《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》20


"Mr. Kim! Namjoon! Wake up, You're in class!"

Namjoon sputtered awake, looking around at everyone and was staring at him. Some were snickering quietly, while others had neutral faces. Had he just fallen asleep in class? What he just saw was a bad dream, right? The teacher stood at the front of his desk, looking down at him with sympathy. They knew what was going on, and they knew that Namjoon was missing rest just to protect someone else. Nobody ever really saw this happen with a Crowseen, but it wasn't something new either.

"Class ends in fifteen minutes," the teacher informed him, "make sure to catch up on rest outside of class." Namjoon nodded, and he paid attention for the rest of classes, taking notes on what he could catch. He still couldn't get that dream out of his head. He was terrified of what he saw. He didn't want any of that to happen to him or Yoongi. He wanted Yoongi to be his, not Hoseok's or anyone else's.

The bell rang, and students filed out of their classrooms and either went to their next class or to their dorms, since they had finished for the day. Everyone's schedule was different, so it was normal to see others in the Commons during classes or to see kids resting in the halls before classes. Namjoon walked silently to his next class, glaring at others who looked at him in any way, whether it be fear or curiosity, he didn't care.

He reached his next class, and he began to pray that this class would go so much faster than his last class. He didn't want to fall asleep again, too. He didn't want to be afraid or cry. He wanted to see Yoongi for real, with his red eyes and beautiful wings.

Class seemed to go by faster than he expected it to, but in the end, he was thankful. Right as the bell rang, he shot up out of his seat as fast as a bullet and grabbed his bag, shoving everything inside. After strapping the bag full of material around him, he left the classroom as fast as he could and made his way towards the medical wing.


He got weird stares from others, some wondering why he was in such a hurry. One of them even snickered at him and called him out. It was a first year, and they looked new. Probably a transfer, which was Namjoon's thought. He grabbed the student's shirt collar and pinned him against the wall, taking his wand out of his pocket in the process. "What did you just say? First year?"

They sputtered, and the other students around him were backing away slowly. By now, all of them knew the news, and they knew to stay away and out of Namjoon's path. The first year was panicking, looking around at everyone for help, but nobody assisted him. Tears began to stream down his eyes, but Namjoon showed no remorse. That was, until he felt a hand touch his shoulder softly. He looked to his side and found Jimin there, staring at him with such a caring look on his face. He truly was an angel.

"Yoongi's looking for you, Joon," Jimin said softly. The first year's eyes widened. He had heard about Yoongi, and he knew he was a Raven. What he didn't know was that Namjoon was friends with the Raven.

Namjoon nodded, looking back at the first year. "Know your place next time, or I won't be so easy on you," Namjoon spat, throwing the student onto the ground and falling into step with Jimin. They both made their way to the medical wing. The students around who had witnessed the scuffle were bewildered and scared. Scared of Namjoon.


"Hey, are you okay?" Hoseok asked, rushing up to the first year that Namjoon had just thrown onto the ground. They nodded, rubbing their chest in pain. Hoseok's eyes softened, and he rubbed the student's hair soothingly. "It's gonna be alright, trust me."

Jeongguk and Taehyung were peering at the first year in curiosity. Students around them had resumed their activities and were on their way. The first year was frowning, eyes closed with little sniffles emitting from his nose. Taehyung felt bad, and Jeongguk was angry. Namjoon shouldn't be allowed to walk around and treat people however he wanted to.


"Why was he so mean..?" they asked. Hoseok sighed.

"If you talk about him, Jimin, or Yoongi badly, or do anything to stand in his way, he'll hurt you, most likely," Hoseok explained, "Yoongi or Jimin aren't as bad, though. They're kind."

"Wait, Yoongi, a Raven, is kind? I thought they were mean?" They asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Jeongguk laughed quietly, like a pixie and crouched down, giving the student a smile.

"Yoongi's really kind, really, but he doesn't speak. Well, he used to not speak. He's changed since he met Namjoon, but I find it nice that he's finally speaking more than he used to. It's good to socialize," Jeongguk said, adoration and happiness coating his words. "But, the way he changed wasn't the good way, it shouldn't have been with that Crowseen."

The first year nodded. "I'm Yugyeom, by the way, what about you guys?"

The three others introduced themselves, and before they knew it, they were in Hoseok's dorm together, laughing and working on schoolwork together. They had all became friends amid the rough start for the new student. Yugyeom was happy to find such kind and heartwarming people on his first days at his new school.


Namjoon rushed into Yoongi's room, slamming the door open in the process. This startled Yoongi out of his nap. It was one of the best few hours of rest he had gotten since his structure had came in.

He was still trying to get used to it, but it didn't feel the same back when they were coming in or when he never had these wings. It was just all a new experience. He didn't know how he would handle it, but for now, all he was going to focus on was getting better and preparing himself for stepping back into school with his wings.

"Hey, Namjoon-"

Yoongi didn't even have time to finish his sentence when Namjoon had jumped onto him, engulfing him in a hug. He heard muffled sobs coming from the Crowseen, which confused him. Namjoon never cried, so why was he crying now? Jimin was confused as well, staring at the pair. He left the room to the two of them, closing the door softly. After Yoongi heard it click, he started to rub Namjoon's back with his free hand. His other hand was occupied with holding Namjoon's.

"Hey... what's wrong? Joon?" Yoongi softly whispered in Namjoon's ear. Namjoon didn't speak, and instead focused on Yoongi's heartbeat and holding the Raven's hand. Yoongi gave a sympathetic look towards his friend. Minutes passed, and they stayed like this for awhile.

Finally, Namjoon had collected himself and built up enough courage to face Yoongi. When he looked up, he expected to see hatred or disgust like in the dream, but instead he saw worry on Yoongi's face.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked softly. Namjoon just stared for a minute or two before shaking his head. He wasn't okay. That dream of his scared him. Yoongi sighed. "Is it anything that'll kill you? You can talk to me."

"Please don't kiss or get together with Hoseok," Namjoon whispered, almost inaudible. Yoongi was beyond bewildered by the request, and he almost started laughing.

"Why would I want to do that? He hates Ravens, I don't vibe with that," Yoongi said softly, rubbing Namjoon's hair to help calm the boy down. Namjoon frowned. "I'm serious, Yoongi!"

Yoongi stopped giggling and looked at Namjoon with a more serious look. "Now, tell me, why would I want to kiss Hoseok, when the only person I'd really want to kiss is in front of me right now?"

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