《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 15||


Cecilia's Pov

Why in the world was I crying? There was no reason to cry, I just stood up to my family. If anything I should be happy. Maybe it was because I now knew I couldn't be a part of that family ever again. I just picked a guy who had only known a few weeks over my family. Then again Reece had been kinder to me than my family ever had.

"Cece?" I hear a soft gentle voice say from above me.


I stand up from the foot path that I was sitting on to see Reece with his hand pulled out to me. I grab a hold of it and we make our way towards his car which was parked a few meters away from us.

I didn't hear it park up when he arrived, I must have been too consumed in my thoughts. He opens the passenger side for me and once I'm safley inside he makes his way to take a seat in the drivers side of the car.

"Whats happened Cece?" Reece says while buckling himself into the drivers side.

I sit up a little in my seat. "Just my parents" I speak out rolling my eyes. The tears had now stopped and my eyes felt a little sticky.

I look at Reece to see his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then a look of pure anger overtakes his features. "Their here?" He asks through clenched teeth, casting a look over my aunts and uncles two floor semi attached house.

I just nod my head.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Just telling me what I can and can't do- it's my life I can do what ever I want." I say looking up at Reece. He looks at me as if telling me to carry on. "They said I can't be with you, I don't know why but they said I can't but I want to be with you, the can't stop me" I say out of breath.


He leans down to kiss me just as we're about to kiss there's a knock on the window I look up too see my so called father. Well what a pleasant surprise.

Reece steps out of the car an makes his way toward my father who was stood on the passenger window side. I open my window a little, just enough to listen to the conversation- argument that was about to take place.

"Why are you doing this Dennings?" My dad says addressing Reece with his second name. My dad had an oddly calm look on his face but his clenched fists gave his whole calm persona away. Inside he was absolutely livid.

"Doing what?" Says Reece with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. I roll my eyes, he was just trying to get under my dads skin now. I wasn't bothered about in fact the situation was amusing to me. I hadn't seen act the way that Reece acted with my father.

"Your trying get my daughter to fall for you then your going to murder her. Revenge isn't a very good Idea son" my dad says with a smirk.

I choke on my spit and look at Reece with widened eyes. What in the world had possessed my father to say such things?

"Cecilia" Reece starts taking a look at me "your father and brother killed my parents and now your father thinks I'm going to kill you. Would I do that? To you?" Reece says with a cold expression on his face.

He said his parents were dead with such ease like he was talking about the weather. Way to be blunt Reece. Well I guess Reece didn't want to show any emotions to my father.

Too say I was shocked about what Reece had just said was an understatement. It didn't make any sense. Why would Calvin and my Father murderer Reece's parents. I look over to my father to see him avoiding my eye contact. The smirk that was once on his face had disappeared. He didn't deny the the murder so I couldn't stop myself from believing that that him and Calvin committed it.


"Of course I don't" I say answering Reece's question from earlier.

"Well then" Reece looks over at my father "Its safe to say your daughter trusts me more than she trusts you sir" Reece says with a laugh and makes his way to the drivers side of the car.

I pull up my window and turn to Reece as he starts the car engine. I think back to the day where Adam told me that Reece's and his parents died in a car accident. I knew he was lying and what just happened confirmed it.

There was a voice at the back of my head telling me how ridiculous I was being for choosing Reece over my family but I liked him. I wouldn't say I loved him but I definitely liked him. I knew that he had been kind to me for as long as he had known me, kinder than my family had ever been.

"I kind of like you" I let out while looking at Reece. A blush of embarrassment immediately over takes my cheeks as I realise how ridiculous the statement sounded. It sounded a lot better in my head. I look down at my lap not wanting him to see my face after the statement I just let out.

Reece lets out a chuckle, I could see him looking at me from the corner of my eyes. "Cecilia I kind of like you too" he says with that annoying smirk on his face, the car comes to a halt outside my appartment block. I had to refrain from letting out a squeal.

We both get out of the car in silence and make our way to my apartment. The walk there was silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more peaceful then awkward. It gave me a chance to think over todays events.

Was mine and Reese's relationship moving too quick? We had only gone on two dates and had already admitted that we liked each other. We had spent a lot of time together since we met. Just that game of 21 questions helped me learn so much about him. I knew his favourite food was pizza, he had a cup of milk with a spoon of honey every night before he went to sleep otherwise he wouldn't get a wink at night. I knew that he loved to cook and his favourite dish to make was pasta. I knew his favourite season was winter because he loved the snow. I knew-

My thoughts were cut off when Reece's phone started it ring. We were only just nearing the elevator on the bottom floor. He answers it and from there I feel myself zoning out again.

Reece was the first person in a long time that made me feel like I was worth something and maybe thats why I felt this way around him.

The elevator stops on my floor and I make my way out with Reece in tow. His phone was still held against his ear and he looked deep in thought. I hang my coat and bag on a peg and turn around to see Reece off of his phone and sitting comfortably on my sofa.

"Drink?" I question Reece.

"Yea please" he says while nervously running his fingers through his hair, maybe it was the phone call.

I grab 2 bottles of orange juice form the fridge and make my way over to wear Reece was sat and take a seat. I hand him one of the bottles.

"Cecilia we've got to talk" I hear Reece say in a nervous voice.

This didn't sound good. I had noticed he only used my full name in serious situations in the past and the look on Reece's face definitely said this was going to be a serious situation.

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