《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》1


Hundreds of students, five houses, and one school. Hummel School of Magic, where roughly 750 students attended. Some were from great and powerful backgrounds while others were quite the opposite. Every single student was assigned a house by a whimsical smoke before their first year there.

The first house, Jungvein, was filled with students who presented leadership and heartily qualities. These were friendliest and the smartest of the five houses, but they did have their downsides. Despite being leaders, they all had their different motives, good or bad. And so working on projects with multiple students from this house rarely worked out. The colors of this house were gold and purple.

The second house was called Cloudswell. Students placed in Cloudswell tended to be very creative and had an optimistic look about life. They were always bouncing around the school and speaking to someone. That speaking got them into trouble plenty of times, causing detentions and other points. Colors for Cloudswell were pink and silver.

The house that strikes fear into students, Crowseen, held students of power and secrets. These students were either close to some people or none at all. Always seen picking fights or conducting some kind of potion for their benefit and someone else's demise. Their colors included black and orange.

The fourth house, Levanter, housed the brave and athletic students. They lived to play sports and skip class to pull tricks on friends or foes. Somehow, they passed their classes. Their colors included red and blue.

The final house was called Kastler, yet was nicknamed "those who are undecided". Students in this class were powerful and different from other students. There was always something special, too special to be put in one of the four other houses, which seemed to be normal. Kastler's colors were green and white.


Let's go back in time, when a certain boy was starting his first year at Hummel. Min Yoongi, a jet-black haired boy from a powerful wizarding background. He was quiet, didn't speak to anyone on the ride to the school nor even tried to communicate. He sparked plenty of rumors, ranging from how he'd be a Crowseen or not even chose.

When they all arrived at the school, the smoke floated around them all. One by one, they stepped up and would stand still, waiting for the smoke to choose their house. Their robes would be a perfect, pure white until it would change colors into their house.

Yoongi went up, and the whole place hushed. They recognized his surname and awaited to see his house. Minutes ticked by before he felt a change. He looked down. His robes were lined with green patterns. This he had expected. He looked towards the table full of his seniors and others, who were cheering and waving him over. He slowly made his way over, finding himself a seat and watching the rest of the new students receive their houses.

It wasn't often someone would be in Kastler, usually three to nine students out of the rough seventy to hundred entering the school. They welcomed him warmly with smiles and questions. He was quiet and didn't answer any of them, too shy and tired. They understood why he didn't speak and let him be.

Now, present time, Yoongi was in the sixth year out of nine, making him sixteen. Every student stayed at the school until they were nineteen and ready for the world.

It was a chilly, cloudy fall day as he walked across the campus. His white and green scarf wrapped around him as he wore a standard hoodie with green designs and a white backdrop along with white jeans. This was the dress code. You had to match your houses colors. Silver earrings dangled from his ears, he walked with a small bounce.


Since his first day at the school, he has became known as the boy who never spoke. The only time his mouth opened or moved was during meal times or mumbling a quiet spell. Not many had heard him speak, aside from two close friends, he stayed quiet.

But that would all change today.

He headed inside to the school, bag full of his books strapped around him. He wore black-rimmed glasses and walked quickly. Students walked to classes, speaking and laughing. He walked past them, not even sparing a glance. He kept his eyes low, not bothering to look up. Not doing that simple act would cost him.

He felt something collide with his shoulder, shoving him back. He closed his eyes, sucking in a breath. It didn't hurt that much, but there was a small amount of pain. He opened his eyes, looking around to find who had ran into him.

There stood a boy, glaring at him. Behind that boy was one other. The boy was wearing a orange and black sweatshirt, indicating he was from Crowseen. Yoongi glared back up at him, showing he was not afraid. He had been through worse, of course.

"Watch where you're going, tiny!"

Yoongi grabbed the bag of his strap tightly. That last word was one thing he hated to hear. The boy looked at him, cocking his head to the side a little, getting up into Yoongi's face.

"Not speaking, eh? And you're a Kastler... disappointing."

Yoongi raised his fist, but was pulled back a little.

"Woahh now Yoongi, let's not get into any fights with the lower years now," a boy said. Jeon Jeongguk, a third year in Levanter. He held Yoongi back, who just seemed to glare at the boy. They, in turn, laughed.

"Lower years? Look at how tall he is! He must be a second year!"

Yoongi couldn't take it. He pulled out of his friends grasp, took out his wand and muttered a small spell, pointing it at the boy. Students watched from afar, awaiting what happened next. The boy, glued to the ground, looked at him in confusion.

"I don't know this spell..?"

Yoongi tsked, pocketing his wand and walking up to them. He grabbed the boy's chin, examining his features before making him look towards him.

"Know your place, fifth year," Yoongi seethed before letting him go. He walked past him, holding his head up high. He left everyone in shock.

"Wait- that boy can speak?!"

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