《The Gang Leader》||Chapter 7||


Cecilia's Pov

I make my way down the long flight of steps that me and Reece had made our way up earlier on. Reece had just explained the plan to me and told me that I was to lead the man out the back entrance of the club, the entrance me and Reece had come in through.

He never told me why I needed to take the man to the back but I was just going to go along with it. To be honest I didn't care, I just wanted to piss Lola off by showing her that I could do a much better job than her... that is if I could do a better job then her.

I reach the bottom of the stairs and make my way to the bar where the guy is stood.

I was crazy, why in the world did I agree to this? I put my pride before my bloody safety. Then again the worst that could happen would be getting a drink poured all over me. However that would mean embarrassing myself in front of Lola... and Reece. Why did I care about Reece's opinion and thoughts anyway.

Because you like him

A voice chimes at the back of my head. Pffttt as if.

I stand right next to him, our shoulders are touching although it was kind of hard for them not to touch because of how the crowded the club was. I don't look at him, I can see him looking at me from the corner of his eye. Thats good.

"What can I get you sweetie?" I hear a voice, i look up to see the bar man.

" I'll have a lemonade" I say with a flirty smile before I can take the 'money' out of my pocket, the guy next me hands the bar man the money.

"It's on me sweetheart" he says his voice was deep and gruff sounded hot if you ask me.

"Thanks" I say winking at him. Taking a proper look at him he was very good-looking but not as good-looking as Reece. I almost smack myself on the forehead. Why in the world was I comparing the two?


Okay Cece lets get back to the mission at hand. I walk forward and trip I landing directly in his arm. He looks at me with a smirk.

"Let's go to my place?" He asks. This was way easier then I thought it would be. In your face Lola.

I giggle twirling my finger around a strand of my hand and nod.

He starts to walk towards the back entrance. Well that was easy. I didn't even need to tell him too.

He opens the door and I see Reece there.

The mans eyes widen.

"Please don-" the man gets cut off by a bang. He than falls to the floor.

I look up at Reece to see him holding a gun in his hand. With a cold expression on his face.

I quietly gulp.

I mean I knew something bad would happen to the man but I didn't know he would get killed. I couldn't help but feeling like I wanted to go home.

"Let's go back inside and have fun" Amy says she steps over the dead mans body- acting as if he wasn't there and grabs my hand.

I follow behind her without saying anything. We eventually find a seats at an empty booth and sit down. The guys go sit at the bar while Lola starts to dance with a guy.

"Here's your drink" I look up to see the bar man from before who served me and- I didn't even know the mans name.

He puts the drink on the table and leaves.

It was the lemonade from earlier.

"You and Reece would be so cute together" Amy says completely out of the blue. She takes a sip of her drink.

I just shrug my shoulders pretending not to care. When in actual fact I was buzzing inside. Me and Reece together? Hell yeah!

I was bloody crazy, the guy just killed someone not even thirty minutes ago and hear I was imagining myself with him. I was imagining myself with a murderer not to mention a gangleader.


"Your on first name basis!" She exclaims.

"Yeah but so are you" I say rolling my eyes at her.

"No we're not. I have to call him boss or sir just like everyone else in the gang. I was shocked that he even let you call him by his first name" she says smiling.

"He never stopped me" I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Come on let's get you home" I hear a voice say behind me, I see Reece with that cold expression on his face. Woah, who pissed him off? I just freaking helped him get the guy he wanted if anything he should be happy.

"Ok" I stand up I then turn to Amy "I'll see you around"

Just as I turn to walk away she grabs my arm and hands me a napkin.

"My number. Call me whenever" she grins.

"I will" I reply giving her a smile.

Reece starts to walk forward I wave at Amy and follow behind him.

Once we reach his bike he passes me a helmet. We both get on the bike in silence. After I wrap my arms around him he begins to drive. I lean in to his back and close my eyes- not sleeping just resting them, thinking about nothing. Absolutely nothing. For the first time in forever I felt completely at ease.

Before I know it we're parked up outside my apartment block. I couldn't wait to get in my bed and get cozy, I deserved some me time after tonights events. Then again when don't I get me time? I live on my own.

I get off the bike and Reece follows behind.

"I'll drop you off at your apartment" he smiles.

He holds out his hand for me take. I softly grab his hand and we both start to walk to the stairs that lead up to my apartment. I don't know why I held his hand. Maybe it was because I didn't want him to feel embarrassed by leaving him hanging or maybe it was because I've been secretly wanting to hold it for a long time.

I'll go with the first option.

When we finally reach my apartment I turn to look at Reece.

"Thank you tonight was awesome"

I say grinning I don't think I've ever smiled this much, Reece makes me happy and it was only just dawning on me how happy he made me.

Before I can comprehend what's happening Reece leans in to give me a soft kiss on cheek.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. To say I'm happy is an understatement. He just freaking kissed me.

"Goodnight Cecilia" he winks at me and turns around to walk away.

I just stand there dumfounded, I couldn't believe that just happened. First the holding hands then the kiss. This had been an awesome night aside from certain things that happened that I honestly didn't even want to think about.

I open my apartment door and go inside I shut it behind me.

Smiling I lean against the door but immediately stop when I see my crimson stained hands.

What the hell. Then it dawns on me. The man Reece killed earlier. Reece had held my hand, he must have forgot to wash his own. It felt as if an ice bucket had been tipped over my head and pulled me out of fairy land world.

Reece was not a good person. He just killed a man and I watched as if it was okay to do so. Reece was a criminal. Reece was also amazing and sweet to me. But was being amazing and sweet enough for me excuse what he did today?

I'm ashamed to think about something so crazy. I'm even more ashamed that a part of me wants too see him again.

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