

It’s been a month and I can’t even see my husband I can only go outside when his on the business trip I go to the company to make and finish office papers. I’ve been grounded by two bulky man they are my body guards I can’t have a jog anymore my body guards is like my shadow they always appear in everywhere I go I can’t even escape from them.

Its dinner I only wore shorts and t-shirt since I always eat with mom I now used to call mrs. timberners as mom since she gets mad when I’m not calling him one. Before I make a seat I always kiss her on her checks that always earn a genuine and happy laugh from her, my sister also does that they were very close.

As I was about to sit I got surprise seeing my husband he looks expressionless as always. He looks so handsome in just a t-shirt and plain shorts. He sit with us and started eating as I was about to eat he said that we were moving in a new house not so far from here.

Mom looks at him like he grown to have two heads, son your leaving me she looks too sad but then she looks at my sister ok you can both go since it’s the right time for the both of you to lived on your own and lived as a wedded couple just take care of xenia. I have a favor please let kate stay with me so that I’m not alone and you know I will miss xenia so much but if kate is with me It will cure any emptiness.

I look at kate and she smiles at me sincerely and make a small nod ensuring me that she’s fine and ok I also smile on her. But then I look at my husband and tell him that its better to lived with mom than to move. But he answered me that he doesn’t want my opinion and what he have said is final.

I woke up late and when I look to my wardrobe to get something to wear there is no clothes and when I step out of the room all the things already pack out and all of the men carrying them to put in the van. My husband tell me to eat fast if I don’t want to be left so I did what he have told. Once I about to go up stair to take a bath he tells me to go to the car I tried to reason out but he wasn’t listening so I bid a goodbye to mom and my sister and started following my husband.

Its been an hour when we reach our new home the house is also big it is also sophisticated with the touch of modernizations as I take a walk in this house It makes me feel amaze there is also a pool with lights. A mini garden and garage full of expensive cars there is also maids and guards a lot of cctv is scattered everywhere. My husband already left an hour ago I already arrange my stuffs with the help of the maid. I also help on arranging his clothes he is really difficult to deal with living with him is really a difficult thing to do.


The view outside my window makes me feel relax the sun starts to set giving a lively color in the sky. Its Sunday I wonder if my husband even take a rest his always at his office his a really busy man. I only wear a shorts and the big t-shirt I get from random closet. I run down stair looking for yaya with excitement I am going to help her in her work she’s a little old around 40’s she’s like a mother to me.


As I see her in the dining table I almost jump I shout with excitement, good morning yaya minda I laugh and she just also laugh with me but when I started to help her she rolled her eyes, Your really hard headed my child didn’t I tell you not to help me out? She said, Yes you already told me as always but please I’m really happy to help you I smile at her still continuing to help her. We finish settling the food at the table we didn’t notice that my husband is standing at the door. I almost choked with the food in my mouth. I drink and look at him, ohh why are you here?

Isn’t it obvious this is my house that’s why I’m here. What I mean is you have work? but you’re here? Instead of replying he just sit in the chair behind me and tell yaya minda to eat with us, he started eating like I didn’t even question him I rolled my eyes and he just tell me stop making face and rolling eyes on him. Are you been here a while ago for a long hours? Yes, enough to witness how brainless you are you jump almost slippering your feet and shout like you’ve been talking to people far away from you and eating like a man isn’t that too much to disgrace me woman.

Instead of replying I started to eat and didn’t even replied I finish my food and started to clean the dishes helping yaya minda she always refuse my help but I will do whatever I want. As I walk in the living room there are two mans with my husband sitting on the sofa Charles and Dwight his friend and his trusted men.

Who is this sexy pretty chicks in your home Dwight mind to introduce her to us? Ohh if ever she’s single I will do everything to make her a queen he smiled like he will going to win a lottery. We all know you are really a womanizer you don’t like to have a woman in your life but an empire.They all look at me and I really feel like I wan’t to be eaten by the floor I only wearing a short shorts and any part of the short can’t be seen and it really looks like I only wearing a t-shirt. I am irritated for being stupid wearing like this, you bastard man can you please shut your f*cking mouth gosh you speak like I’m not here I rolled my eyes at him. And make a u- turn to go upstairs as I was about to walk on the stair. A deep voice of my husband can be hear.

