

The sunlight creeping from the window awakens me from my deep slumber. The comfy bed doesn’t helping it makes me more lazy to wake up and stand from this bed. The moment I open my eyes it almost give me heart attack. My husband is sitting in the sofa with his cross legs he looks so handsome in his suit I think maybe some can look at him all day adoring his features. He averted his eyes from his phone and look at me, do you know that staring is rude.

Really mr. timberners you think I’m staring at you well I’m not, I am staring at your phone. He smile at me sarcastically, do you even think my senses fails woman. I am here to inform you that you will going to handle office papers when I’m away I suggest you will be careful not to create any mess in my name. As I about to defend myself he don’t even give me a chance to speak he exit and I growl from annoyance that bastard getting in my nerves.

The moment I enter the dining room mrs. timberners smiles on me and my sister also hugs me she tells me that I look good and my natural beauty highlighted because of the beauty products used on me and my hair also have a glow up because of the beauty salon. I just laugh on her telling I don’t have any coins. Mrs. timberners also laugh with us our laugh stops when Dwight make a seat with a little thud showing his irritated face.

Mrs. timberners tell his son not to be mad since yesterday is our wedding and she suggest that me and him will be out for a honeymoon trip. But he replied that he already followed her not to come to office right now but going on a trip his a very busy man and instead of going with a boring trip he rather spend his time on his office. The nerve with this man his really crazy well the feeling is mutual man I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Mrs. timberners tried to reason out but I cut her off and tell her that everything will be ok. I also don’t want to go on a trip. After eating I decided to go to the office but then I meet my husband on the stair he said that he doesn’t like to see my face. I just can’t understand what is wrong with him it’s kinda hard to know what really he feels since he always looks so impassive and expressionless. I just gesture him that show its ok instead of speaking. He already left the house I decided to go outside and make a run I always fund to jog whenever I want to relaxed to get a fresh air. I wear jogging outfit as I look at the mirror I see a very different woman my skin looks flawless white and my clothes looks simple but it looks so expensive. My whole wardrobe was full of expensive clothes my husband is the one who give an order to make everything the best since he doesn’t want any disgrace when I look like a beggar. Its kind of a little harsh but its ok I can always handle everything. As I about to pass the gate securities didn’t allow me to go outside telling that my husband give them orders not to let me out.


What the hell is wrong with him I do look like a prisoner I feel so irritated knowing that I can’t never persuade them to let me out. But then I smile on them sarcastically when brilliant idea pump on my head. I wave on them and said I will just go on my room watching movie instead of going out. As I was on the balcony in the second floor of the house, this is like a hidden place since I notice that it is located in the back of the house and the way to this balcony is hidden in the wall I accidentally press the button on it and I found this. It over looks the beauty of the nature it looks so refreshing and a heart flattering scenic is present in the view. I admire the place but I choose to jog I always like to break rules. I jump at the terrace chair calculating if I can reach out the branch of the tree if I will be going to jump to reach it this looks too risky but I am too confident that I can do it. The tree is outside the house, it is so tall luckily I’m not afraid of it. If I can climb that tree I can be able to go outside I quickly jump and climb down of the tree carefully I smile in triumph when I succeed no one even able to notice me since the leaves of the trees is so thick.

I’ve been running for almost an hour I didn’t know this place too well but I make sure that I can remember the way to go home. I gone too far before I feel the tiredness, as I look around I notice that I am only the one who’s been here in this wide road and there is no houses that I can see instead there is a lot of big trees it is also getting dark I shiver knowing that I am only alone. But I face my fears and run back for an hour I look at my watch its already 7:46 in the evening the place is so dark I open the flashlight of my phone started running again.

I feel out of breath so I stop and catch my breath to make it back to normal as I about to make a run there is heavy lights. The car stops near me so I decided to run again but then the man’s inside the car run after me they are about two man’s I decided to stop because this will only make me out of breath I will only gets tired running. I made out my mind and I am going to fight if they means harm. As I stop I face them they just smile on me sarcastically, I also replied the same smile and tell them that it wasn’t right to follow a woman and run after them.


They about to catch me but before they can hold me I kick one of them on the sun doesn’t shine their weakness when he bend and endure the pain, I jump on his back and withdrawn a force to be able to reach the other man I kick him in his neck that cause him to fall for the sudden impact. They look in pain that is my cue to target their vital sign so that they can be unconscious but before I make my way to attack them they both get the knife in their pockets it looks to sharp.

This mans really getting on my nerves I ask them what they really want on me but they just reply that they want to have fun with me, that I will be going to enjoy the night with them this makes my blood boiled. Remembering my past that throws back in my mind it makes my heart clenched to bad. I feel like my eyes is blazing with anger seeing my expressions they just laugh like a lunatic.

I shout out of my lungs, a man like the both of you doesn’t deserve to treat with respect like you treated a woman. I will teach you not to underestimate a woman now I suggest to put all of your knives and fight like a man isn’t it unfair I am alone here not to mention I’m a woman I question them sarcastically but then instead of obeying what I have said. They just walk towards me attempting to kill me with their knives laughing like a mad man telling that they have no choice but to kill me so that they can brought me with them.

I throw their knives the moment both of the man fall on the road with a thud I just make them unconscious but I don’t kill them. As I about to run again to go back home a baritone voice spoke from a distance

What the hell are you doing here aren’t I give strict orders not to let you out woman? The voice makes me tremble it wasn’t a harsh voice I ever hear but a dangerous voice I look at my back there he is standing infront of his car beside the cars of the man who follow me. He give me gestures to go to his car I follow it as fast as I can not to anger him anymore. He pointed the front sit so I do what he is trying to say.

He started driving, are you mute or what? your not even answering me? Why the hell your all alone in here do you really loose your mind you idiot.

I’m just go for a jogging I didn’t even notice that it’s getting dark I am already running home. Anyways people here is too kind someone save me from those mans do you see them lying on the road they were not dead I say to enlightened the mood. He doesn’t even speak anymore I got scared of him but I hide it all.

The moment we arrived at home he started barking around and making threats that if this will happen again all of them gets fired on their jobs. After that he don’t eat dinner and engrossed his self in his office and papers.

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