《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 6||


Cecilia's Pov

"Reece this is getting boring" I groan in to my coach.

We had been playing 21 questions for the last 2 hours and somehow 21 questions turned to 109 questions. Yes I had been counting how many questions he has asked me, i'm pretty sure he knew me better than my own parents knew me.

I frown when I start thinking about them and I think Reece notices because he also frowns.

"What's up?" He said looking at me.

"I'm just thinking" I say putting on a fake smile.

"I can see straight through that smile" he says with a scoff.

"Tell me what's wrong"

So I tell him. I tell him all about my parents and what they said to me and about my brother. He listens the whole way through looking at me intently not interrupting once. It felt good to finally let it all out someone. Each time I told someone I felt happy, it made me feel as though my feelings and opinions mattered.

"Well if you want my opinion " he starts but I interrupt.

"I don't think I want your opinion" I say, I honestly didn't I just wanted to sit and talk, each time I told someone about my past they would always tell me that I was in the wrong and I should make up with my parents because they've been there my whole life. Pfffttt they were hardly ever home.

Reece however completely ignores me and proceeds to tell me what he thinks.

"I think their assholes and you shouldn't ever let yourself get this worked up over them" I finishes off giving me a shrug.

I was stunned but then again this was Reece, he never ceased to amaze me with some of the crazy things that came out of that mouth of his.

He looks over to clock on the wall and his eyes widen.

"Shit" he says standing up.

"What's up?" I say standing up as well. Was he okay? He looked like he had just missed a dentist appointment. Well he looked like me when I missed a dentist appoint. Lord was I scared for my life that day. I thought the dentist was going to hunt me down and yank all of my teeth out. I was 16.

"I've got to get to the club, crap the gang will already be there" he says walking toward the door. He suddenly turns around and looks at me.

He opens his mouth hesitating for a moment "wanna come?" He finally says with a small smile. Come to meet his gang? Was he crazy? Was this the new 'do you want to meet my parents?'. As crazy as it sounded I kind of wanted to go with him. I was curious, so freaking curious. As bad as it sounded I trusted Reece to protect me if anything went wrong. He seemed genuine enough.


But what if this was one big joke and Reece was luring me out to kill me? C'mon Cecilia! Be brave! Do something crazy... even if it might lead to getting you killed.

"Yeah" I say standing up. I however instantly regretted it... it wouldn't be that bad, would it? Take a deep breath Cece everything will be fine.

"Is what I'm wearing ok?" I glance down at my outfit, a pair of jeans shorts and a white tank top. I was dressed like I was going to the beach. I look up at him too see him looking at his phone again.

"It's perfect" he says not even giving me glance. I just roll my eyes and grab my bag.

We both make our way out of the apartment building and walk towards Reece's bike. I was actually looking forward to riding on it this time. It was kind of fun last time plus it was an excuse to be able to hold on tight to hot guy with an amazing body

Once on the bike the rest of the journey is silent. It wasn't awkward... it actually felt good. Looking around me I could see the city I had began to call my home in a whole new light. It felt different from sitting in a car. I felt as though I was flying through the streets with an unbelievable amount of speed. Well I was minus the flying part. I felt free. I felt like if I asked Reece to take me somewhere right in this very moment he would take me.

Well maybe not because he had to go see his gang but in this moment in time I felt the most free that I had felt in along time. Maybe even as free as I felt when I first left my parants.

The bike suddenly halts to a stop. I look around too see we've arrived outside a huge block building with 'club13' printed on the front in bright neon colours. I line of people stood outside the building, leading around the corner of the building.

I follow Reece to the back entrance of the club. A man dressed in black awaits at the door and quickly pulls it open once Reece arrives next to it. I notice as soon as we walk through the door Reece's smile vanishes off his facial features instantly harden.

Colourful, bright lights flash illuminating the darkened room. Reece latches on to my hand with me as he pulls me through the crowd of sweaty bodies. Bodies moved around dancing, drinking, smoking.

I had never been in a club before but it was like everything I imagined it to be. It was horrible. The toxic smell of cannabis invaded my senses making me feel light headed. I felt restricted and vulnerable. I felt like I could faint and no one would have noticed.

