《Die For You ( VegasPete )》fifteen


TW// Torture

When Vegas separate way from Pete, he can't help but turn to look back. He saw Pete enters the door in the very last room.

After that he took a deep breath facing the door infront of him. Preparing his gun, he kick the door hardly causing it to open widely revealing the man sitting at his office chair.

Vegas smirk in frustration seeing Jet chilling in his chair.

"Nice to see you again, Psychopath" Jet greeted Vegas with evil smile in his lips.

"Oh you can still see me? Bought a fake eye?" Vegas sarcastically said pertaining the left eye of Jet who he stabbed four years ago.

Jet clench his jaw and fist, he gave Vegas a death glare but the man is unbothered showing a cunning smile.

"Triggered?" Vegas sarcastically asked.

"You'll pay for this!" Jet shouted.

"Yes I will, by taking your right eyes too!" Vegas yelled as he draw a shoot directly to Jet's right eye.

Jet who screams in pain quickly reached his gun and despite of the pain, Jet also pulled the trigger of his gun attempting to shoot Vegas' direction.

But Vegas is fast to hide behind the huge bookshelf. While in the other side, Jet is trembling in pain and can only sat down and hold his eyes.

"You're the reason why Venice burden all the trouble that you gave to Pa!" Vegas shouted blaming Jet.

"Our life mess up because of you! Pa's relationship with Uncle Korn mess up because of your fcking abusive way of stealing all from us!" Vegas added with a voice of wrath he's hiding a long time ago.

"Your sons are the reason why our friend died!" Vegas shouted in anger mesmerizing all the memories he had with his friend and brother.

Vegas can only sob remembering the innocent face of the girl he loves first. The girl he never got to fight for, and up until now it's hunting him that if he just fight for Pie, maybe the girl is still alive until now.

And Vegas can't stand witnessing history repeats itself. He will not let that happen again, he will surely fight for the thing he loves, for the person he loves.

After some time, Vegas get out of the wall and face Jet again. Holding his gun, Vegas approach the direction where Jet is and point him the sniper Vegas is carrying.

Jet is laying down soaking with his own blood, still chasing his breath.

Vegas smirk in frustration seeing the man still trying to breathe when he is obviously dying.

"The audacity of you still chase your breath? Do you think you deserve to survive huh? No!" Vegas shouted in anger pulling Jet's collar.

Vegas throw his sniper beside him and grabbed his knife on his pocket.

With so much anger he hold for this man for more than five years, Vegas then smirk preparing something.

"Let's see what's you son's reaction seeing your severed head" Vegas show a cunning smile.

Vegas mercilessly slashed Jet's neck until he lost his breath and almost flooded with blood right where he was lying. Fearlessly Vegas broke and cut off jet's head revealing his neck's bone, one eye was bleeding and his tongue was spitting out like a slaughtered pig.

Vegas with full of blood stains on his coat stood up carrying the sniper on his left hand while in his right hand is where Jet's severed head is. Vegas is carrying Jet's head holding the hair of it.


Vegas left the room and decided to walk towards the room where Pete enters earlier.

But he's not even a few meters near the door, Vegas heard a loud explosion of gun.


I slowly entered the room where I was assigned to enter, Vegas is in the next room not knowing what will face him their.

With nervous and excitement at the same time, I kick the door causing it to open widely and immediately point the gun on what will I see.

I didn't see anything inside, it's just an empty room with a bookshelf inside.

I tried to enter the room still holding my gun, but the time I enter was the time someone kicked my hands causing me to dropped my gun.

I almost lost my balance but I manage to straighten up my posture and turn to look who is this.

"Welcome..." A tall white man, narrowed eyes, and long nose greeted me.

This must be Jai base on what I remember when Vegas and I talked about them.

"You're here with Vegas aren't you" Jai said raising an eyebrow. "You must be Vegas' slut?" Jai sarcastically said.

"Jai Teepakorn, the brat who is obsessed with my fiance" I narrowed my eyes and smirk in sarcastic way.

"Fiance?" Jai frown in confused.

"Oh? You didn't know? Venice didn't inform you that he's getting married? Oh poor you, you must not very important to him" I said teasingly.

I saw how Jai clench in annoyance and quickly point me his gun, I slide in reaching my gun on the floor using my legs.

Not having difficulties, I quickly grabbed back my gun and pointed it to Jai. Now we're pointing our guns at each other.

"I'm not believing you!" Jai shouted holding his gun tightly.

"Oh, do you want me to summarize all the words Venice said that night?" I again said to add more annoyance on him.

"Stop! Who are you to deserve Venice? Are you from another empire like us?!" Jai asked in arrogance.

And for a minute I can't utter a word, not a single word came from my mouth. I don't have anything to say from who I am.

What should I supposed to say? A bodyguard who Venice fell in love with?

"Or are you that bodyguard who they are gossiping about?" Jai said raising an eyebrow with his silly smile.

I gulped down my saliva not knowing what to say, sweats flowing through my temple.

"You can't utter a word? So it's true! HAHAHA oh my goodness Venice marrying a low class person? A bodyguard?" Venice shook his head in disbelief and even sarcastically clapped his hands.

And again I start to look down on myself. And now I'm questioning myself why did Venice fell in love with me, I'm nothing but only a bodyguard of main family.

I'm not smart, I'm only good at fighting and protecting someone. Not unlike Venice, I know nothing about business, about handling a transaction, and not be able to have a proper conversation with clients without cussing and cringing in annoyance.

