《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》23


The moonlight glistened greatly. The water beneath the bridge rushed, emitting noise. Hoseok stood there quietly, trying to process what had just happened. Namjoon had just jumped off the bridge, and Yoongi was now jumping off as well, diving into the darkness to find Namjoon and save him before it was to late. Yoongi was so scared. He was scared he wouldn't make it in time. He was scared that Namjoon would die because of him.

Suddenly, it seemed like he could see in the dark. Like he had night vision. He could see every detail around him like he could in the day. He could see Namjoon falling. His eyes were closed and a calm smile was placed on his face. Yoongi seemed to speed up at the sight of him, and before he knew it, Namjoon was in his arms, secure and safe from dying. He felt a draft pull him up and out of the dark abyss. He flew above the trees, holding Namjoon close.

"Why?!" Yoongi cried out. "Why would you fucking do that? Dumbass!" Yoongi was crying into Namjoon's shoulder. Namjoon was chuckling slightly.

"So, your night vision works and you're able to carry more than one person with those wings. Interesting." Namjoon kept a mental note of what he learned before raising his hand to tuck some hair behind Yoongi's ear. "I only did it cause I knew you'd save me."

"How could you be so sure?" Yoongi shouted. Namjoon flinched at the harsh tone.

"Because I trust you, with my whole life," Namjoon said softly, hugging Yoongi. He saw the Raven's wings flapping back in fourth as they stilled in the sky. Yoongi was quiet, sobbing into Namjoon's shoulder. The Crowseen frowned. He hated seeing Yoongi like this. He pulled away from the hug and took of of his hands to rest on Yoongi's cheek while his other hand held Yoongi's waist.


"You're so beautiful," Namjoon whispered, admiring Yoongi's face as he wiped the tears off of the boy's face. Yoongi looked away, ashamed and embarrassed. He didn't know what he was ashamed of, he just was for some reason.

"Your eyes are beautiful too. A deep red, I've never seen such eyes before. And your wings, they're so soft, I love to just scratch them to see you happy. You make me happy, you know that, right?" Namjoon mused towards the boy. Yoongi set his eyes on Namjoon's. Was he serious? Yoongi thought everything of him was disgusting, ugly. He knew how people thought of Raven's, either very highly or extremely poorly, like Hoseok.


Yoongi was cut off. Namjoon placed his finger on Yoongi's lips, quieting him. "No buts, I'm serious. You're so beautiful, gosh, I just wanna kiss you and hold you and call you mine."

The Raven started to blush a shade of pink. Namjoon smiled, leaning in and connecting his lips with Yoongi. Yoongi was surprised. He was frozen, too. He didn't expect Namjoon to actually kiss him. He shut his eyes, melting into the kiss as Namjoon took control. It was short, but Namjoon continued to leave little pecks all over Yoongi's face as they slowly made their way back onto the ground.

Once their feet felt the hard ground, Namjoon pulled out of Yoongi's grasp. "We need to head back, you need your sleep for tomorrow. Didn't you say that you agreed to stay here and continue to learn despite what others might say?"

Yoongi nodded, looking up at Namjoon with soft eyes. He spoke just as softly. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine."

Namjoon hummed. "Do you wanna spend the night in my dorm tonight? Or yours? So you can get dressed in there tomorrow morning for your day back."


"Do you think the nurse will allow that?"

Namjoon nodded, giving a small smile. Yoongi sighed, agreeing to spend the night in his own dorm. They admired each others features for a few seconds before Hoseok came rushing over, eyes wide and full of worry. "I thought you guys died!"

Namjoon scoffed. "Whatever. Get back to your dorm, your presence is annoying."

Hoseok gasped, crossing his arms and frowning. "How can you be so mean?!"

"He's a Crowseen, Hoseok, let him be," Yoongi sighed out, leaning onto Namjoon's chest with his eyes closed. "You really need to get back to your dorm, though, or you'll get caught."

The Cloudswell's eyes darted over to Yoongi. Had he just spoke to him? Hoseok nodded, walking away and towards the entrance of the school. Only Namjoon and Yoongi were left there. The Crowseen was rubbing circles on Yoongi's back where his wings weren't in the way. "Joon, you need to go grab your wand and clipboard."


They reached Yoongi's dorm, tired. Luckily, nobody had seen them. Yoongi took his key and inserted it into the slot, opening the door slowly. Immediately, he was trampled by his familiar. He let out a laugh, cooing and petting the animal. Namjoon smiled before ushering the two into the room. He closed the door and turned on the light, looking around. The room was neat and clean. It seemed like the same it was when Namjoon last came to visit.

"Alright, Yoongi, come on, let's go to bed."

Yoongi looked back before nodding. He set his cat down and made his way over to his bed before retracting his wings. Namjoon followed, getting into the bed before Yoongi could. Yoongi looked at the Crowseen, pouting. "You're gonna be hit by my wings!"

"Not if you keep them like that, get in bed. Now," Namjoon ordered. patting the spot next to him. Yoongi rolled his eyes, turning the light off before getting in bed. It took a few moments for the two of them to get comfortable with the new addition of wings, but it worked out. Yoongi was pressed against Namjoon whereas Namjoon was comfortably holding one arm around Yoongi's waist and the other messing with the Raven's hair.

It was quiet, but the two both knew they were awake. Namjoon was still rubbing Yoongi's hair while Yoongi hummed a quiet tune. No words needed to be exchanged between the two. Only the adoration and love they had for each other was present. Seconds passed, turning into minutes. Half an hour passed until they both fell asleep.


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