《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 17||


Cecilia's Pov

They hated me.

Every single one of them.

Reece and all his gang were sat around the meeting room, he had already given me a small tour of the humungus house, only showing me through hallways not taking me into any of the rooms except for the kitchen. I didn't mind though, the kitchen was the only place in this house that I wanted to be made aware of. The kitchen was the only room in anyones house that I wanted to be made aware of.

I glance over the room people were glaring at me from different directions in the room and Reece hadn't even introduced me yet. Call me optimistic but in my head I thought this would have gone a lot better, I thought everyone would welcome me the same way that Amy and Adam had, with open arms.

Amy and Adam and a few guys were the only ones who weren't staring draggers at me. At least everyone didn't look like they want to rip my head off.

From the corner of my eye I could see Lola with a group of three other girls. They all looked the same dressed in small pink dresses and all their faces were caked with makeup. I didn't see the point in it though, I think that they would all look beautiful with a little less on- makeup that is. I thought this despite how much I dislike Lola. They also weren't glaring. They were laughing and I knew they were laughing at me. They were laughing at the glares I was getting

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment, I cast my eyes away from them, looking straight ahead.

"I wanna introduce everyone to someone" Reece speaks loudly to everyone in the room. He grabs ahold of my hand and pulls me off me forward from behind him. My heart beats so hard that it feels as if it might fall out of my chest.


"This is my girlfriend Cecilia, she will be treated with respect from all of you" he looks over the entire the room, his gaze lingers on Lola " if you don't treat her right I'll have your head" Reece finishes off.

By now everyones eyes were cast downwards avoiding eye contact with both me and Reece. Everyones eyes including Lola's.

"Dismissed" he says and everyone scurries out of the room, the same way a swarm of ants scurry towards a piece of food.

"C'mon I've got one more place to show you hon" Reece whispers in my ear. He gives the tip of my ear a peck and starts to walk towards the door that leads out the room. I follow behind.

We walk down the hall way leading out from the meeting room for a few seconds. We reach a oak door.

I peer over at Reece to see him pull a key out of his pocket and unlock the door.

"This is my office" he says with a proud smile on his face stepping inside the room. I step in behind and his office was everything that I imagined it to be.

"Wow" I squeal and run further into the room. All sorts of different weapons were placed in different places. The room was surrounded by endless amounts of book shelves, the dust that was collecting on top of them made it visible that the books hadn't been touched in a long time. The curtains were drawn allowing no natural light into the room. In the centre of the room was a huge oak desk with a large amount of paperwork on it. On the centre of the table was a gun.

Reece sees what I'm looking at and his eyes widen slightly. Before Reece can say or do anything I run toward the table I grab the gun and try to hold it up properly. By properly I meant I tried to hold it up the way they did in all the action movies.


"Can you teach me to shoot" I say waving the gun around. I knew it was extremely dangerous and very unsafe but I was trying to get on Reece's nerves.

"Be carful and no" he says taking small step toward me as if he was afraid I would sling the gun at him. I let out a chuckle.

"Reeeeeceee It's not like the damn thing is loaded" I say pulling the trigger at the same time Reece yells "Cece".

I bullet comes flying out of the gun hitting just a few inches away from where Reece is stood. I look at Reece's face to see his eyes tightly shut.

"I didn't know" I let out a small whimper as I make my way over to Reece, dropping the gun on the floor with a clank.

"are you okay" I say whilst examining his face to see if there was any harm, his eyes were now wide open, shocked.

"I'm fine the bullet didn't even touch don't worry about it" he says with a laugh but i could tell he was kind of shaken up by what just happened. The look in his eyes said it all.

"See she's already trying to kill Re" I hear the obnoxiously loud voice of Lola say.

She carries on.

"She wants to kill you just like her father. She's a monster" she says I turn around to see her smirking at me as if she had just accomplished something, I laugh at her.

"Do you always spy on people like this. Like some sort of stalker?" I say glaring at her. I know not the best comeback but the best I could do.

"I-" she starts off but Reece cuts her off.

"Leave Lola. I told you and everyone else not to mess with Cecilia" he says angrily. Boyyy was he pissed.

She cowers back a little. Her face looks completely blank as if she's not afraid but her actions said otherwise.

"Oh and it's boss or sir not Re or Reece or baby. Understand?" He looks her dead in the eye waiting for an answer.

"Yes" she lets out a sigh.

"Yes what?" Reece's voice booms out.

"Yes sir" she whimpers.

I smirk in satisfaction.

"Reece baby could you show me your room?" I say to him.

I could see Lola's hands clench angrily from the corner of my eye.

"Yeah let's go" he says grabbing my hand on the way out of the door I roughly push my shoulder against Lola's. She falls over just outside the Reece's office.

Reece doesn't notice and turns to lock the door.

I lean down next to her ear and say two words that I knew would push her over the edge.

"He's mine"

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