《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 4||


Cecilia's Pov

6 hours later.



I was exhausted and I still had another 7 hours to go. It was only 3 in the afternoon.

Sunday was always a busy day. Everyone came shopping to buy the things that they would need for the week ahead and to make it all worse the store I work in is a express store meaning its opened 24 hours everyday also meaning it wont close at 5pm like every other shopping store on a Sunday.

I hated my job but loved it at the same time. It had its ups and downs. I loved meeting new people but some of them were a pain in the ass. I also got paid a good amount of money and as bad is it sounds the money is the only thing keeping me working here.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to serve me" I hear a gruff voice say. That voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't quite figure out where I had heard it.

I turn around only too see the idiot from yesterday looking at me with a bored expression on his face. Talk about pain in the ass. I could see straight through the bored fake expression on his face. His eyes said it all and they told me he was absolutely bricking it.

"Did you bring your id today?" I say smirking at him.

He almost looked shocked at my question. He didn't think I would remembered him. I mean seriously? It was yesterday not last year.

"I-" he starts but gets cut off by another familiar voice.

"Hurry up Jacob, I've not got all day" chimes a smooth voice from behind the boy.

That voice.

I look past the boy who's name I now I know is Jacob and see someone who I never thought I would see again.


There stood Reece Dennings.

Sporting a tight black pair of jeans, a white t shirt and a black leather jacket. I didn't think it was possible for anyone to look as good as Reece looked in his outfit. His eyes were practically glued to his phone screen. Did he ever put the damn thing down?

I quickly turn my head back to Jacob when I realise I was staring at Reece.

"Well?" I ask him. How did this little boy know Reece? I sure hell hope someone his age wasn't involved in all the gang business, I mean the kid didn't look a day over 15. 15 year olds are meant to play video games not be involved with gangs. Another question I had was why in the world were they buying cigarettes from a supermarket, I mean don't they like have dealers for that. As much as I wanted to ask those two questions, I was too much of a wimp.

"Reece, could you?" Jakob asks Reece without looking at him.

I frown. Could he what? All these cray thoughts swivelled around in my head. One of them being that Jacob was going to ask Reece to kill me because I didn't give him cigarets. Crazy I know but it could happen.

Reece lets out a frustrated sigh and walks up to the counter.

"I'll get what he wants" he gestures towards Jakob not looking up, still staring down at his phone.

"ID" I say, did he just think I would give them to him? Sorry everyone needs to show me their ID even if they are very handsome and a scary ass gangleader.

He sighs and takes his ID out of his pocket. He finally looks up at me handing me his ID with a glare. Someone was annoyed that he got asked for ID.


His glare suddenly transforms in to something that looked like a cross between a grimace and a smile. I couldn't tell if he was happy or sad to see me.

I was kind of happy considering I kind of thought he was cute and who doesn't love seeing cute faces. However he probably just thinks I'm the weird girl who got lost that he had to escort home.

"Hey.." He awkwardly says. He looks at me as if he's waiting for something, what? Then it comes to mind that I forgot to tell him my name. How could I have forgotten to tell him my name? Maybe you were to busy being scared chimes an annoying voice at the back of my head.

"Cecilia" I say in such a small voice that I'm not sure if he even heard it.

He smiles and nods confirming that he heard me.

I turn to the wrack behind me and grab the cigarette packet that Jacob wanted I then hand it over to Reece. I might as well as handed it to Jacob, knowing that the cigarets were for me.

He winks at me.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I wasn't used to getting any male attention and it was crazy that I liked the attention I was getting off of this super hot gang leader. I mean I hope he didn't go around winking at every girl because that would make me feel like an idiot for thinking it was anything special.

I needed to chill the hell out. This was only the second time I'm meeting this guy and here I was getting freaking butterflies in my stomach.

Maybe its because of the lack of male attention I usually get. I needed to get out more.

"Remember" Reece says as he leans on to the counter an places his mouth toward the left side of my face. "The third times a charm" he whispers, his lips tickle my ear, He leans back away from me and gives me a small smile. With that he turns on his heal and walks out the store with Jacob following behind like a lost, confused puppy. To be honest I would be too if I saw a gang leader who was said to be cold as hell being all cute with a girl. Well thats what I thought he was being, cute and kinda weird but I think I liked it.

The third times a charm? What did that even mean? Were we going to meet again because I recall this being the second time we've met.

I feel like a young school girl with a crush. This was so odd but so freaking exciting I have never felt like this and its crazy. So bloody crazy because I've only met him twice and I don't know anything about him except that his name Reece, he's a gang leader and he just helped a kid called Jacob get a packet of cigarets. He was so freaking hot though.

I'm going crazy.



I haven't even had a proper conversation. Maybe I'm just in desperate need of man's attention. Even if that man happens to be a hot gang leader who could kill me in two seconds.




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