You idiot you I will hang your body in night market lifeless and out of blood she’s my wife. Woman you’ve create too much trouble this day change your clothes wear decent your not alone in here idiota. Disgracing me too well piece of shit. I look at him his not looking at me but on the papers his holding, pain shot through me I am always been a trouble his words cut me sharply I feel like I am going to cry. I don’t allow any one to embarrassed me like this in my whole life but I can’t imagine my own husband will be the one who will make me feel little. I strengthen myself and mask the pain building in my chest.

I shout at him hey, my dear husband what I am wearing is out of your league this is decent for all I know if you mans are not here, I didn’t know that I will be not alone this day so I will mind to correct things you’re the idiot and a bastard here for not informing me that you will be home this day and you will bring mans in here I wave at him and laugh heyyyy you’re a living damn, idiotic, bastard man.


He stand and taking long strides towards me as I realize his into me to save myself from his blazing eyes that give chills down my spine his a big build man and I look like a kid compare to his body and height. His coming near me I quickly go in my room and bang the door loudly, I inhale and race my hand like I won a race. I already lock the door I am finding some pants in my wardrobe when the door open and closed. I stare at him with shock he just rolled his eyes and show me a key.

You really make fun of me and disgracing me my dear wife he looks at me observing my face and body it makes my heart starting to race to fast. Anyways my clothes look good on you, now change your shorts but not my t-shirt he hold me on my waist and I can’t even move because of the shock. Eat properly you’ve been so slim he come closer on my face enough for me to savior his smell. He whisper in my ear I suggest you must stop giving me a lot of head ache and stay in your goddamn place woman. He just look at me with nothing, like he always do and go out. I manage myself and relax I curse myself for not even moving and bringing that bloody man in his place. I don’t really know what’s wrong with him maybe his crazy or pshychopat.

I choose to stay in my room but then there is a knock in my door I open the door and tell the person what he want he replied that it is more good for me to go down and since they want to know me better. I just nod and follow him he seems too nice he is the man awhile ago his name is Charles he keeps on making jokes that ended up for me to laugh. He also introduced the other man who is also their friend and the both of them where related by blood. I already meet them back then in the bar and in the reception of y weddind. Itachi is the name of the other man he seems nice too, unlike my husband I wonder how they became close with Dwight when his too moody and hard to deal with. We were having fun while my husband Dwight didn’t even bother to talk his reading papers with an eye glass. He looks so attractive even in his glasses his eyes scanning the papers his brows a little crease his hair cascading in his forehead naturally and smoothly I wonder how it feel to touch his face his hair. How can a man be beautiful like him.

I just really can’t understand him sometimes he looks unbothered and don’t even give a damn care in the people around him. His wall is so high that is really difficult to reach. My thought got stock when the view block by two palms and when I look at the owner they both turning red controlling their laugh not to make any noise. Embarrassment enveloped me and I feel like even my ears is getting red. I look at Dwight to see if he notice that I’ve been looking at him. When I look at him he is still reading it makes me feel relief when I look at the both men in front of me they were looking at me like they were teasing I just rolled my eyes on them.

Its been evening and we didn’t even notice the time Charles and itachi cars started to fade from the road its really fun talking to them they have a lot of fun. Dwight was in his office he left us and let me entertain his visitor while his doing his papers that man is a bastard instead of making time with his friend he choose to lock his self in his office.

Dinner is ready one of the maids go in his office to tell him it’s dinner but he don’t even give his reply and still continuing what he was doing. I decided to brought him dinner his really a workaholic instead of taking a rest for the day he was still working. I knock on the door but his not responding so I open the door since it wasn’t lock. Goodness gracious he looks to sexy in his messy hair simple t-shirt that hug his body perfectly all his muscle is visible in that v- neck. I can look at him whole day and whole night his really a hunk. I curse myself silently maybe Im just too sleepy that’s why I think like that. I put the tray at the table his not even looking at me, woman bring that food with you and leave my office. How did you know that I am the one who brought this tray and how did you know that this is foods your not even looking. He just replied that I am the only one who is idiot in this house no one dares to intervene on what he is doing.

