《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》3


The next day, Yoongi headed back to his dorm room, where he found a new set of clothes placed on his bed. There was a note on top, so he read it carefully.

Yoongi, since the discovery of your wings, I had a specially designed clothes pattern for you. These clothes here will cover the parts of your wings with your house color, green, while the rest of it has simple designs with white and green. I hope you do appreciate this. - Headmaster Sol

Yoongi lifted up the sweater that laid on top of the pile of clothes, and sure enough, when he turned it around, there were two green ovals in a vertical position. He nodded, understanding. It would be easier to see the growing wings through white fabric instead of green. Thankful, he slid off his current sweater and put on this one. Winter was coming, of course, so this extra pair of clothes had blessed him in time. He looked at himself in his mirror, nodding at the designs, which very well matched.

There was a brief knock at his door, so he went to answer. There stood Jeongguk, holding what seemed a box of chocolates and a get well card.

"Jeongguk-ah? What's this?"

"I saw what happened... just want you to get better, you know? Thankfully we don't have any classes today," Jeongguk piped up. Yoongi laughed, nodding. The boy gave a small bow and went his way after handing Yoongi the gifts. Yoongi shut and locked his door before setting down the gifts and going to lay on his bed. He was exhausted, and so it seemed his cat was too. His familiar jumped up and snuggled right next to him, to which they both fell asleep.


Knocking at his door had woken him up out of his slumber. He groaned, pushing himself up out of bed and going to open the door. There stood a random boy, from Crowseen. Yoongi's heart accelerated, and he almost slammed the door shut, but that boy didn't allow it. At least it wasn't the one from the previous day.


"Uhh, Min Yoongi?"

"Unfortunately. What do you need?"

The boy paused before relaxing and giving a small smile. "I'm Jimin from Crowseen. I'd like to apologize for my friend's actions from the previous day." Jimin gave a bow, which flustered Yoongi a little bit. He laughed, waving his hands.

"I don't really care about him, he's just an obstacle. Say, why is a kind boy like you in Crowseen?"

Jimin looked up, smiling and looking away. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "My family has a history of being in Crowseen. They're evil and I'm kind, I guess."

Yoongi smiled, nodding. After a few more words exchanged, Jimin said his goodbyes and headed off. Yoongi closed the door, leaning onto it with his eyes closed. He was confused and frustrated, but he had no power to do anything. Sighing, he fixed his hair and straightened his clothes. His contacts were still in, though his red eyes were barely seen. He felt his back, and could feel the scars. He shuddered.

Grabbing his bag, he threw the strap around him and headed out of his dorm. He had been in there all day, so everyone was surprised to see him out and about. He walked quietly, avoiding everyone that crossed his path.


Yoongi stopped, looking back and smiling towards the person who called him. Hoseok. Yoongi waved shortly, and Hoseok rushed up to him, a small smile on his face.

"Hey," Yoongi whispered quietly. Hoseok smiled.

"How are you feeling?"

Yoongi gave a small thumbs up. They walked through the school, talking quietly and sharing jokes. They passed through the courtyard, which was always filled with students of all houses. Yoongi walked close to Hoseok, taking the scenery in and ignoring everyone else.


He felt a hand on his shoulder, but it was quickly shoved off. He stopped, turning around with an annoyed look on his face. Hoseok stood there, wand in hand by his side, and the Crowseen boy.

"Piss off, bro, let Yoongi walk in peace," Hoseok seethed. They just laughed.

"And what can a lil Cloudswell boy like you do? I just wanna speak to him."

"Shoulda rethought that before trying to fight him." Hoseok tensed, beginning to lift his wand and point it at the boy, but Yoongi stopped that. He placed his hand on Hoseok's, moving it back down before straightening his clothes and shoulders, looking at him.

"Make it quick." Yoongi spoke simply, shoving his hands into his pockets, eyeing the boy. They smiled, leaning towards Yoongi's ear.

"You're a Raven, aren't you?"

Yoongi's eyes went wide, and he took a step back. His breath hitched, and he directed his eyes away from him. The Crowseen smiled a little before taking a slip of paper from his pocket, handing it to Yoongi. Hoseok then dragged Yoongi away from the boy.

He was frozen, confused, scared. How did they find out? He unfolded the paper, which had a dorm number and a time. Once Hoseok stopped dragging Yoongi, he asked for the paper, which Yoongi declined and began to make his way back to his dorm. This was enough for him. Hoseok watched him walk away in confusion and sadness.

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