worried about you!" Porsche who is infront of the door can only move when Khun No push him mercilessly just to reach me.

I smile awkwardly when Khun No gave me a hug.

I didn't know what happened next but I found myself inside the room with all eyes on me, everyone are here including Khun Kim, Khun Kinn, Khun No together with Arm and Pol, Macau, and Khun Prim, Porsche, and Vegas is in the right corner of the room huddled behind khun prim.

"Oi Pete where have you been?" Khun Kinn asked. "You know how Tankhun almost kill me accusing me that I send you to the enemy" Khun Kinn said.

"Khun No almost burn the house annoying everyone to find you" Arm reported.

"Kim lied to us when he said you go home to your province, but we call your grandparents they said you're not there!" Khun No said in stress.

I can only massage my temple and sigh in stress, my head hurts all of a sudden because of the never ending interrogation of them.

"Oi stop asking a lot of question to P'Pete, look at him he didn't even got a chance to see P'Venice!" Macau utter a word and when the fact hits me, I immediately turn my head to Venice who is fully awake and smiling staring at me.

I forgot that he is the reason why we're here.

"Venice..." I called him with almost a whisper.

"Pete, come here..." Venice called me with his husky voice.

I slowly walk towards him with my heart tighten.

"Let's go outside and let them talk first" Khun Kinn announced letting everyone to go out first.

I heard everyone sigh in frustration as they slowly get out one by one until no one left.

I got a chance to look at Porsche who is crossing his arms narrowing his eyes as he stand in the corner looking at me with confusion.

Now everyone left the room, I sat down beside Venice.

"How are you? Are you feeling well?" I asked checking his condition.

"Pete, I miss you... I'm so scared of that night when I thought I'm going to die not seeing you..." Instead of answering my question, he then held my hand saying that words.

I saw how Venice's tears flow through his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Venice, I'm sorry if I'm not beside you that night" I bowed my head down caressing his back palm.

"You don't have to apologize Pete, just don't leave me now... I can't lose you" Venice said with sobbed "Pete I need you... The doctor said I can't move my body yet..." Venice beg as he hold my hand tightly.

I can only bow my head and sobbed in guilt. I don't know what to say anymore, I want to tell Venice the truth about Vegas and I but I can't just say it directly when he's like this.

I can't hurt him and leave him when he needs me the most, Venice needs me right now.

"Pete nothing change right? You still love me, aren't you?" Venice asked with desperation in his voice.


I tilt my head looking at him with tears in my eyes.

"I will stay, I won't leave you..." I said instead.

Venice smiled and I stand up leaning myself to hug him and comfort him.

"Thank you Pete..." Venice said as he hug me too.

I didn't answer and just bit my lower lip preventing myself to burst into sobbed.

I don't know what to do right now, I'm stuck with Venice needing me and Vegas wanting me too.

They both need me but Venice needs me physically and mentally. I don't want to be unfair to Vegas but I can't just do this to Venice knowing how he's been there throughout the years I need someone to lean on.


From the outside, Vegas can't help but to bow his head in deep thinking. He don't know what will happen a few minutes from now.

He don't know how to explain and apologize to his brother what he did, Vegas also gathering all his confidence to tell Venice that he will fight for Pete.

Especially now that Pete gave him an assurance that he will stay by his side, Pete already promised him that he'll let Venice to know about them.

"Hmm" Vegas tilt his head a bit when someone handed him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks Prim" Vegas accept it and smiled a bit.

"Nervous and don't know how to explain to Venice?" Prim guess looking at the close door.

Vegas nodded sipping his coffee.

"Trust Venice, trust yourself and fight for what you love" Prim said tapping Vegas' back.

"I love him, Prim" Vegas said pertaining to Pete.

"But your brother love him too, do you think he will let go of Pete?" Prim asked.

Vegas can only look down sighing.

"Just like you, I'm also waiting for uncertainty..." Prim said smiling bitterly.

Vegas frown upon hearing that from Prim.

"Seriously, are your twin brother a blind or stupid?" Prim asked frowning in annoyance

"What do you mean?" Vegas asked in confusion.

"Vegas, six years. Six fcking years of waiting for nothing... I loved him since then" Prim confess out of knower.

"What?" Vegas frown.

Prim can only smile bitterly and shrugged it off.


In the other side, Tankhun with Arm and Pol beside him are staring directly to Vegas' direction together with Prim.

"Look at them, what do you think of them?" Tankhun asked Arm and Pol.

"They look like talking casually" Pol shrugged.