"But at least Venice saw something interesting with me, unlike you who he never loved and show some interest, right?" I show a small smile enough to put Jai to trigger.

"You bastard know nothing!" Jai was about to draw a shoot but I immediately dodge it, shooting back to him.


I heard him screams in pain, I hide on back of the bookshelf. I tried to sneak a peek on the bookshelf only to see Jai kneeling down holding his stomach.

After that, I change my magazine and reload my gun. After some time, I heard someone open the door.

It's Vegas, with a head on his right hand.

It's Jet's severed head, fck him he really did that thing but with Jio's father. Crazy psycho!

I smiled a bit and about to get out of that bookshelf when I felt something pointed at the back of my head.

"Move and your head will explode" I didn't face him yet, but I can remember his voice.

"Jio?" I asked still not moving.

"Nice to meet you again, Pete" Jio said pointing the gun closer to the back of my head.

"Vegas! Let me go!" We both heard a shout from Jai.

"Where's Pete?!" Vegas shout back.

I felt Jio held both of my wrist grabbing my gun, after that he push me walking out.

Vegas and Jai look at us with shocked on their face. Vegas seeing Jio hostage me makes his blood boils and I saw how he clench his jaw and pulled Jai to stood up.

"Let go of Pete!" Vegas shouted and pointed the gun on Jai.

"Let go of Jai together of your gun" Jio said still pointing the gun on my head.

Vegas look at me, I stare back and shook my head.

You're not idiot Vegas, don't give him your gun!

Vegas just look at me with worried face and I just rolled my eyes.

When he was about to push back Jai, I quickly bend down and kick Jio's thighs elbowing his jaw.

When Jio dropped his gun, I quickly ran towards Vegas.

Vegas let go of Jai and reach my hand closer to him, as the time Jai was about to run to Jio. Vegas immediately draw a shoot to Jai hitting his back.

Jai can only clung to Jio when he lost his balance because of the impact of the bullet hits his back.

Slowly Jio and Jai sat down on the floor. With Jio holding Jai's body soaking with his own blood. Jai slowly lost his consciousness in Jio's embrace while spitting blood from his mouth.

Jio seemed to go crazy when he saw his brother passed out in his arms, his tears gradually came out as he tried to wake Jai up.

"Jai... Oi shia wake up! Jai!" Jio screams tapping Jai's cheeks.

I only stare directly to them, pitying a bit.

After that, Jio look directly to us with his glaring eyes. Vegas can only point his gun on Jio.

Jio grabbed his gun pulling out the trigger. The next thing he did was so shocking that Vegas and I can only flinch in shock.

Jio point his gun on his temple and shoot himself.

Vegas and I only looked at each other, after that Vegas signal me to go out and I just nodded.

Leaving the body of Jio with Jai in his embrace, Vegas and I walk outside the mansion.

I can only grin at Vegas still holding the severed head of Jet.

"What?" Vegas asked frowning.

"Can you leave that here? So stinky" I said rolling my eyes.

It's not that the head is gross, it's nothing to me. Quite amazing though, but the stinky smell of blood really makes want to puke.

"No, I want to give to Pa as a welcome home gift" Vegas sarcastically said raising the head.

"You're going home?" I asked smiling widely.

"With you" Vegas replied pulling me hug, but I just move away because he's still holding that head.

Vegas just chuckle as we continue our walks outside the mansion, when we reached the outside. We saw the rest of our subordinates who survive the encounter.

Around twenty of them standing outside gathering together.

"Let's all go back, we did it!" Vegas shouted raising the severed head of Jet.

All the bodyguards shout in victory and all clapped their hands.


After a long day fighting with Teepakorn, finally we got to rest at least a night before heading back to our country.

We're here at the five star luxury hotel of Tokyo, Japan currently taking a rest together with the other bodyguards who is on their own rooms.

Vegas and I shared a room, obviously.

I throw myself at the bed attempting to close my eyes so I can finally rest my tired eyes.

"You're going to sleep?" I heard Vegas' voice coming out from the bathroom.

"Hmmm I'm tired" I said still eyes close.

"But I'm not" Vegas said and lay down beside me.

"I don't care bastard" I said with lazy voice.

"C'mon Pete we survive it, any reward to me?" I felt Vegas lean closer to me hugging me.

"Ohoi! We did it before going to Japan, we did it before the war and now you want to do it again after a long tiring day?!" I open my eyes stare at him in disbelief.

Vegas pout and show his sad face to me.

"Don't do that thing Vegas you look like a big baby bastard" I lazily said and throw my head back to bed.

"Don't say that Pete, I'm sharing face with Venice... You're technically insulting him" Vegas said chuckling.

"Oh really? Want me to describe your difference from him?" I said raising an eyebrow "let's start with you being a horny stupid fckers who always want sex every each day" I said pointing him.

"You like it though, cursing my name in pleasure —"

"Vegas!" I shouted with my usual 'im-going-to-kick-your-ass-if-you-dont-stop' tone.

While Vegas is still teasing me endlessly and I kept cussing him and smacking his abdomen, we both stop when we heard a phone rang.

Vegas' phone.

"Prim?" Vegas received the call and get up leaning his back against the headboard.

I also get up and lean my back against the headboard, listening to their conversation.

"What?" Vegas frown then turned to look at me.

I raise my eyebrows asking him what's happening.

"Ok, we'll be there tomorrow" Vegas said in his low voice before hanging up the call.

"What happened?" I ask Vegas.

"Venice is awake" Vegas replied looking directly to my eyes.

Venice is awake.


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