《A Raven's Craving • Namgi [✔️]》5


The next morning, Yoongi headed to breakfast as usual. He ate, didn't speak, and just looked around. His classmates stared at him curiously while eating and speaking to each other. Yoongi ignored them, yet he could still feel the burning stares all over him.

The bell rang, and he headed towards his first class. History of Magic. It wasn't his favorite, but he performed well in the class. Students gathered in, speaking and laughing with each other. Minutes passed before the bell rang and the teacher walked in, closing the door. They began the lesson, and everyone was hushed.

Classes went by, every schedule being different for everyone else. Yoongi didn't have any classes after lunch, so that gave him time to catch up on homework and other things he needed to finish. He was quiet throughout his classes this morning, like he always was.

He arrived at lunch, which usually wasn't as packed as breakfast or lunch would be. People usually got their lunch and headed somewhere else. Yoongi never really went anywhere unless if it was with his friends, and so he'd usually be seen reading during lunch or writing something down. He sat down at a table after grabbing his lunch and began to eat from his plate.

Another plate was set in front of him, and he looked up to see Namjoon standing there, looking down at him. Yoongi tensed, looking away. The taller boy sat down, taking his utensils and beginning to eat.

“Yoongi, are you not gonna say hi?”

“People are here, Namjoon, of course I'm not gonna say hi!”

“Did you already forget our agreement? If I need you, you better answer,” Namjoon said simply. Yoongi whined quietly, rolling his eyes before mumbling a quiet hi. Namjoon smiled, looking pleased. Students looked over, confused as to why the two were sitting together. Weren't they fighting just two days ago?


“So, anyways, at my dorm, seven pm, wear some light clothes and don't bring your wand. Don't think I didn't notice that, honestly I don't wanna hurt you,” Namjoon took a piece of his food. He directed his eyes towards Yoongi's and smirked. “You're a valuable piece of research to me. If you got hurt I'd loose it all.”

“I'm still bringing my wand. I don't trust you.”

“Excuse me? I-”

Yoongi pointed his pinky at him, rolling his eyes. He mimicked him. “Did you already forget our agreement-”

“Okay, I get it. I said you had to comply to the tests but not to my orders.” Namjoon ate his food while Yoongi smiled to himself. The rest of lunch for the two were silent, except the Commons were buzzing in confusion as to why the two were sitting together. Lunch ended, and everyone went their separate ways.


“Yoongi, why were you hanging out with that Crowseen at lunch today?!” Jeongguk asked. They were gathered at Yoongi's dorm, working on homework and other things before dinner.

“Oh? I didn't notice him?” Yoongi said, ask if asking a question.

“That's a fucking lie, I saw you talking to him,” Hoseok piped in. “Does this have something to do with yesterday?”

“Hobi-ah, I love you, but please it has nothing to do with yesterday. He and I just got paired up for a project... We have a similar class together, he's advanced,” Yoongi lied. Hoseok rolled his eyes, turning back to his work and continuing to write. Yoongi sighed, happy that he dodged a bullet that time. A knock sounded at the door, to which Jeongguk jumped up, smiling.

“That must be my friend. He's also a Kastler, Yoongi, you'll love him!”



Jeongguk swung the door open, and there stood a boy with a boxy smile with purple eyes. Yoongi froze, dropping his pencil. Shit. He didn't know there was a Replicator attending his school?!

A Replicator is a person who can exactly replicate someone else. Unless someone had the certain spell on them, the Replicator can change into them if they so chose to.

The boy smiled, waving a little bit. “Hello! I'm Kim Taehyung, I've known Jeongguk since grade two and I'm a Replicator!”

Yoongi quickly grabbed his wand, casting that certain spell onto him. Taehyung looked at him before taking a step back. Jeongguk looked at his friend.

“Yoongi! Tae will not replicate you! Gosh...”

“Ahh, it's fine, Guk, it happens all the time,” Taehyung said, “am I still welcomed though?”

“Of course! Come inside, pardon Yoongi's actions!” Hoseok said, standing up and guiding the boy inside. Yoongi leaned on to the wall, quiet. As the three others studied together, he studied on his own. He wasn't comfortable talking, despite this being his own dorm. He could kick them out, but he wasn't going to do that.

Time passed until it came time for dinner. The three other boys gathered their papers and books, bidding goodbye to Yoongi. Yoongi watched them leave and just sat there. He sighed, gathering himself together before grabbing his wand and heading out towards the Commons to eat.

After a couple minutes of walking around the halls, he entered the Commons and sat at his seat, taking food from the middle of the table and beginning to eat. He was quiet, but could feel stares on him once again. He looked up, meeting his peers eyes, which immediately they all looked away and started their own conversations.

Yoongi sighed. He finished his dinner before looking towards the Crowseen table, only to find Namjoon staring right back at him. He was smirking, of course. Yoongi watched him say something to his friends before standing up, laying his eyes back on Yoongi. Yoongi tensed as he watched the boy slowly make his way over to him. Quickly, Yoongi grabbed his wand. He wouldn't be seen with Namjoon. Not when the whole school is there.

Yoongi stood up from his seat, bowing and quickly turned back towards Namjoon, who was already closer than expected. During this quick action, he accidentally knocked over his chair, bringing the attention to him. He mentally screamed. He took a few steps back to match Namjoon's pace.

“Hey Yoongi-”

“Nah fuck this, I'm out,” Yoongi said. He flashed his middle finger before casting a spell and disappearing into thin air. Namjoon stood there, bewildered but smirking. So the boy was scared, but of what? He rolled his eyes. He'd get the answers tonight.


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