"Oi idiot I know that, it's frickin obvious!" Tankhun whine smacking his bodyguard's head.

Pol can only grin in frustration.

"They look close to each other" Arm commented with two fingers in his chin.

"That's it! You're right Arm... they look close to each other, what if they're dating!" Tankhun said with imaginary light bulb on his mind. "I saw them since earlier, they're sticking with each other" Tankhun added.

"Oi Khun No don't jump into conclusion! We're not sure!" Pol said.

"Shut up! It's obvious!" Tankhun yelled pulling Pol's head facing Vegas and Prim.

"Pol is right Khun No, we're not sure—" Arm who was about to say something got interrupted.

"Oi look! Oh that Prim touches Vegas' hand!" Tankhun shout in panic.

"Khun No! What are you three doing there?!" Porsche suddenly popped out of knower.

In panic, Tankhun, Arm, and Pol quickly look away. Tankhun suddenly face the door beside Venice's room. Arm and Pol pretend to check the wall paint in the wall.

Porsche can only frown and shook his head because of these nosy people sticking their nosy ass to anyone else.


After talking and checking Venice, I finally got to leave the room and go find Vegas.

The other member of the main family including Macau and Khun Prim, they are all head back home leaving Venice in my care.

When Venice took a rest and sleep, I finally left the room and walk around the hallway of the ward hoping to see Vegas here.

I just hope you're still here.

I got tired of walking, I sat down in one of the chair in the middle of the empty hallway.

Finally my mind got to rest from long day of loud noises and lot of stressful questions they're throwing on me.

I rest my head against the wall and close my eyes, after some time I felt someone sat beside me.

"Pete" when I heard that familiar voice, my eyes quickly open widely.

"Vegas, I've been looking for you since earlier..." I said looking at him.

"I need to give you a time with Venice, how's his condition" Vegas asked.

"Vegas... Listen to me" I took a deep breath and face him, I held both of his hand.

"Why?" Vegas asked with nervous on his voice.

"Venice needs me right now, he's — he is consider as a bedridden for a meantime as he is healing" I started explaining.

"And?" Vegas asked.

"And... and I need stay beside him, I need to take care of him" I said then pursed my lips.

"Specifically you?" Vegas started to loose his grip on my hand.

"Vegas, your brother needs me right now... You know I can't leave him just like that for us right?" I look directly to his eyes.

"He needs you alright, and do you think I don't?" Vegas withdrew his hand on mine asking me frowning.

"I know... but—"

"But Venice needs you the most and you're ready to throw all your promises to me for him?" Vegas smirk in disbelief.

"Vegas it's not like that—" I tried to explain but he kept interrupting me.

"Then what? What is like Pete?!" Vegas shouted that cause me to flinch.

This is the first time he raise his voice on me.

"Why can't you understand the situation Vegas?! Your brother needs and I need to take care of him!" I yelled back with lips and hand trembling.

I didn't notice that tears are flowing through my cheeks.

"We only have one choice to make this up, Pete" Vegas said in calm voice. "Pete you need..." Vegas took a deep breath.

"Vegas don't... Don't let me choose between you and Venice" I said firmly shaking my head continuingly.

"Why? Because you'll choose him?" Vegas asked in a calm voice but I know he's in pain.

I looked at his eyes and I can only sobbed as I stare deeply on his sparkling watery eyes.

"Pete why?" Vegas asked again.

"Because yes! Yes I'll choose Venice over you!" I yelled back followed by a sobbed.

I heard how Vegas sigh in tired. He stood up and I tilt my head to look at him.

"That's enough to hear Pete, at least you finally gave me a sure answer that enough to lighten my mind" Vegas force to flash a bitter smile.

I want to utter another word to say but it's like something stuck in my throat that blocking me to utter a word, I can only shook my head and sob.

"It's like having you around for a smaller amount of time, Pete" Vegas' words really broke me into pieces as he turned his back against me and started to walk away not waiting for me to explain.

I tried to stand up but with my weak and trembling I can only fell off the ground crying.

Vegas! Please turn your back and talk to me, please let me explain. Yes I am choosing Venice over you to take care of, but I will always choose to love you! Bastard please come back.

The time Vegas turn his back against me is the time where I lose my hope on him, the time he didn't let me explain and choose to leave me was also the time fact hits me, that there will never be a chance on us.

Slowly, with my tired and dizzy eyes. I felt like I am about to pass out and my surroundings start to be blurry. My head hurts together with my abdomen.

The last thing I saw before I close my eyes was a figure of man running towards me catching my head.

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