《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 18||


Cecilia's Pov

"What did you do when you got back to his room" says George looking at me in anger? He was sat across the room from bouncing a ball on the wooden floor, it was beginning to get very annoying.

"Nothing we just talked" I say smiling and taking a bite of my of my apple.

George had come over to my apartment to chill out for a bit and I had decided to tell about me going over to Reece's the other night since I had no-one else to tell.

"I really like him, he's an amazing guy" I say thinking about Reece and how unreliably kind and sweet he was to me.

George stops bouncing the ball and scoffs.

"You are totally delusional! For the love of god he's a gang leader! You could get in to so much god damn trouble if someone finds out! You can't date him!" he yells his voice bounces of the walls of my apartment making an echo.

I was shocked by his out burst but I quickly come back to my senses. "Why can't you just be happy for me" I yell back angrily, just as loudly as him- if not louder.

I place my apple on the table in the centre of the room suddenly feeling a loss of appitite.

Yes Georege was my friend but he had no right to speak to me in that way and friends didn't judge each other. He was meant to be happy for me.

"There are so many guys out that would be happy to go out with you Cecilia why choose to date a gang leader?" he questions quietly with a small frown on his face.

"Well I don't want to be with them. I want to be with Reece" I say through gritted teeth, ignoring his question because I didn't have an answer. Plus there was no guys out there who wanted to date me. Reece was the first male to ever show any interest in me.


"You know what a gang leader and a broken record. Perfect match" he says angrily but his eyes soften as soon as the words leave his mouth.

"Leave" I say calmly with no emotion. I looking away from him and at the floor.

I glance up at him to see him stand up from the sofa, he starts to make his way over to me. My eyes linger on him wondering what he was doing.

"Cece" he says quietly, trying to grab ahold of my hand.

I step away from him and give him the dirtiest look that I could muster.

"Last time I checked only my friends and family call me that and your not either of them" I snap at him through clenched teeth.

He looked hurt at first then he immediately covers up the look and puts a blank face on.

George doesn't say another word, he just stomps towards the apartment door like a raging toddler. I turn away from and look out of the living room window that looked out on to the car park.

The door opens and just as quick as it opens I hear it slam shut, it echoes throughout the apartment.

I immediately regret what I said to him but there was no way in hell that I was going to go after him he was just as rude to me. He can't talk to me like that.

I turn around from the window and glance at the place where he was sat. I let out a small laugh and shake my head in amusement, all the anger my body held was now forgotten. All that was going through my head was how much of forgetful guy George was.

Another reason why I wouldn't go after George was because he has to come back anyway seeing as he left his phone on my couch.


Idiot. I let out another small chuckle knowing he'll be annoyed that he has to come back and get it.

Not even ten seconds later I hear a knock on the door. I inwardly laugh knowing exactly who was on the other side of the door.

I make my way over to it and open it only to come face to face with George.

"I left my phone" he says, his face absent of any emotion.

I just nod and let him in to the appartment .

"I'm sorry for what I said" he says whilst picking up his phone, he tucks it away into his pocket.

"So am I" I say looking at him, he turns around and opens his arms inviting me in for a hug.

I immediately jump in to his arms and return the hug.

"Just know that I will never be fine with you dating anyone from a gang and you can't change my mind about that" he says truthfully.

I just nod my head against his chest.

The truth was me and George didn't see eye to eye on certain things and that was okay, a lot of friends didn't agree on certain things. One thing I knew for sure was that George would support me no matter what. No matter how much he disagreed with me and thats what friendship was. Supporting each other no matter what.

Friends are like our second guardians; they influence us in each and every aspect and in all phases of life. Some teach us to relish life, some teach us to distribute with others, while others teach us to put concentration on our careers. Friends play their role in the movie of life. Some friends can last a year or till the time they are with us in college or till they find someone better than you. Friends who understand you, know you and care for you always, are like diamonds. Precious and expensive. It could cost you a lot if you lose certain friends. They live with us in all periods of life. One thing that I knew for sure was that George would be a friend for life. He was a diamond.

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