I'm suddenly pulled out from the crowd of people and instantly my heated body starts cool down as a blast from the air conditioner hits me. I look around to see a flight of stairs we walk up them and are met with a balcony that looks over the entire club.


On the balcony stood five people. Two girls and three boys, they were talking amongst themselves. They all stop talking as they notice myself and Reece as we step on to the balcony.

They looked extremely confused but curious. They were probably wondering why in the world Reece had shown up with a random chick who was dressed as if she was going to the beach.

"This is Cecilia, Cecilia this is John, Marco, Luke, Amy and Lola" Reece says getting straight to introductions. I give everyone a smile and a small awkward wave.

Every greets me back with smiles except for Lola she just looked at me with an annoyed look. Why was she looking at me like that? I had never met this girl before.

Lola turns to look at Reece and started fluttering her eye lashes.

She also puckers her lips attempting to make them look bigger than they actually were. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back in soft curls she wore a tight sequin dress paired with a pair of red stilettos. I had to admit she looked pretty, its a shame she caked her face in such a thick layer of makeup.

"Lola stop that or your fake eye lashes will fall off" Amy says looking at Lola with a look of disgust. She then leans over to a side table and picks up a straw for her then inserts it into a fruity cocktail.

Its official I like Amy. I would have chimed in with a dig however I didn't know the girl so it wouldn't be fair of me to say anything. However I did know that I didn't like her. I don't know what it was, she just didn't have a good vibe... plus she seemed like she had a thing for Reece and for some reason I was not okay with it.

I look at Reece only to see him rolling his eyes.

"Cecilia, Amy and Lola are the best baiters in the gang" Reece says, that cold expression still attached to his face. A baiter? I'm sure I had read about them in a book at some point. They were girls or guys in a gang who lured out the enemy through seduction or flirting.

"Lola that's the target" Reese says pointing at a bulky guy who was sat at the bar below us with what looked like a pint beer placed infront of him. "go" Reece commands her as if he were commanding a dog to fetch a stick.

Lola obeys and makes her way down the stairs and towards the male.

I turn to Amy and she points towards the leather sofa placed in the corner of the balcony, we make our may over to them and sit down.

"Lola seems nice" I say sarcastically letting out a soft laugh.

"She is just a delight, is she not?" Amy says making a sarcastic remark of her own, she lets out a giggle after her statement.

"Yeah she sure is. I don't like her" we both laugh after I make the blunt statement. She takes a sip of her drink.

"We are going to be Best friends!" Amy says with a huge smile.

She hands me a fruity cocktail matching the one in her hand. I raise my glass as does she, we clink them together.

"We sure are" I say smiling back at her. I take a sip of my drink and honestly it was very refreshing. What was this and why had I never tied it before?

We here footsteps coming up the stairs.

There was Lola soaked.

Me and Amy couldn't hold back are laughter we burst out laughing, my drink splurges out of my mouth and all over the tiled floor.

Reece looks absolutely pissed at her for not being able to get the man however John, Marco and Luke looked like they were about to burst out into fits of laughter.

Lola glares at me, I wasn't the only laughing...

"He wasn't interested" She says to Reece, sulking like a school child who had just been scolded by a teacher for not handing in a piece of homework.

"Clearly" Reese says unamused. Just the look on his face makes me let out a small giggle again.

"Like you could do any better" she says turning to me with a scowl on her face. She looks me up and down in disgust.

I glare back at her. Who did this girl think she was?

"I could do a lot better" I say challenging her. Hell I could do so much better.

I see Reece clench his fists.

"Well we'll never find out because Cecilia because you aren't going to try" he says clearly pissed off at the idea of me trying to bait the man.

Reece looks over at Amy.

"Don't look at me I'm not dressed for that sort of stuff" she points to her sweats, she carries on " if little miss Lola over there hadn't told me that she could handle it I would have go ready" Amy says glaring at Lola.

"C'mon Reece let me do this" I say pleading him. Everyone looks shocked including Lola. I wasn't doing it too help Reece, I was doing it to prove Lola wrong.

He sighs and nods.

I look over at Lola with a smirk.

"And I bet I could do a lot better than you" I whisper in her ear walking past her.

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