《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》24


The following morning, the two woke up entangled with each other. Namjoon was the first one to wake up, so he got to admire Yoongi's sleeping face. His lip was jut out and his mouth slightly open. His black eyelashes rested softly on his cheeks and his nose was a soft red. Namjoon smiled and leaned in, kissing the boy's nose. This woke Yoongi up.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Joon? What time is it?"

"It's time for you to wake up. We have a long day ahead of us," Namjoon whispered soothingly, causing Yoongi to snuggle into him.

"I don't wanna," he mumbled into Namjoon's chest. The Crowseen just laugh before pushing Yoongi out of bed. This cause Yoongi to groan out in frustration and start cursing Namjoon out.

"You're so fucking mean!" He cried out, opening his eyes and sending harsh glares towards Namjoon. This only resulted in laughing and teasing. They only stopped when someone knocked on the door. The two froze, turning to look at the door. Namjoon sighed, getting out of bed and going to answer. He was a little surprised to see Jimin standing there.

Yoongi couldn't hear the conversation, still trying to wake up. So instead, he got up and trudged over, poking his head under Namjoon's arm. Jimin jumped a little before smiling and waving his hand, greeting Yoongi. Students walked by, making their way to the Commons for breakfast. They were confused, though. Nobody had been in that dorm for weeks. Some students tried to see Yoongi and what was going on, but they couldn't get a good view.

"Good morning, Yoongi, how are you?"

"Namjoon's being mean! Tell him to stop being mean," he asked, pouting. Jimin laughed before putting on a fake serious face on. He crossed his arms and looked at Namjoon. "You heard him, stop being mean."

Namjoon put his hands up in defeat. "Okay, okay, I will," he said before pinching Yoongi's cheeks in retaliation. Yoongi whined, pulling away and back into his room. He looked around before making his way to his closet to grab clothes for the day. Namjoon and Jimin finished up their conversation before Namjoon shut the door, walking over and pinching Yoongi's waist.

Yoongi nudged Namjoon away, trying to pick out some clothes for his wings, but Namjoon just kept coming back to tease him. Yoongi only whined and continued to shove Namjoon away. This continued until Yoongi picked out his clothes and made his way to the bathroom, locking the door so Namjoon couldn't get in. The Crowseen smiled at the actions before picking up his change of clothes and putting them on. After that, he found his pair of glasses and slipped them on.


Yoongi left the bathroom after a while, dressed neatly. His hair had been tamed down, and it was now Namjoon's turn to do his hair. It only took him awhile, but he finished. Yoongi slipped on his shoes and grabbed his bag, waiting by the door. Namjoon hurried up and slipped on his shoes. It was peaceful, like an early morning with two newlyweds on their honeymoon.

Namjoon walked over, bag strapped over his shoulder. He walked over to the door and opened it, revealing the school halls. It still had students walking through. Some were talking with friends while others were alone by themselves. Yoongi gulped, taking a step back. He was overwhelmed with fear. Namjoon noticed this and shut the door a little, looking back.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Yoongi only nodded. Namjoon sighed, taking Yoongi's hand into his own before they left the dorm. Namjoon shut the door softly before beginning to walk the halls with Yoongi's hand in his own. Students peered and whispered around them, but Yoongi was tough enough to drown them out. He used his wings to even cover himself. Of course, that'd bring more attention to him, but it worked and made him feel comfortable. Namjoon found this funny and was laughing quietly while talking to him.

After about five minutes, they reached the Commons. Yoongi was beyond horrified, and when Namjoon and he reached the doors to enter, he stopped, holding Namjoon back. "I don't wanna..."

Namjoon sighed, pulling Yoongi aside. Yoongi only revealed a part of himself out of his wings. It was hard to communicate like this, and so he forced Yoongi's wings aside, placing his hands on his shoulders. Yoongi looked at him, red eyes glistening and glazed with tears that would threaten to fall at any second. "You need to do this, so then you'll get over it and get through, okay?"

