《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 5||


Cecilia's Pov

"Wow" George says looking at me wide eyed. George lived in the flat across mine and we have been best friends ever since the first day I moved in across the hall.

I had just told him about what had happened with me and Reece. I told him everything from the moment I met the greek god of a gang leader to the last time I saw him in the supermarket.

"I don't know why I feel like this" I say groaning and smack my head on to the counter of the table that we were sat at.

We were in a cafe right now it was about two o'clock in the afternoon and it was a Tuesday.

"Feel like what Cece? you're attracted to him, thats literally it. You've not had any male attention in a while and now that you have it your overthinking and going way to fast" George says looking at me with a soft smile.

I keep quiet, maybe he was right I was just overthinking everything way too much and I was getting a head of myself. Next thing I know I'm going to be planning our flipping wedding.

"Yeah I think your right" I say smiling sadly.

I was just in love with the idea of being loved and wanted and now with Reece, the first guy in forever to give me some attention I feel like I might kinda have a chance. Doesn't everyone want to be loved and wanted?

"You never know he might like you, I mean from what I've heard this dude does not smile but here he is smiling at you" George says then takes a sip of his coffee .


"Bye Georgie" I say while opening the door to my apartment. I turn and give him quick hug before entering my apartment. We had finished up at the cafe and I was exhausted so I wanted to get home and get some rest.


"Hey" I hear a voice say as soon as I close the door to my apartment.

I quickly jump in to action and turn on the light and grab the closest thing to me and aim at the person stood in my living room.

The intruder had a hood over their head so I colder see any facial features. However I could definitely tell that the intruder was male.

"Really Cecilia? A pencil?" The unknown guy scoffs

I look down to see I am holding a pencil... A bloody pencil. Luck was really on my side today, nevertheless I keep it pointed at the guy. A sharp pencil was better than nothing.

Wait! How the hell did he know my name!

He then removes his hood from his head.


This idiot.

Third times a charm.

"You do know breaking and entering is against the law right?" I say extremely frustrated. I throw the pencil on to the sofa along with my bag.

"First of all I didn't break anything, second of all you should know better than to talk to me about the law" he says with a smirk on his face.

He had a point. He was a freaking criminal, its not like he obided by the law anyway.

I shrug.

"Does this belong to you?" He says handing me a silver charm bracelet. My silver charm bracelet.

I gasp holding my hand over my mouth,"I've been looking for that damn thing every where!" grabbing the charm bracelet off of him. To be honest I didn't even notice that it was gone. Although i do recall wearing it the day I saw him at work.

Did he steal my charm bracelet just so he could see me again? How did he manage to take the bracelet off of my arm?


I give him a hug and tell him thanks.

"No problem" he says with a small smile.

"How did you find it? How did you know it was mine?" I ask him both questions at once, even though I knew answer already, he was a bloody thief.

"First of all I found in the alleyway that I met you in, I was walking around there yesterday and I saw it, second the charm say Cecilia on it and your name is Cecilia and your the only Cecilia I know"

He says then quickly adds on "none ever comes on my territory without permission you were the first" he smiles.

I smile stiffly hiding a scowl. Why was he lying?

"Want something to drink?" I say going in to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water for myself.

"Hot chocolate please" he says while looking down at his phone, what was it with him and his phone, couldn't he just keep it in his pocket for a few mins.

I laugh.

"The big bad gang leader wants hot chocolate?" I say amused. I don't know why I found it funny. I just expected him to ask for something more like beer or water but I guess everyone loves hot chocolate.

"What did you want me to ask for beer? Why would I ask for that? It tastes horrid" he says with a disgusted look etched to his face.

"Don't you drink?" I ask with a frown on my face, I mean surely he does right?I mean isn't that what scary guys that hang out in alleyways do?

"I'm a gang leader" he says.

I grab the metal tin of hot chocolate and turn around to see him leaning against the kitchen wall.

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious " I smile sarcastically at him.

I continue "You didn't answer my question" I rolling my eyes.

"No I don't drink, if I did who would look after the gang?" he answers my question with a question.

I stir the cup hot chocolate and turn to look at him.

I hand it over to him and look at him with a new found sense of respect. I mean I know being in a gang isn't the best career choice but I couldn't help but admire him for what he just said. Reece Dennings the leader of the snipers had a heart. He cared.

"You're kinda an amazing person?" I say with a smile. It was more of a question than a statement, I didn't know what to say. He was pretty cool. It's small things like that, that define how a person is seen in others eyes. I think my lil school girl crush on Reece just went up a notch.

He shrugs.

"I know"

I roll my eyes at him.

I've been doing that a lot lately.

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