《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》25 - Finale


10 Years Later


Ten years had passed, and both Namjoon and Yoongi had graduated from Hummel. Though Yoongi graduated first and went through the agonizing days of getting pestered by students each year, he waited for Namjoon. The two of them had that inseparable bond like no other person would have.

They both grew at school, getting powerful and more knowledgeable. This, of course, they had for their own gain. Namjoon, since he was the heir to his family, would be taking over soon. That meant he had to be powerful and have a hand over people. Yoongi, on the other hand, never got back in touch with his family. Instead, he seemed to have been adopted by Namjoon's. Despite how cold and evil they were known as, they did have their kind spots.

Yoongi only had met Namjoon's family back when Namjoon had graduated. Of course, they had already heard of Yoongi, from Namjoon and the media. They were delighted to have him over the day that school had ended. Even Namjoon's little brothers were excited to meet him. Yoongi had gotten along well with Namjoon's mother, and she even taught him some spells that he didn't know. Vital spells.

Spells that would come in handy later in his life.

After meeting his family, the two spent their years together. An apartment for just the two of them. Namjoon had started a leading research project on Ravens and other mythical creatures such as Replicators. Yoongi, on the other hand, helped Jimin with his projects. Yoongi had no real job, and he worked around the world to help others with his magical capabilities. This is how he made money. Namjoon made money with his projects.

Namjoon never really worked with others either. He kept personal projects to himself, but he did have a team of people he'd work with, and there were people working for those people. It was kind of like he had developed a company or a business. Even so, he worked hard, as well as the workers too. Some of the workers he didn't even know. He never made an effort to know who they were. He always thought to himself that he only needed Yoongi and Jimin. And he was partially correct.


If only he knew who was working for him

Jimin, on the other hand, went on to work for one of the magic world's leading companies. He even, after he graduated, decided to get engaged to a certain someone. Of course, you know this person. He's a kind, sweet boy and loves to help others. He even went to Hummel himself.

Yoongi, though, never really liked that boy after the incident that took place. He knew he was kind and such, and he shouldn't be placed into the same category as Hoseok and Jeongguk, but he couldn't help himself. He put up walls towards everyone who was friends with Hoseok. This person didn't mind, though, only having faith that one day, in the future, it'd change.

And oh, it surely would change.

With how the world turned out, it needed to change. All of it did. People are dying, being murdered in cold blood just for being different. But this didn't concern any of the seven, not yet. But it would soon.

It would concern them when someone important died. Someone of the seven. And it'd be up to just one of them to fix it. Even if it'd be the last thing he'd do. If it was in order to protect his loved one or those just like him, he'd protect them all. And for his child, too.

It would be Yoongi's calling.

His Raven's Calling.

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