Yoongi looked away before nodding. Other students were already gawking and staring at him. Namjoon gave an encouraging smile before taking Yoongi's hand once more and walking into the Commons with him. Other students who hadn't seen him earlier were busy being shocked and gawking. He saw these reactions and hid himself behind his wings.

Namjoon pinched Yoongi for this, encouraging him to retract his wings. Yoongi did as he was told, and he was seen by the whole student body. Yoongi even saw Hoseok and Jeongguk looking at him in better light. Namjoon and Yoongi made their way over to one of the tables in the back, where Jimin was sitting and looking at them with a kind smile.


"Ah, Yoongi! Your wings are so beautiful!" Jimin complimented right as they took their seats. Yoongi blushed, softly thanking him. Another seat was pulled out and Yoongi whipped his head over, seeing Seokjin sit down with a kind smile. He leaned back in his chair and placed his feet on the table.

"I see your wings came in nicely," he mentioned, "have you flown yet?"

Yoongi nodded. "Last night, actually. Joon here said it seemed like I had been flying for years."

Seokjin hummed before looking towards Namjoon. "You snuck him out, didn't you?"

Namjoon laughed, looking away. "I don't think that's any of your business."

Seokjin admired his nails. "Guess I'll be telling the headmaster-"

Yoongi jumped, grabbing Seokjin's hand while hitting Namjoon's face with his wings. "Please don't!" He begged. Seokjin laughed, promising Yoongi he wouldn't. Yoongi smiled, sitting back in his seat before getting food from the middle of the table, beginning to eat. Namjoon smiled before looking around the Commons. People were staring. Seokjin took notice of this, as well as Jimin. Everyone was staring, in fact, but Yoongi was choosing to ignore it.

That was, until people started calling out to him and coming up to the table.

Yoongi was overwhelmed and anxious. He didn't expect any of this to happen. Not on his first day back. Namjoon pulled Yoongi's chair close to his, holding him close. Students asked questions, and Yoongi answered some of them. At least, he tried to. When some questions got too personal, he fell silent. When all the questions started getting personal, he was huddle into the crook of Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon looked at how anxious and afraid Yoongi was, so he glared at everyone, threatening them to go away. They didn't listen and instead got closer before they were invading their personal space. Yoongi had tears brimming his eyes as people bombarded him with questions. Namjoon grabbed his wand, but apparently, it wasn't needed.

Yoongi mumbled a quiet spell without his wand in hand, and everyone but Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jimin were thrown back. It was like a forcefield. Seokjin was in shock, and Namjoon was surprised that Yoongi was able to cast spells without his wand.

"Go away."

That was all that he said. All the students looked at him before dispersing back to their tables. Hoseok and Jeongguk had seen it all. They watched as students walked away from Yoongi, who sat there, still trying to find safety in Namjoon's neck. Hoseok sighed before standing up and walking over. Students watched his every step, some even telling him to back down and to stay away. He didn't though, and he walked over quietly. Namjoon met eyes with Hoseok, and he stared back.

He reached Yoongi and crouched down to be eye level. "Yoongi?"

He was thrown back by the unbelievable force of the spell like everyone else. Hoseok hit the ground hard, sucking in a breath. It hurt, a lot. But, he walked over again, trying to talk to Yoongi, who just threw him away again and again. Yoongi got annoyed and pushed himself out of his seat, glaring at Hoseok. His red eyes burned with hatred. "What the HELL do you want?"

"I just wanna talk-"

Yoongi waved his hand, and Hoseok flew over the Commons and right back into his seat. He looked at Yoongi, who was glaring straight at him.

"We no longer need to talk," Yoongi mumbled, but Hoseok could hear him as if he was right next to him.

"We only need to listen to my wish. To leave each other alone. You failed, you no longer have the right to talk to me."

Yoongi closed his eyes before sending one last look towards Hoseok.

"You no longer are my friend, Hoseok."


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