《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 16||


Cecilia's Pov

"I want to kill them" are the first words to come out of Reece's mouth. I instantly start choke on the orange juice inside my mouth.

Reece starts to pat my back. Well he might have thought he was patting it but it felt like I was get smacked on my back over and over again. It hurt a lot too.

"Stop that" I choke out Reece stops hitting my back and my coughing stops. There was an awkward silence.

"Who do you wanna kill?" I say putting my hand on Reece's knee. I knew exactly who wanted to kill.

"Your family they killed my parents and that's all I've wanted to do kill them. It's why I started this gang, too become powerful and then kill them" he says with clenched hands and gritted teeth.

"Reece their my family. I would never tell you to straight out kill them even though I hate them but what I will say is I would never be with you if you even tried. Revenge is not a good thing, it ruins people." I say looking straight in to his eyes. A look of disappointment shadows over his face. I was not a believer of taking and eye for an eye and I most of all did not condone killing, innocent or not.

"I have too do this" he says looking in to my eyes and let me tell you I've never seen Reece look so vulnerable and scared.

"I'm not stopping you" I say grabbing his hand "but I will never speak to you ever again, I would never forgive you if you do this" with that I let go of his hand and it falls back in to his lap. I felt bad, as if I was threatening him. He had worked towards this his whole life and here I was threatening to leave him he killed my parents and I knew Reece cared about me too much to lose me. But did he care about me enough to put aside his vengeance and revenge plot against my family? It made me think... if I hadn't have met Reece then he would have been trying to kill m too.


He nods his head then opens his mouth to say something but his phone begins to ring. That phone, sometimes I wanted to break the damn thing in half.

He lets out a groan and answers it.

"What" he says harshly in to the reciever. I think I would have shit myself if I was at the other end of that phone.

There was a long pause.

"I'll be there soon" he hangs up the phone and leans his head in to my shoulder.

I'm shocked by his action. Reece was never this affectionate. I mostly just get kisses, rarely even a hug. He looked like a tired puppy, I had to hold back laughter.

"emmm Reece what are you doing?" I say with a raised eyebrow trying to contain my laughter. I mean he's a gang leader you don't expect them to be this cute and soft. He was meant to be scary and well not soft, which he was most of the time. It was safe to say I like the cute side of Reece more than the scary side.

"Leaning my head on your shoulder" he mumbles in to my shirt. I let out a laugh.

"Well no way. Why ?" I say still laughing.

"I'm tired" he says letting out a cute little yawn.

"Weren't you meant to go somewhere?" I ask him raising my eyebrow.

He sits up as soon as he hears the words leave my mouth.

"Cecilia" Reece says.

"Yeah?" I say looking at him in curiosity.

"How do you feel about coming to the gang house and meeting my gang?"

This time instead of choking on the orange, it splatters out of my mouth and all over Reece's white. Reece learnt a lesson today and it was to not tell me crazy things whilst I had orange juice in my mouth, or any liquid at all.



I nervously peer at the huge house in front of me. A house this big must have had a lot of people living inside of of it. The thought of meeting these people made me feel sick to my stomach and made me regret agreeing to meet them.

I was dreading stepping inside.

I was partially meeting his family since he didn't have a mum or dad the gang was practically his family and I need to make a good impression. Maybe that's why a part of me wanted to meet them, for acceptance.

I have feeling deep in my gut that told me that they won't like me, I mean I was a normal clumsy girl and they were all trained killers. I was the daughter of Reece's biggest enemy also making my father their biggest enemy.

"Cece their going to love you I promise" Reece says grabbing a hold of my hand and pulling me toward the front door. What Reece meant to say was 'I'm going to make them love you'.

He knocks on the door and not even two seconds later a smiling male opens the door to greet us.

I instantly recognise him as the guy I met at Starbucks. I rack my brain, thinking about his name. Although I was at remembering faces, I was atrosious with remembering names.

Aron... no Aden... No wait I've got it Adam!

"Adam" I yell and pull him in to a big hug. I could tell Adam was completely shocked by my action because he didn't start hugging me back till a few seconds later.

"Hey Cecilia" he says laughing and giving me a small squeeze.

"You guys know each other?" Reece says when we pull away. He didn't look happy.

"Yeah Adam and I used to date" I say pushing myself against Adam's shoulder and leaning into him.

Adam gave me a 'what the hell are you doing' look.

I gave him back a 'go with it' look.

"Yeah Cece over here was my first kiss and I was hers" he says with a dreamy look on his face. Adam wraps an arm around my waste.

This time I gave him a 'what the hell are you doing' look. Adam just gives me a mischievous smile.

Reece's jaw clenches in anger.

"First of all get off my girlfriend before I cut your arm off" he says through clenched teeth.

Adam lets go as soon as the words leave Reece's mouth. He looked like he was about to crap himself.

"Second of all I'm going to beat your ass Adam" Reece says taking a step toward him.

I couldn't take it anymore, I break out laughing.

Reece turns to me and gives me a glare.

"This isn't funny Cecilia" He seethes. There he goes again with my full name. I walk over to him putting my hands on his chest and distancing him from Adam.

"Chill Reece. Me and Adam met at Starbucks, God I didn't know you could be so jealous" I say with another laugh. Reece looks mortified that he just lost his temper in front of me. This makes me laugh a little harder.

"C'mon Reece lets meet the gang" I say grabbing his hand and pulling him in through the door before he could say anything.

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