《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》2


After a draining day of schoolwork, Yoongi was finally able to rest in his dorm room. He set his bag down next to his bag, sighing and running an exhausted hand through his hair. He looked at his reflection in the mirror, a little disappointed he couldn't maintain his outfit today.

That whole encounter with that lower year had shaken him. It was the first time he spoken publicly. He knew by the time for dinner everyone would know and ask questions. He closed his eyes, before opening them and leaving into the mirror a little, sticking his hand up to his face.

He wore contacts which hid the true color of his eyes. Instead of his deep, chocolate brown, he had sharp, blazing red. The reason? He wasn't a full human. Instead, he was a Raven, and the only one from his family, in fact. He hated himself for it, always hiding his true eyes and traits.

Ravens were very special and powerful. They were looked up to and as well feared. Nobody at Hummel knew about him being a Raven. Not even his two close friends knew. The only people who did know were the administration at the school, the head master. The nurse also knew since Ravens would have to receive different treatment, but he rarely visited the medical wing.

He placed his contacts into the small box, snapping it shut and placing it to the side. He looked back up to his face, looking at the eye color closely. His black hair color also came from being a raven, which didn't matter if you hid it or not. He didn't want anyone to know. If they did, everyone would bombard him and he'd never hear the end of it.

Letting out a sigh, he looked away, turning to his bag before summoning papers out and beginning to work on them at his desk. He heard a soft mew and turned around. His familiar, which was a cat, stood there. It was a black and white cat named Suga, who provided comfort and peace for Yoongi. The boy smiled, picking the cat up and setting it on his lap, to which it fell asleep. He continued to work into the night.


Darkness fell upon the school, and dinnertime neared. He finished his work and stood up, setting his cat on the bed and went to put his contacts in. He slid on his sweatshirt and grabbed his key, leaving his dorm and down to the Commons. On his way there, he could already hear the whispers around him.

Arriving in the Commons, he found his house table and went to sit down with them. It was quiet before conversation started and students began to eat. Yoongi remained quiet, looking and picking at his food. The chair next to him was pulled out and then sat Jeongguk.

"Hey Yoongi, how are you?"

Yoongi shrugged, rolling his eyes a little before looking back at his food. He began to eat.

"So about the dispute between that student earlier... Everyone is talking about it!"

Yoongi glared at his friend, who jumped a little and mumbled a quiet sorry. The older sighed, turning back to his food and continued to eat until he finished. He cleaned his mess up and stood up, beginning to leave the Commons. He, unfortunately, was ran into right as he turned the corner.

That same boy from Crowseen stood there, arms crossed and a look of hatred on his face. Yoongi looked at him, to which turned into a glare before making his way to leave. That boy's hand latched onto his wrist, seething out a message.

"You aren't getting away that easily." He yanked Yoongi back, staring at him. At this point, the whole room was quiet and watching the situation unfold. "You made me the laughingstock of the school today, how would it feel if I made you that?"

Yoongi didn't say a word. His muscles tensed and he was ready for a fight. He yanked his arm away from the boy, standing proud and tall, except that boy laughed.

"Trying to pick a fight? As if a twig like you could do anything."

Something poked at Yoongi's back, and he felt an immediate headache strike his head. His hand shot up to his eyes, covering them, mumbling out a string of curse words. He looked back up to the boy.


"Seems like you really love to pick fights you have no chance against, do you," Yoongi spoke, standing up straight. He grabbed his wand, pointing at the boy. "Come on, then, or do you not want to damage you reputation and disappoint your peers?"

This seemed to anger the boy, to which he grabbed his wand and pointed it at Yoongi. The older smirked, thinking of a spell and was about to let it roll off his tongue. That was, he was going to speak until he fell to the floor, everything going black.


"He fainted, and look at his back too. There are marks near his angel wings. He's more than just a Raven with red eyes and black hair. He's growing wings."

Yoongi groaned, opening his eyes slowly. He looked around, trying to comprehend where he was. He saw two people standing by him, which were the nurse and headmaster. He looked at them.


"Yoongi, you're awake, thank goodness. And you can speak too?"

"Um, yeah, I just dont speak so I don't get involved." The headmaster smiled at him before giving him a serious look.

"Do you know what happened and what's going on?"

"Uhh, this one boy pissed me off and was about to fight me but I fainted. My back hurts a lot as well as my head."

The nurse spoke before handing him a small potion. "Must've been from the wings or something. Yoongi-ah, take this. You'll feel better."

Yoongi accepted the potion, but raised an eyebrow. "Wings?"

"Come here for a moment," she said, helping him out of bed. He noticed just then how he was only in a pair of shorts with no shirt on. He didn't know if his contacts were in or not.

She brought him to a mirror, and he got a good look at himself. His contacts were indeed still in, but a bright red was poking through. He looked away, insecure and disappointed. The nurse gave a small, sympathetic smile before turning him around and handing him a hand held mirror.

"Hold it right.. here!" She positioned his hand to where they could see the mirror behind him. She then instructed him to look into the mirror. The sight that he saw almost made him drop the mirror. There were scars right where his supposed angel wings would be. Small feathers poked through these holes. He reached back, touching the scarred area.

"What is this?" He asked, examining them closely.

"Wings, obviously. You're in the private area of the medical wing, just so nobody would find out. We're fulfulling that wish you have of keeping this secret safe," she stated simply. He nodded, letting his arms fall to his side. He felt even more insecure about himself now. They made their way back to the bed he was in medical room he was in earlier. She left him alone to process everything, which was a lot. He even declined visitors for awhile until he heard a specific name roll off the nurse's tongue.

"Yoongi-ah, Jung Hoseok is here to see you... I can send him off if you want."

"No, let him in," Yoongi said. Jung Hoseok, his closest friend. The two knew of each other before they even entered school. The nurse nodded, and in came a red-headed boy with a small smile. He was a Cloudswell, which fit well with his personality. He was always so bubbly and kind, always having a positive outlook on life. He walked over to Yoongi, looking at him.

"I saw what happened, are you feeling any better, Yoongi?"

"Much better now that you're here," Yoongi said with a small smile. Hoseok was like a painkiller, a ray of hope in a pit of despair. Hoseok blushed a little, looking away. The boy obviously had a crush on Yoongi, but Yoongi never paid any mind, and Hoseok never confessed. This had been going on for the past three years.

"That boy, the Crowseen, he's not very nice, is he? He should be punished, but I don't know his name..." Hoseok trailed off, holding his hands together. Yoongi let out a soft laugh.

"As long as he doesn't mess with me, you, or Jeongguk, all will be swell."

"Are you serious?"

"As serious as I can be."

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