《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》21


A week had passed, and Yoongi's wings were fully operational and ready for test flights. The feathers were strong and black, and they stuck out of Yoongi's back almost proudly. Yoongi, though, still wanted to figure out on how to use them and retract them.

One evening, he was busy practicing on trying to control his wings, trying to retract them back, but he had no luck. He sighed out in frustration, falling back onto the feather bed with his arms crossed. He wanted to figure this out, but he was no bird. Hell, he didn't even know any Ravens with wings either, so how was he supposed to figure out on how to retract his? It was like lifting one eyebrow instead of lifting the two of them, he didn't know how to do it.

Someone knocked on his door, and he sat up, asking who it was. There wasn't a response, but instead, the door opened. Namjoon stood there, smiling cheekily towards Yoongi. He was wearing black jeans and his orange and black hoodie. Yoongi smiled warmly towards the Crowseen, feeling fuzzy inside upon seeing them.

"Whatcha doing here Joon? Aren't you supposed to be at the dorms? Curfew is in place in five minutes," Yoongi commented, sparing a glance towards the ticking clock in the room. Namjoon rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to Yoongi.

"I can be out, you know how I'm good at sneaking out," Namjoon boasted, smirking towards the Raven. Yoongi sighed, falling back down onto the bed. "Well, did you need something?"

"Yea, we're gonna perform a test tonight. Put on your warmest clothes, we're going outside," Namjoon announced, picking himself up off the bed and beginning to open the window in the room so they could escape from there. Yoongi gaped towards the Crowseen.


"Are you crazy?!"

Namjoon laughed quietly. "Keep your voice down. And yes, I guess I am, now get dressed and come on!"

Yoongi huffed, going over to the other side of the room to put on his clothes. A pair of whites jeans and a green sweater. He looked for his wand, but Namjoon noticed the amount of time he was taking and sighed. Muttering a spell, he aimed it towards Yoongi and the Raven immediately began to float in the air. He yelped, fumbling around as he floated. This caused Namjoon to chuckle.

"Put me down, Joon! I am looking for my wand!" Yoongi complained.

"No, you don't need it, now come on," Namjoon said, pulling Yoongi along with his wand and jumping out the window. They were about three stories high, and Yoongi almost shrieked when Namjoon and he exited the window. He squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact with the cold hard ground, but instead got nothing. Opening his eyes, he looked around and saw Namjoon standing there, dusting his shoes off. "Thankfully, I know spells that allow me to fall to the ground gracefully. Come along now, Yoongi, we're testing."

The spell on Yoongi was lifted, and he began to follow Namjoon. They made their way to the woods, where then they found a bridge over a waterfall. The moon shone above them brightly, illuminating the water and setting the scene. Yoongi was confused as to why they were here.

"What are we going to do?"

"Test your flying ability. Don't worry, I'll save you before you die or whatever, come on now," Namjoon grabbed Yoongi's hand and dragged him onto the bridge. Yoongi's eyes were bulging and he was beyond confused and scared. He didn't even know how to retract his wings, how did Namjoon expect him to fly?! He was urged to the edge of the bridge, and when he looked down, the drop was super far. Fear took over him, and he backed up into Namjoon's arms, wings twitching in excitement and curiosity.


"I-I-I don't know, Joon," Yoongi stammered, "it's kinda far..."

"Nonsense, I said I'd save you, didn't I? Now come on, go and fly!" Namjoon urged Yoongi to the edge again. The Raven gulped, stepping up onto the fence that prevented people from accidentally falling over. Except this time, this wasn't an accident, he was actually going to jump and possibly risk his life. He looked back at Namjoon, who was looking at him with excitement and curiosity. His wings were twitching like crazy, and he wouldn't lie and say he didn't feel just a little bit excited.

Closing his eyes, he began to take a deep breath, but he never got to finish that breath when he felt a hand on his back, and he was being shoved off the edge. Eyes wide, he felt the bottom of his feet leave the railing. He was then falling head first into the down below. He screamed, flailing around and trying to get his wings to work, which were just as surprised as he was. His body fell and fell, and he braced himself to hit the ground to die.

"This is it," he cried, "this is how I die!"

He never hit the ground, though, and instead he was floating just above the rocks and rushing water. His heart was beating as if he had just ran a marathon. He looked up towards the bridge, but he couldn't see much in the darkness. He began to rise up, slowly, thanks to Namjoon. Namjoon saved him with his magic. After a minute or two, he reached the bridge again and Namjoon stood there with a disappointed face.

"Come on, Yoongi, you know you can fly, so try to fly!" Namjoon urged him. Yoongi was still floating, and he wasn't above the bridge, and still over the empty space. Namjoon's spell could be taken off him at any time and he could fall to his demise. Yoongi huffed, crossing his arms and looking away. He was being dramatic, Namjoon supposed.

"I know it was scary, but you need to focus on not being scared and your wing muscles," Namjoon explained to Yoongi, "can't you feel them?"

"As a matter of fact, I cannot," Yoongi stated simply, "I don't even know how to retract them yet."

Namjoon sighed. "Of course you can't," he muttered, and he waved his wand so Yoongi's back was in front of him. The spell on Yoongi was lifted after he set his feet on the ground. "Don't move, okay?" Yoongi nodded.

The curious Crowseen placed his hands on Yoongi's wings, feeling them. he tried to find the reactive spots, where the wings would twitch in delight. It took some time, but once he found them, he was scratching them, looking at Yoongi for a reaction. He saw Yoongi smile in delight, and he even began to back up for more scratches. "It feels really good, Joon, don't stop!" He squeaked.

Namjoon stopped, and Yoongi was angry and frowning towards Namjoon, expressing his disappointment. "Did you feel that, Yoongi?"

The Kastler nodded with a delighted smile. Namjoon nodded, before grabbing Yoongi's shoulders and making himself eye level with the shorter boy. "You can feel your wings, concentrate on it. We won't start to fly again until you can move your wings."

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