《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》4


Raising the back of his hand up, he knocked on the door three times. This was very well risky, considering they were close to curfew for the night. Yoongi stood there, paper in hand along with his wand. Seconds passed before the door opening, revealing the Crowseen boy.

“So you did come? Then what I said must've been true, wanna come inside?” They asked, smirking a little. Yoongi felt himself tense.

“How'd you know?” Yoongi asked, tilting his head a little. They laughed.

“Come on in, I'll explain... for a price of course.”

Yoongi hesitantly walked into the dorm, but he knew he could protect himself. He stood there awkwardly, looking around. There was a desk, filled with papers and a pair of glasses. He must've been doing work before Yoongi arrived. Next to that desk was a bookshelf, filled with books of both learning and fiction.

“Sit down,” they offered him a seat, to which Yoongi declined and just learned on the wall. The Crowseen shrugged, taking his seat at the desk reversely. He placed his head on the back of the chair, looking at Yoongi with curiosity.

“I presume you're wearing contacts?”

Yoongi looked away, nodding a little bit.

“Can you take them out? I wanna see.”

“Listen, I just wanna know how you figured it out, not be bossed around.”

They tensed, standing up a little and walking over, placing his index finger under Yoongi's chin. They lifted Yoongi's head to face his.

“You forgot who has the power right now. You obviously don't want anyone to know, so you're hiding it. Now, show those red eyes,” they said, backing away from Yoongi. The older hesitantly raised his hand up to his left eye before taking out the contact. He blinked a little, adjusting his eyes before looking at the boy.


They clapped a little, whipping out a camera and snapping a quick photo. “Hell yea! An actual Raven!”

Yoongi's eyes widened, and he put the contact back in, looking away in embarrassment. The Crowseen student was smiling, writing something down before looking at Yoongi.

“So, Yoongi, wanna know how I found out?”

Yoongi nodded.

“Well, was it yesterday? When you fell onto the ground, fainted I'll say, a black feather had dropped from under your shirt. Sure, it was an assumption, but accurate on my account, but I wonder, where did this feather come from?”

They leaned onto the chair, smirking. “Raven's aren't supposed to grow wings.”

“Shut up! Shut up shut up!” Yoongi stared at him, shaking before falling to the ground and holding himself closely. Tears streamed from down his eyes. He was ashamed of himself. He was afraid of what would happen if others found out. The Crowseen boy looked at Yoongi with a small smile.

“Every one in ten people become a Raven. Every one in three Raven's grow wings,” they said, walking over and lifting up the back of Yoongi's sweater a little. Sure enough, the scarred back with small feathers poking were there. The boy snapped a picture before tossing his camera away.

“I won't tell anyone as long as you do one thing for me.”

Yoongi froze, his breath stopping. “I don't care what it is, just don't tell anyone.”

“Let me study you. Since I arrived here, I've had a passion for learning about Raven's and what causes for them to become them. Now I have an actual Raven in front of me,” they said. Yoongi looked up at him.

“Study me..?”

“Plus, you're growing wings. I'll surely get offered high-paying jobs with the research I earn with you!”



They put a finger up. “Of course, I could tell everyone.”

Yoongi looked away, nodding and mumbling a quiet okay. The boy clapped his hands, smiling to himself. They sucked in a breath.

“Okay, so everyday you'll come here around this time. If you get caught, too bad, that's not my fault. I'll conduct tests that you'll comply to, and in return I won't tell anyone, understood?”


“Alright. Anyways, time for you to leave. My name is Kim Namjoon by the way. Also, don't expect to be friends, and if I need you during the day you better answer,” they- Namjoon- said. Yoongi was then forced out of the dorm.

He headed back to his own quietly, looking down. He felt bad and insecure. He was being used, yes, being blackmailed, but he couldn't let his secret out! He just hated himself. Why did he have to be born this way? Raven's weren't looked down onto, but his family seemed to dislike him, so why? Why did he have to be born as a Raven?

He reached his dorm, setting everything down and prepared for bed. He looked out the window, watching as the moon raised into the sky. Sighing, he flopped into bed, but not before feeling the back of his wings. They were going to get bigger, just hopefully not now.

The sound of a thunderstorm was heard in the distance, which carefully eased Yoongi into a trance, causing him to fall asleep. Rain poured down. This was only the start of the coming storm.

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