

2 days had past all I do is drown myself with the loneliness I have with all of the pain bruising me. I barely eat food most of the time I skip and engrossed myself on gym. I really need to make myself busy so that I can breath from all of the misery I have. I decided to read books like encyclopedia some are theories of some philosopher but then I feel so bored. As I was about to return my book in the shelf my mother picture caught my attention I get the frame and look at her face in the photo. Her smile is genuine it was full of love while she’s hugging kate and me. Silent tears slides and fall in my face even though years had past pains of losing her is still fresh. I miss her smile her touch her voice that calm and cherish us. I read the written letters at the back of the photo she wrote it the moment she got this photo.

A woman’s strength lies on the people she love being weak sometimes doesn’t mean that she’s not strong anymore. We sacrifice we fight because of our heart, if loving is weakness then it also be our strength . In every strength there is always a weakness, it wasn’t gone but we always find a way to strengthen and overcome it. My daughters is my weakness and they were also my strengthen. The moment they grow up they will be fiercer and they will not afraid of every storm.

Mom was right even though she’s not with us her words always been our guide, your strong mom that’s why you have fiercer daughters. Mrs. Dwight words flashback on my mind show him what you’ve got you are the only one who can change him. If I continue to act like this I am only giving him the satisfaction that he succeed on setting me in hell. Well men I’ve been through a lot and right now I think I can handle this.



I call my secretary Khent to email Xenia my wife she needs to go in here, I will be going to meet one of my biggest target clients later and they want to meet me with my wife. Most of the time I don’t meet clients personally but when it was a big catch like this one I am the one who will do the appearance. But it doesn’t mean that I will do everything to please them If they didn’t really want to have us then we don’t as well. But if I really like the terms I will going to have it.

Right now I know that my wife can’t go in here since she’s afraid of me right now if that really happen that’s a good one since I don’t need to remind the line she needs to cross and not too. Crossing and seeing me is the line she needs to understand and feared off. She needs to know her place it is safer for her not to attach on me. Pushing her is the best thing to do and if hurting her is the only way I will going to do it.

I engrossed myself in paper works almost finish my work when my secretary knock on my door. I tell him to enter she says that my wife is here I tell her to let her in. Well maybe she’s here because she’s afraid I will be mad since I command her to come. From my peripheral vision I see her enter my office and take a sit I didn’t look at her I focus myself in finishing my few papers. As I about to finish the last paper she began to speak you called me in here what’s the matter did my presence need to be here? I still don’t throw any attention to what she said as I finish my papers I arrange it neatly at the side of my table.

The moment I look at her I see a very different woman in front of me my wife looks simple ever since I see her. She didn’t even used any make ups she always wore her natural beauty she dress according to occasions but she never wore fancy clothes she always look to simple yet beautiful. But right now I really don’t know what gotten into her. She wear a black coat under neat of it is a white polo that opens a two buttons with a black skirt that ended up above the knee it hugs her body showing her curvy figure. She also wear a white and black high heels with her white pouch. She also have a little bangs with her eyes painted with smoky eye shadow and her lips painted with dark red lipstick her hair cascading in her back naturally with pins. She looks sophisticated yet daring and fiercer the way she sit she have her poise.


I speak authoritatively and I maintain my straight face one of our biggest clients wants to meet me with my wife I need to close the deal. I want you to avoid disgracing me in front of them so I expect you to do your part perfectly. She crossed her leg and replied is that so then you will receive it after that she don’t speak anymore, she open her phone and engrossed herself in it. Along the way towards the meeting place xenia walk and move with poise she walks like she own the place and her looks scream sophistication and power. She’s drawing a lot of attention heads turning towards her direction. It making my blood boiled if she continue to move and act like this she will got more attention.

Xenia pov.

Ever since I and my husband Dwight arrive in the restaurant a destined meeting place with our biggest clients I notice that Dwight keeps on mumbling to his self I look at him questioning he just pointed my skirt. I look at him once again and ask him what’s the matter he just throw his coat at me and that when I realize that my exposed legs is his problem. I cover it up as soon as our client arrive we shake hands with them but mrs. braghtny hug me and smile at me brightly telling me that I look pretty I just smile at her and thank her for the compliment. My husband order food as well as our clients which is mr. and mrs. braghtny. We talk about business I am zooning out when mrs. braghtny ask me what I do to help my husband in business If I also do some work or I pursue other passions. I smile at her and tell her that if my husband were on a business trip I am the one who do office work. But soon I also go to other country with his secretary to check if the branches there is doing well it was the word he said a while ago so I mind to share it to our clients.

Our clients for today really amaze me they were old around the age of 50’s and they really look like a loving couple. In terms of business they both helping each other that’s why it doesn’t surprise me how they also get on top. I also dream of growing old with the man I love but I don’t really know what will happen in my life few years from now. What I know now is I will take a risk and no matter what will be the consequences I will going to accept and face it all. Dwight is the man I am married with and I will take a risk to know him better to understand him even though his difficult to deal with. Upon looking at our business clients I can’t help myself to be happy for them I compliment them that they where really lucky in life. At the end of the day the deal where close and we now got one of our new biggest client. As I landed in my bed I quickly fall asleep.

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