《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 19||


Cecilia's Pov

I'm all snuggled up in my apartment, candles were lit and I was cosied up on the sofa in my living room. A knock sounded on my apartment door.

I wasn't expecting maybe it was Reece, he always showed up when I least expected him too.

I think back to the events that took place the other day. I was horrified when he told me about wanting to kill my family. I shouldn't be though, I had seen Reece kill someone before, that day at the club. He didn't even glance at the body, he seemed like he didn't care at all. That was probably because he didn't care.

I told Reece clearly how I would feel if he even tried to harm my parents. I would never do speak to him again, our relationship would be over.

I stand up from my warm seat on the sofa and walk over too my door. I pull it open too see a my mother with a tear stained face.

My fist indistinct was to pull her in for a hug, her and dad probably had an argument.

Whenever my mother and father and an argument, my mum would come to me and seek my support. We never spoke though, we always just sat in silence. Then soon enough the crying would stop and she would get up and leave without saying a word. I guess she was always embarrassed at the end of her outbursts maybe that was the reason that she never said a word.

The next day everything would always be forgotten. Mum and Dad would be in a good place and as usual I would get ignored or either yelled at all the time.

She pushed me away as soon as my arms wrap around her. It confused me, she always hugged me back. Maybe she was mad about that night we had the dinner. I open my mouth ask her what she was doing her when I see her face. She looked livid. She wasn't crying she just looked plain angry.


She clenches her hands in to tight fists, her knuckles turn white.

"Why?" She screams into my face, her breath reeked of cheap beer. I cock my eye brow, mum never drunk anything except for the finest wines and rosè.

I frown at her. What is she doing here?

"How did you know I live here?" I say deepening my frown. Ignoring her question. What did she mean by why...

"Don't answer my question with a question" she sneers, spit splatters out of her mouth on to my face.

"Fine then! Why? What do you mean why!?" I say confused. The quicker I answered her question, the quicker she would leave.

"Why are you with him! He's a monster" she stomps her foot angrily like a child.

I immediately realise she's talking about ReeceBecause I want to be" I say simply. What I do in my life has absolutely nothing to do with her.

She opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

"Time to answer my question" I say glaring at her.

She smirks.

"You know Cecilia. I thought you knew me and your father better then that. The minute you bought this lousy apparent we were notified and we've been tracking your every move since you left home" she says happily like she's achieved something.

"Leave" I say angrily.

She laughs.

"No" she says smirking. She carries on "this my apartment just as much as its yours"

I clench my fists.

"Leave" I say angrily.

My so called mother opens her mouth to speak but she gets cut off by another voice.

"leave mum. We have no right to be here or tell her what to do with her life, its unfair on her" Calvin says looking directly at my mother. He then turns to me and gives me a small smile. I just simply keep a blank face.


My mum just angrily screams like a child and stomps out of the room. I look up to see Calvin still stood there staring at my face with no emotion what so ever.

"your not welcome here" I say too him. I just asked my mother to leave does he think I'll let him stay.

"It's him or your family. Pick" he says.

"Him" I say.

"You'd pick a guy you met like a month ago over your family! Cecilia you are a work of art!" He yells angrily.

"Leave" I say keeping my voice firm.

Calvin opens his mouth to argue but another voice interrupts.

"She picked me get over it. I belief she told you to leave so I suggest you leave" says a voice behind me. There was calmness yet there was anger in the voice and a small hint of happiness.

Calvin stomps out of the room just like mum did. Like a child.

I turn around to see Reece.

He walks toward me and opens his arms engulfing me in to a hug.

Reece suddenly pulls away.

"I've got to go" he says with a grim expression on his face.

I look at him with my eye brows raised.

"You only just go here" I say laughing and grabbing his arm pulling him toward the sofa.

He aggressively pulls his arm away from me making me tumblr back on the sofa.

The impact makes me groan in pain.

I look up at Reece too see the a bit of guilt in his eyes it suddenly disappears and his face breaks into an emotionless look.

"I'm going to leave now" he says turning his back to me.

"Please don't. I know something's bothering you. I can help" I say practically begging him.

I hear him take a deep breath.

Still having his back too me he lets out a laugh. A very sarcastic sounding laugh.

"Bye Cecilia" he says his tone never wavering.

He walks out of my apartment not turning back. He slams the door shut.

He just left like that.

Right after I defended him.

I felt like crying.

I hold back my tears and walk to my room.

I get on in to my bed and role up in to a ball, one thought went through my head for the rest of the night.

He left.

Reece's Pov

I let out a very sarcastic laugh.

"Bye Cecilia" I say trying not to make my tone waver.

I walk out of her apartment and slammed the door behind me.

I walk down the stairs and out of the apartment block.

She picked me over her family and what did I do?

I left her.

I walk toward my bike and angry throw a punch at my car.

"Dude chill out" Adam comes up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Get everything ready. We're going ahead with the plan" I say with clenched hands.

"Dude we can't" he says quickly.

I scoff and turn to look at him.

"I've been planning this ever since my parents died" I grab Adam by the collar of his shirt.

"And it's going to happen" I state angrily and push him away to the floor.

"I'm your leader. When I tell you to do something you obey" I open the car door and start up the engine.

Adam follows behind me sitting in the passenger side.

I start to drive toward my destination but only one thing goes through my head.

I left her.

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