I suggest you must eat first before you continue to do what your doing. Instead of following what I have said all that I said falls into a deaf ears. I look at him irritated I try to close his laptop but he don’t let me do it he just push my hand. And tell me to get loss and go out. But then I tell him that I will never be out in here .of he will never touch the food. A woman like me will get what she wants I sit in his sofa scrolling in my facebook account.


Xenia is really a different woman she don’t even dare to throw herself to me like the other woman who will do everything just to get my attention. She’s so hard headed she complete what I really hate in a woman she talk non- stop. She even have the guts to be mad on me, talk back on me and even course me. I hate it when someone curse me specially when it will be coming from a woman. She looks simple yet elegant in her own way the way she walks on the aisle she’s breath taking in her white dress. In the reception I observe her she knows how to handle people even though she’s to clamsy and too loud sometimes. She intrigue me the day I see how she pulled the trigger she knows how to use gun. She is also a shooter based from her angle and eyes she’s going to target the mans hand.

That case is already close me and my mom already find who was the person behind that shooting and until now they where behind our own roof. No one will escape my wrath and that man will soon receive his own sentence. Xenia even know how to protect herself the night she goes for a jog its really impossible that someone had save her. I heard a thud indicating of a body’s falling through the ground. I never saw the whole event but I know she’s the one who cause those men to fall unconscious. As I look to the men they were not dead they were going to gain their consciousness in 15mins.

This early morning she really test my patients she wears my t-shirt and damn she really looks good it suits her too well. Her long white smooth legs is a better view she has no make up on her face she looks more prettier. What really anger me is my friends is with me and they also see it but then she talk back on me and even course me the hell of this woman she really pushes me to lose control. She even brought me my dinner I need to finish the papers so that tomorrow I don’t have a lot of work. She keeps uttering her anger she even put her hands on her waist she looks like a mother awarding his child. I keep on doing my works and when I look at her an hour past she’s past asleep in sofa.

My hungry stomach indicating me to eat the food she brought so I did what my stomach wants. She’s snoring a little this woman can manage to sleep too well in sofa. I call one of my maid to bring the empty plates down stair. I lived her in my office and go in my room and do my night routine the moment I finish I sleep. I don’t want her to think that I care for him or I will be kind to her.


The moment I wake up there is a stinging pain in my neck and even in my body the hell with that man he let me sleep in sofa he didn’t even bother to carry me or wake me up. I go to my room and take a bath I choose a simple shorts that stops below my knee and white t-shirt I don’t bother to put any make up since I will stay at home. Once I finish eating my breakfast I met my husband along the way I roll my eyes at him and tell him how dare he let me fall asleep in the couch I even curse him because of the anger I have. He grip my chin telling me to stop cursing him and stop crossing his way I try to free myself telling him that he already hurting me. He don’t even listen to me he curse me telling me to stop acting like I am truly a wife since it will only be on papers. He even make a threat that if I will never stop crossing his way and didn’t stop to intervene in his life he will kill me. He push me that makes me fall in the floor I don’t let my tears fall I don’t want him to see that he succeed in hurting me.

Hour had past but I still sitting in the couch in the balcony relaxing myself from the view. Maybe I’m too much for cursing him for intervening upon his life. I have no rights to invade in his life I am his wife in papers nothing less nothing more. If he wants to engrossed his self in papers I will never cared anymore. Someone embrace me awakening me from my deep thoughts. She looks at me and smile at me sadness in her eyes is visible what happen sweety someone tell me what happen a while ago so I go I here as fast as I can. Your sister is already at the school that’s why I go in here alone. I’m sorry sweety he hurts you are you ok based from her looks she’s really worried. I assure her that I’m fine and she don’t need to be worried on me.

Mom stays and we have fun watching, cooking and eating she tell me that she needs to go home since kate will be returning from the school I thank her so much for loving us like she’s really our mother by blood but instead of replying she just hug me and kiss me on my cheeks telling me to not give up. I am now a timberners and a timberners will unbreakable my husband is kind his not like this a long time ago and only his wife can change him she said. Show him what his wife got and don’t let him ruined you show him a woman made of gold and stone that can’t be broken. Save him from his own depth, save him from drowning in his own depth honey.

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