《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 3||


Cecilia's Pov

"Thanks" I say handing Reece back his the helmet as I get off of the bike. I smooth out my crumpled up clothes. I looked up at the sky, grey clouds were huddled together. A storm was coming but that was nothing out of the ordinary.

"No problem, I'll walk you to your appartment" Reese says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I look over at him to see him getting off of his bike. He was actually pretty good looking when he wasn't so angry. Just looking at him now he looked like a regular guy and anyone would think he was a regular guy. Little did anyone know that he was a freaking gang leader.

"You don't have-" I say but get cut off mid sentence.

"C'mon" he says as he starts to walk towards the entrance of the apartment building. I roll my eyes glancing towards his back. He had a nice back...

The plonker doesn't even know where I live and here he was acting as if he was walking towards his own home.

He suddenly stops walking and turns his head to face me.

"What floor do you live on?" He says curiously.

"three, door seven" I say with a smirk.

He nods his head and proceeds to walk toward the apartment block. We walk into the entrance, he walks towards the stairs and starts to run up them leaving me behind. I shake my head and follow him up.

I hated taking the stairs usually I would take the elevator up. I mean what was the point in wasting time and energy by deciding to take the stairs I mean it was completely pointless.

I stop to take a breath, I wasn't even on the second flight of stairs yet. I was so freaking unfit. I look ahead to see Reece no where in sight, he was probably already outside my apartment.

Okay you can do it Cecilia! You can do this! Just like that I start running up the stairs as reach the door to the third floor I jump up excitedly in the air, I freaking did it. I could hardly walk from the living room to the kitchen without wanting to drop down on to the floor. I have no idea how I just ran up three flights of stairs maybe it had something to do with there being a hot gang leader waiting outside my apartment for me.


I open the door that lead on to the third floor of the apartment building. There he was at the end of the hallway outside my apartment looking at his phone.

He looks up from his phone at me. "You were beggining to take so long that I thought you got lost again" he say with a smirk.

I ignore his statement and walk past him. I dig through my bag and take out my keys and open the door.

"Thank you" I say turning away from the door. I look at him with a smile, trying to genuinely show him I was thankful for him helping me out.

"No problem" he says with a smirk plastered to his face. With that he then turns on his heal and walks towards the elevator.

I roll my eyes, couldn't he have taken the elevator on the way up? That would have helped a lot.

I shake my head and walk into my apartment. I shut the door behind me and throw my bag on to the coach, not before taking my phone out of my bag. I don't bother switching on the light, I just walk straight to my bedroom.

Upon reaching my room I switch on my bed side lamp then I put my phone on charge. I throw myself backwards on to my bed. Flipping heck I was exhausted. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to get up to change my clothes or remove my makeup, disguisting I know. Hell, I didn't even have the energy to take off my shoes. It must have been that long walk up the stairs.

I close my eyes, thinking about today's events, What a crazy freaking day. I met a hot gang leader who almost made me pee my pants when meeting him but then I got on a motorcycle with him and let him bring me home? How crazy was I...

Oh well, I doubt I'll ever see him again.


The loud ringing of my phone sounds around my room. I groan while opening my eyes. I look over to the clock on my bed side table only too see it was 5am. It was Sunday. Who in their right mind would call this early on a Sunday.I grab my phone and answer it without looking at the caller id.


"What?" I growl through the phone. I didn't care if this was the queen of England, why call me this early in the morning.

"Hey Cece, could you please come in to work at 9. I need you to cover someone" I hear Mark say through the phone.

Was he serious? Did this man ever sleep?

"No" I say frowning and then ending the call. I close my eyes trying to go back to sleep.

I hear my phone ring again.

"I hate my life" I groan into my pillow. I answer the phone, why? Because he was my boss and I did not want to lose this job. It would mean that I would have to go back to using my fathers money, which to be honest sounded like an amazing option right now.

I hold the phone to my ear.

"10 pounds per hour today, you'll be making 130 pounds" Mark says.

I'm suddenly wide awake.

"I'll be there at 9" I quickly say then turn off the phone.

I set my alarm for 8:15 and then I close my eyes again, hoping to go back to sleep.


My eyes fly open to the sound of my alarm beeping.

I reach over to it to turn it off. I leap out of bed and make my way to my bathroom. I walk straight to my shower and turn it on. I strip out of my clothes whilst waiting for the water to turn warm.

I undo my hair from its pony tail and step in to the shower. Ive always loved taking showers. First of all they helped me keep clean. My favourite thing about showers is that its just me time. I was completely alone and no one could ever bother me. The shower was my happy place.

I grab my favourite shampoo and squeez it out on to my hand then apply it too my hair, massaging it in to my scalp. As I start to rinse off my body I think about the events that took place last night.


I wonder if I'll ever see him again.

I certainly wish I see him again.

He's in a fucking gang ,only someone who wants to die would wish that!

I turn off the water and step out of the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and walk out the bathroom and into my bedroom.

I walk over too my dressing table and look at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess, I forgot that I didn't take my makeup off last night and the water from the shower just made my face look a lot worst. Dark patches of mascara littered my face and the lipstick that was once on my lips had now found a new spot on my chin. I grab a makeup wipe and remove all the makeup from my face. After removing the makeup I moisturise it, not wanting my skin to go dry and patchy.

I grab a hair brush and begin to comb through my hair. I braid it in to a plat leaving it to dry naturally.

I walk over to my closet and take one of my work shirts out, I put it on I then put on a black pair of tights and a plain black skirt that ends just above my knees. I tuck my shirt into my skirt and then I grab my old pair of bright orange converse that match my work shirt.

I was meant to wear plain black shoes but I didn't want too, black was such a dull colour. My shirt was the only coloured thing I got to wear. And it was kind of ugly.

Its not like anyone was going to see my shoes, I stood behind a counter all day where my feet would be hidden from all eyes.

I grab my back pack which was again black and throw my phone inside then I towards my front door. I wasn't hungry so I decide to skip breakfast. I'm sure as hell going to regret that later.

I walk out my front door and walk towards work, this time taking the normal root, no way in hell was I planning on getting lost.

13 hour shift.


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