《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》22


Another week had passed, and Yoongi was making progress with wing reaction. He was able to retract them and expand them all the way and to where he wanted them to be. He was able to move them in the flying motion, but he wasn't allowed to fly. At least, not by Namjoon's authority. At least, he was happy and excited to try it out again, and his wings were itching to start moving again, instead of just being retracted and such.

On a late evening, similar to the one where Namjoon and Yoongi first met to test out his flying ability, there was another knock at his door. Yoongi beamed and bounced over to open the door. He peered out, looking for who knocked, it took him awhile, since he was expecting Namjoon. But Namjoon wasn't there, and instead, it was Hoseok. Hoseok noticed that the door was open and he looked up from picking his nails, his brown eyes meeting Yoongi's red ones.


"H-Hi, Yoongi," Hoseok stammered quietly. Yoongi gave him the most confused look he could in his life before scowling.

"What the hell are you doing here, Hoseok?" He growled, voice low and harsh. Hoseok jumped, waving his hands in surrender of some sorts.

"I just wanna talk to you-"

Yoongi cut him off. "As far as I know, we have nothing to talk about. Good day." He began to shut the door, but Hoseok's arm cut him off from closing the door all the way.

"Please, Yoongi-"

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Hoseok was cut off once more to the voice of Namjoon. Yoongi sighed in relief, opening the door just the slightest to see Namjoon walking up angrily. Hoseok backed away quickly, frightened of the approaching student. He was dressed up casually and was holding his wand and a clipboard. Yoongi assumed this was for testing. But, since Hoseok had shown up, it would be delayed.


"Aren't you supposed to stay away from this private area?!" Namjoon barked. Hoseok nodded quickly before he started to try to reason.

"I just wanted to talk to Y-Yoongi..." He trailed off, sparing a glance at the peering Raven. Both Namjoon and Yoongi didn't buy it. The Crowseen looked Hoseok up and down before sighing, deciding that he wasn't worth his time. He turned around and looked at Yoongi, his face softening and he was smiling towards him. He walked over, softly speaking.

"Hey, you ready to try to fly again tonight? Same spot as last week?"

Yoongi bounced up and down, nodding excitedly. Hoseok watched the exchange from afar. The Crowseen laughed softly, taking his hand and ruffling Yoongi's hair. "Will I have to save you again tonight or are you confident enough?"

"I'm confident, Joon, come on, let's go!" Yoongi whined, grabbing Namjoon's hand and dragging him into his room. Hoseok sputtered before shouting out towards them, telling them to wait. The two looked back, Yoongi looked towards Hoseok in confusion while Namjoon's was displeased.

"Where are you two going? You know sneaking out is against the rules!" He said, looking at the two of them weirdly. Why would they want to sneak out. This caused Namjoon to snicker.

"I've snuck out multiple times, it's nothing new. Why? Are you gonna tell on us?" Namjoon mocked him. Hoseok sniffed, crossing his arms and stared at them with slanted eyes. "And what if I do?"

Namjoon looked back towards Yoongi, who was completely zoned out. He let out a sigh, turning back towards the Cloudswell. "Go ahead and tell, we don't care."

Hoseok's mouth went wide and he walked up to them. "You really don't care?"

Namjoon shook his head. "Nope."


Hoseok thought for a second. "Then let me come with you."


Namjoon nor Yoongi knew how they ended up with Hoseok coming along with them, but he trailed right behind them as they made their way to the bridge. It was quiet, with no words exchanged, the tension in the air almost as high when Yoongi and Namjoon had first met. When they reached the bridge, Yoongi was buzzing with excitement. He was moving his wings back and forth, bouncing up and down.

Namjoon gave an endearing smile towards the Raven, taking his clipboard and writing down Test One on it. Hoseok was confused, and slightly interested. What kind of test was this? Is this what the two had been doing the weeks building up to the party?

"Are you ready, Yoongi?"

Yoongi looked back, eyes sparkling. He nodded quickly, stepping up onto the railing. Hoseok's eyes went wide, and he looked towards Namjoon in disbelief. "Should he really be on there like that? What if he falls and dies?!"

Namjoon snapped his head towards Hoseok, glaring. "He won't die, I have that covered. Now shut up, your voice is annoying."

Hoseok gulped, nodding and turning back to watch Yoongi. It wasn't long before the boy dove headfirst into the darkness. Hoseok gasped, rushing over to the railing to peer over, trying to see Yoongi. He couldn't see anything, though. Instead, he was met with a gust of wind and pushed back, falling onto the wooden bridge. Yoongi had flown up really quickly. It must've been from the air he gathered when diving down.

Namjoon laughed in happiness, happy to see that Yoongi was able to fly. Yoongi was up in the air, flying around. You could see his red eyes darting around and could faintly see his glistening smile. Hoseok was beyond shocked and surprised, and Namjoon was overcame with glee. A minute or two passed before Yoongi finally landed back on the bridge. It wasn't a soft landing, but at least he hadn't got hurt.

He was smiling widely. His teeth were on show and his eyes were glistening. He rushed over to Namjoon and hugged him tightly. Hoseok felt his heart dropped at the sight. He wished Yoongi would still hug him tightly like that or at least acknowledge him. Namjoon and Yoongi were whispering compliments and excited words to each other.

"Amazing, it looked like you had been flying for years, you know that right?"

Yoongi hummed, his smile even more wider than before. He was happy to receive this praise from Namjoon. A few more seconds of the two hugging passed before Namjoon pulled away, walking over to the railing. Yoongi followed him, interested in what he was doing.

The Crowseen set his wand and clipboard down on the bridge before stepping up to the railing. Yoongi's heart accelerated. Was he going to jump? Yoongi quickly grabbed Namjoon's hand, eyes full of concern. Namjoon laughed. "Don't worry, Yoongi, you'll save me." He rubbed his hand in Yoongi's hair before pulling away and taking a deep breath.

And then, he jumped into the darkness.

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